General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all rather decent 4k players out there!

To all rather decent 4k players out there! in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    So basicly i was playing in the 3k range to get some examples on how to win games despite ur team not being that great, but after i saw DD sama's matches and some of the posts of 4k players being very upset about retarded people i decided to play my account till 4k to see if people are just whining retards or that there is something to it. Suprinsingly i came across some of the worst players i've seen in a very long time. And even though i won, i still asked myself 'what if i acually were a 4k player and were stuck in that range, would i be mad?'. I've seen people like Bogi, guiri or dd sama (no offence but that furion & wisp, still love u <3 ) play and asked

    And the answer to all this: hell even when i easily win the fucking game i get mad as shit because of all the brainfart i witnessed.

    Seriously, i wouldn't ever know how give people advice to overcome that shit unless playing like a god.

    To all of you decent 4k players out there, i hope the brainfart will not be with you and that you will somehow get to 5k and with that escape hell. Carry hard and tryhard as much as possible!

    For those who are acually interested in the brainfart i had to deal with:

    If you watch these replays, then always think of. 'This is 4k MMR'.

    Why is that ranged fucked up? Well i've noticed that especially in the starting 4k range, the amount of people with a 'TBD' Rating is extremely high, i guess that valve puts a guy (smurf account) who stomped scrubs in that range to test if they can acually stand up to higher players, once getting carried or a simple loss which still kepps them in range to create the socalled 'ELO Hell', it acually exists. Valve's smurf detection creating ELO Hell.


      Just a little heads up, no one knows who you are in those games.

      Also, youve never seen me play.

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      bum farto

        While I disagree with experiments an such Swiftending did put the bracket down very well.


        Summary: 4017 - 4509 within 29 games (24-5, 83% win rate), some minor upsets but nothing drastical. I'm really starting to dislike this rating range because people are defeatist, egotistical, they think they're very good at the game and try to tutor everybody else (why do they all think they're smarter than the other people at their rating, sigh), they whine and cry from beginning, try to force their item choices and opinions onto others (which are wrong most of the time) and generally are their own worst enemy and the reason they sit there. Games are generally unenjoyable, everybody seems to be fed up with dota here and while people can get annoying at higher ratings I can assure you it's nothing close to this. People who random heroes are generally -1 in the team as they won't repick even something that they can't play (earth spirit from my slark game) and then will just proceed to feed and be useless all game long. People also tend to tunnel vision a lot and die before using their spells or in extremely dumb ways, laning and farming ability slowly starts to get decent, however game sense is still low.


          Agree on this!

          So many whiners throw game at start by picking retarded, if they are not happy with what team picked. Going afk, whining, raging. I just instamute then and proceed to gain my mmr. Once i stopped flaming I went from 3.5k to 4.2k, steadily moving up. I was so busy "teaching" my mates what to do, that i got upset, lost focus, made mistakes, lowered apm etc.

          My oppinion so far is, that above a certain point of knowledge and mechanics, many players hold themself back with their bad attitude.


            I'm quite bossy by nature, whenever I play with my friends I always make the shots and they listen to me. When I'm in a pub, of course people say stfu noob and tell me I don't know what I'm doing.

            I'm 4.5k solo and 5.3k party. I need to learn to shut my mouth in solos.


              TL:DR blunt best doto everyone else is shit


                I know my wisp is fuckin horrible =)

                edit: 230 away from 5k now, glhf

                you'll come by bad games in any mmr, thought u knew that

                Цей коментар був відредагований
                ICE SKULL

                  how do you go up in party mmr

                  for me its+5 and -50


                    Ingen som er på deres nivå.

                    -The hard life being for god


                      you dont 5 man stack, thats how.

                      bum farto

                        @dangdang are you doing better party or solo?


                          your wisp sucks :D


                            Decent 4k players is an oxymoron.



                              Hmm.. I don't stack very often anymore. I used to have a lot of friends I stacked with generally, but after time I lost a lot of them cause of communication issues (etc). Also I need to clean up my steam list soon cause of the amount of people that's there. I forget who's who.

                              There was a time where I stacked a lot playing Nature, and during this period I had close to 100% nature prophet. Now as I more or less only solo q, I lose most of my game with this hero.

                              I cant tell if my party or solo is doing better as I don't really party a lot.

                              Edit: Owh, I probably answered the question wrong.

                              I'd assume I play better in party. Probably not in a 5stack, but in a 3stack or something. (was that the right answer?)

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              bum farto

                                There are plenty of decent/very good 4k players but you're generalizing across a skill range that is bigger than the rest.

                                Take for instance the different between a 3K and a 3.5K and other skill brackets, whereas the difference between a 4.1K and a 4.6K can actually be quite a step.