General Discussion

General Discussiontread swapping on PL

tread swapping on PL in General Discussion

    which order of tread swapping is better

    this is what i currently do
    1. int treads
    2. cast lance
    3. change to agi while spirit lance is still a projectile so that lance illusion and all juxta illusions spawned from lance illusion have agi treads
    4. cast doppelwalk on agi treads and lose more mana


    1. int treads
    2. cast lance
    3. cast doppel on int to save mana, all illusions are int tread illusions, making me lose dps.


      Always switch to int treads the mana is more important b/c pl's spells cost so much
      i would keep treads on str because pl has naturally low str and high agility, the dmg is miniscule- roughly 2.5 extra dps


        i actually use soul ring, i can use lance to force the opponent out of lane or farm quicker, and doppelwalking between camps also lets me farm faster.

        the stats of the treads do make a difference when illusions spawned are based on the treads of the PL that spawned it,


          Personally I like casting with int->str before it lands->agi while farming. This way you get 1 "tanky" illusion and the rest(which will more likely be spawned by you, not the illusion) will have that higher dps.

          Quick maffs

            I dont think it matters man

            Your illusion gets 2 damage

            2, if you have 10 illusions you would get 20

            like .....


              Meh, i think the damage increase is negligible. I'd say conserving mana is more important.


                just rofl.
                switch pt int before spell, thats it, no need to fuckin think about agi on illu or w/e pls get real jesus fuckn christ


                  no thats the wrong way to do it dude, this is how to tread switch:

                  - have io tether to you and relocate base, when you're about to teleport, tread switch to int and cast lance
                  - in base spam buy wraith bands and switch treads to agi
                  - when lance lands sell wraith bands
                  - ez


                    GET BOoTS OF TRAVEL


                      never ran out of mana if you build soul ring lelelelel


                        @regulator: That's some next level shit.

                        My dawg

                          doesnt matter cuz u cant last hit anyways


                            what nova said


                              There's something better, don't waste 950 into tread


                                it's alr beyond expectations if you switch to int treads to use mana more efficiently. switching back to agi mid lance is srsly next level

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