General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm the best on 3,6k FUCKING TRASH PEOPLE RUINING MY GAMES

I'm the best on 3,6k FUCKING TRASH PEOPLE RUINING MY GAMES in General Discussion

    I'm the Pa, my team lost a teamfight 4v5 in the enemy base, the enemys come to my ancient, i was alone, i was killed, they can do nothing to protect ancient=gg

    And i should be in 2k you said

    The exp was +20000 exp for dire and they lost the fucking game.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      always remind ur team about BB after 35-40 minute. helps me a lot!

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        So sad game

        Ples Mercy

          Nice 40% winrate bro, uninstall you shit


            Lowliepop, Eggs.

            Please unleash your hammer.


              33% wr on pa...with 22 games... never doubt the rat..dude.

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                3.6k the new 3.3k the new elo hell, lol. If people keep smurfing it'll be possible for top players to hit 8k mmr or 10k mmr.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  you're not 3.6k lol


                    nobody can be this retarded i call troll

                    King of Low Prio

                      People can surprise you

                      Bot (Passive)

                        still smarter than most americans

                        King of Low Prio

                          'still smarter than most americans'


                          Quick maffs

                            Please, dont say americans, NORTH americans

                            If you correct that i will agree

                            King of Low Prio

                              plz dont group USA with Canada

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              Quick maffs

                                They lied to me, they told me canadians were nice people, and for some reason i did believe it.

                                Then i met you Sampson ......

                                Since them i dont believe anything people tells me about Canada

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  You belong to us. We just have you in reserve in case we need something to invade.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    U have the middle east to deal with, you know weapons of mass destruction, freedom etc.


                                      Canada produces probably the shittiest music that's managed to get exported in the history of ever.

                                      Say, did this topic become yet another "post some random offtopic shit* one?

                                      If so, TROLL ON.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        You are the ones who keep paying them. If you guys stopped giving them money they would not have a career :P


                                          ^ You are assuming people down here even have money to spend on shitty stuff...hmm, that sounded a lot better in my head. Fuck it.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            I would never live in a place like canada, it must be fucking depresing to have to deal with the cold the entire, fucking, year

                                            I mean, look how that shit affected Sampson ...

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              it was +31 today I wish it was cold -_-

                                              Low Expectations

                                                Stop posting you trashan, if you cant carry your team lategame its ur fuking fault, for the first and hopefully last time ever I will say: Listen to Blunt


                                                  How many smurfs does this guy have holy crap. Wherever this guy is there must be a shortage of meth, red bull and monster energy drinks holy fucking shit.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Offtopic: If all ramdon deathmatch told me anything, is that drums midas and sangue and yasha are the best items in this videogame

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      on topic though its not unusual comebacks do happen a lot in dota. In equal games(such as yours )often the winning team is deciided by a teamfight. This also happens in pro games.

                                                      also the only constant that I see in your games is you. That should say something about your skill level. You could come and whine about trash teammates if you lost the game in like 18 mins(when a hard carry like PA can't shine). But since the game most likely lasted 40-50 mins you could've carried no problem. So in the end you lost because you couldn't do your job properly. Playing carry(and esp an unreliable carry like PA) requires not only perfect last hitting but also good decision making.


                                                        Dorkly, don't forget Dagons. They always win weird dota mods.

                                                        Low Expectations

                                                          On topic: canada is doing great in the world cup, oh wait

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            Canada does not groom any of their soccer/football players so they dont even bother. It is a national joke -_-

                                                            आप गे क्यों

                                                              Holy shit sampson is Canadian?
                                                              Nationalism is a lie, i would have swore he was a red neck

                                                              I mean that in the best of intentions, /add butterflies and hearts


                                                                Guys, X6 was not PA in that game. I looked up every match on his dotabuff profile. I can't find the match he posted screenshot of.

                                                                This also explains why he erased name of players.

                                                                @X6, you smurfers, please uninstall dota.

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                  That's because X6 is the smurf of the guy who plays the PA


                                                                    @Knight Of End, oh ok, I see.

                                                                    Such smurfers should still uninstall dota. I've had smurfers ruining my game many times. Even if I won due to a smurf in my account, I still call it ruining game.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      @Hearts Get Together
                                                                      born and raised in Bermuda :)



                                                                        mmm, a bit difficult to find


                                                                          Don't cry my friend, in my hird game i was on high skill, so u can't play with me and ruin my games playing your proheros.


                                                                            Soul Ring on Kotl very wp gg Yeah bb.
                                                                            I'm sure, the smurfers ruin your games

                                                                            A ))

                                                                              2 accounts, both shit. wp.


                                                                                please stop making useless posts, thank you..


                                                                                  @X6, you judging my build by looking at 1v1 solo matches which is called "practice"? Sucks that I mostly lose 1v1 solo practices and win normal matches. For you, it must be opposite? :P


                                                                                    ''You are not on 3.6''
                                                                                    Every gae i add the players to see more or less where i am, and after ths game the 2 players wh added me was on 3.55 and 3.67