General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaystyle between South Americans and Northamericans

Playstyle between South Americans and Northamericans in General Discussion

    Why does the south has the most erratic players? Say for example peruvians, you are laning with one, and he wants to play aggresive on the safelane, you would rather farm seeing you are not getting the kill and he gets upset, calls you noob/mutes you. Or they also say 'gg noob x'' ''end pls'' endfast''.

    Why is the attitude from latins so bad? Does it have to do with them being a third world country and being less civilized?

    Say, an american/european player, dont tend to be as erratic and unforgiving for mistakes, they might insult you yea but they dont throw the game, they actually care about the game.

    Why are SAs so aggresive?

      Latin american countries tend to have high homicide rates, might be a correlation with their attitude when playing dota.


        South Americans don't use their minimap and play like they turned on the special view mode (I key), so they play as if it's smite except they're blind.

        Sugar Show

          Never buy their own sentrie/ward early for not get ganked.


            Its about their attitude, i mean their attitude is so damn negative.


              As a South American myself, I'll let you on the reason.

              Down here and as far as I know, specially in Peru, there are maaaaany cheap Internet places (not really Cafés). Some of them exclusively for gaming. Guess which kind of people frequent these cheap places the most?


                I've played hundred of games where americans treated me like trash because of my accent and I ended up carrying the team. I've been carried for a russian/southamerican countless times as well.
                Being a cunt has nothing to do with nationality.


                  I think it has more to do with just ascribing the worst to people who can't explain themselves. Everyone fucks up, but if they speak english they can explain, "Lag" or "I thought you were coming with me" or "I didn't realize X was there." It's w/e.

                  I speak a tiny bit of Spanish (enough to explain my Spanish is terrible) so I usually manage to coordinate pretty decently when I run into a Latin 3-stack. They coordinate within themselves well enough and then I just run to wherever the pings are and figure it out. It's when you run into solo/dual that you have the problem - there's not enough group cooperation inside the language-exclusive group to dominate the game. But shit, that's the same problems I get when two American retards pick KotL/PL and lose lane to random solo offlaners.

                  tl;dr: Language barrier just makes existing problems more obvious, ppl of all nationalities suck equally


                    A kill is worth around 1 mins of perfect farming in the early game. If you can get one, then go for it. You might be the idiot one not getting the easy kill. Anyway didn,t see the game but keep that in mind.


                      rofl there are lots of NA teenagers who keep yelling at their microphones during a 60min game because u missed one last hit. i may assume that americans are very intolerant people then


                        Yea, people from all around the world can flame, but comparing SAs And NAs, south americans have a higher rate of flaming you and throwing the game. I can talk by experience that every times someone flames/throws a game, it happens to be latins who do so.


                          I can talk by experience as well that whenever someone flames/throws a game (normally in the enemy team, because I rarely encounter people who throw games in my teams), it happens to be an angry american. Latins in my games, from experience just flame and sometimes suck or make retarded choices which cost the game from a point early enough into the game where you can't really call it throwing because the game wasn't being won in the first place, but so far, only north americans have deliberately thrown a game that they could have won if they didn't get into a whiny fit.

                          Also, there is the whole confirmation bias issue that seems to be affecting you.


                            im BR. from my experience the one that throws the most are NA, south americans in general are just genuinely bad, they have no clue what they're doing but thats not their fault, they are not ruining it on purpose like NAs.


                              Of all the south americans ive seen (the ones who talk, at least), only one has ever not said puta madre ctm or mierrrrrrrrda.

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