General Discussion

General DiscussionESL discussion thread

ESL discussion thread in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    This amount of rat is killing me


      666 lasthits on bulldog 65 mins in lmao

      Quick maffs

        This game is a joke

        i left her

          holy shit man its an 80 min game




              Once you go rat, you never go back. -ADOG


                envy crying on a stream :D

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  bone7 had a very big lack of damage.


                    well if he didint missed lasthits in empty lane

                    he probably would have had more items

                    i was looking at him early game he missed like every single lasthit in 2 creepwaves straight thats like 400+ gold


                      Obviously lot of emotions in this. Pretty sure eesama works very hard..

                      Discussed with Bogi during the game and neither of us really agreed with Bone7s item decisions.
                      What did the satanic actually do this game? Aswell as all the casual items he bought.

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                        i lost it when both WK and Void were stuck in the trees watching the fight stupidly, then jumped in to join the fight at the same time....


                        Satanic was to deal with WK. WK is a core that specializes in countering heroes reliant on big ultimates like Void and Enigma, and Satanic theoretically gives him the sustain to go toe-to-toe with him, since that game Void didn't really need much DPS to kill targets in Chrono (Puck, Prophet, Wisp etc are all fairly squishy)

                        Still, was weird he had 3-4 uncompleted items consistently, unfinished mael, casual crystalys and value Talisman of Evasion.

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                        Quick maffs

                          I give up, I FUCKING GIVE UP

                          I am sorry but c9 cant win shit, wish sing went full time streamer or something



                              that pat on the back by loda tho


                                S A D
                                B O Y S

                                S A D
                                G I R L S

                                I N
                                E E S A M A
                                W E
                                T R U S T

                                A T
                                T I 4
                                T H E
                                G O D
                                I S
                                S T R O N G

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Dorkly suddenly lost all his hope. Dude they held out a lot longer than they should have.


                                    dat rat

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                                    King of Low Prio

                                      what a little bitch



                                          Even though envy is my fucking favourite, I hope alliance wins TI. I hope they do this whole international, I hope they wreck chinese with same strat as last year. Fucking love them. Swedish geniuses

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            Fantastic game, one of the best bulldog games ever probably. I still think c9 could win this if EE and bone7 went more classic items. Like what was skady doing really for mirana at 30 min. or so. If Mira went fast mkb and bkb she could do much more dps and fights could be much easier. Also finishing Satanic before finishing Mjolnir on Void is out of mind also selling early midas. At 40 min. or smth to have evasion,crystalis and mealstorm 3 un-finished items. I don`t know.. I think if Void just made fucking fast mjolnir,bkb and dedalus could be easy win for c9 boys.

                                            Quick maffs



                                                EE-SAMA crying sad boys so sad.


                                                  The skadi helped out quite a lot actually. Void should have gone refresher or something since he didn't really need more damage.


                                                    Rat dota is back for Ti 4. Absolutely worst thing to watch as a spectator. Potentially long and boring minutes of passive late game where nothing is happening until one team feels like they can push out / break base.


                                                      If the matches are as action packed as this one then I'm perfectly fine with it. If you're constantly looking to gank and take buildings wihle you split push the game won't feel passive.


                                                        Aww fk no navi tears today.

                                                        Kick pld win ti4


                                                          DICKS = OUT


                                                            B O Y S = S A D

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              MASON = DENIED


                                                                na'vi plz

                                                                i left her

                                                                  ez 2.98 keys

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    HOLY SHIT PUPPEH WHAT A PLAYA.



                                                                      its 4AM AND IM SCREAMING

                                                                      i left her

                                                                        HOLY SHIT MAN NICE GAME


                                                                          Of course navi throw another game away... I don't think I can support them any more jfc

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Terrible decision making by Na'Vi. The way they took the fights was totally horrible and XBOCT didn't respect the amount of damage and disable EG had.


                                                                              I think I counted at least two opportunities in which XBOCT could have manta+blink away but didn't, might just be the observer effect though


                                                                                i question getting heart over bkb... the amount of lockdown he was facing was too much for a mere "manta and pray"

                                                                                ^ yeah the first death at bottom rax was thanks to not manta-ing wk's stun in time

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                i left her

                                                                                  natural order and tony combos man. and xboct so yolo even when eg had disables


                                                                                    I think just before the last fight in bottom lane I just saw XBOCT sit there while eg were moving towards him, he tanked an avalanche and some other stuff before even deciding to run

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      yh, xboct...

                                                                                      We all know Na'Vi is saving their imba Bloodseeker strats until TI4, LOLS. You'll be impressed, just wait.

                                                                                      Y O U
                                                                                      K N O W
                                                                                      T H E Y
                                                                                      C A N


                                                                                        I agree xboct definetly understimate power of natural order and disables that EG had. But furion could rat top after bb. I mean, in both games, funnik got furion, he had to face agaisnt storm who can solo him. He had very little impact. But whatever, didnt expect from navi to pass EG either way.

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                        i left her

                                                                                          ^ ez 2.98 keys

                                                                                          ig pls dont fail my 4 keys


                                                                                            xboct needed to replace his bfury with a bkb and maybe get something else than a manta. #4

                                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                              clown 9 = NA pub stars! How about beating NAR`VI first.


                                                                                                Well iG convincingly destroyed alliance, i wonder if EG/Fnatic can stand up to iG in the finals, they look so strong


                                                                                                  Trixi needs to retire.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    PPDs drafting is ssoo good, baiting that meepo sooo hard


                                                                                                      PPD master baiter confirmed