General Discussion

General DiscussionEra going to TI4

Era going to TI4 in General Discussion

    but era is crazy and dumb in the head... thats just stupid fuck era

    Quick maffs

      Yeah i woudnt bet my rares on Fnatic.



        but still hard to win on bets at ti :D
        teams so even this time

        edit: i think ill go with eg though and iG :D ive been betting on iG each time they win against dk/newbee xd

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          So Smart




              excalibur seems good and everything but is it really worth them bringing him along as a coach? seems kinda random to me


                think a bit dude
                they bring him in case era goes apeshit (hope it happens :D) and in that case fnatic will (cause of the spectators :D) be allowed to play with excalibur instead :)

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                Quick maffs

                  ^Nop i am pretty sure that valve would kick them if Era cant play


                    That team relies on team unity. Don't see this going well for them.

                    Quick maffs

                      ^Yep i dont see this is going to work well for fnatic


                        So they are faking era's medical problem?


                          Psychological anxiety is a sign that he has low emotional intelligence, still not valid reason compared to fear's injury.

                          Flat is Justice!

                            they realised how good xcaliur was compared to era, plus era abandoned them last minute b4 the summit

                            well expect era to kicked out of ti4 unless they are top 4

                            EDIT:they beat both dk and vg @ the summit without any practice among the 5 of them

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                            Ape Prime

                              Why don't they just kick era and sign Excalibur as their official member?

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Because they have been friends for about 5 years now? You can't kick him just because he can't attend a tournament.


                                  lol first of all they already kicked him... valve forced them to play with him ^^ they arent alowed to change to exalib.
                                  And Psy-anxiety does not mean you have low emo int.


                                    Because of what Sam said and Valve invites the five specific players to play. Icefrog invited fly era notail hanni and trixi to play for fnatic, but those are the players.

                                    Basically they dont care about teas and stuff, tjey care about those 5 players playing side by side


                                      They never kicked him he is still signed on a contract which is yet to expire.


                                        If they said something like "if Era can't play, fnatic won't play," I would have really respected them. They came that far as a team and giving up a $10 mil tournament for a friend? Holy shit thats a whole new level of feels.

                                        But nope, it was more like 'valve, era has problems so let us swap xcali in".


                                          I was quoting Era.



                                            You are talking like a little kid. Dota is their job, not their fucking hobby. The TI is actually the only tournament, where you can make a big chunk of money. 80 K USD on ESL for 1. place sounds nice.

                                            Now divided through 5, and it makes 16k per player. You have to take away money for hotels and travel for IG. A flight from china costs arround 1,5K. So you have 14,5K left. You have to take away money for managment etc. So lets say you have 12k left.

                                            Then you have to pay taxes and insurance. Take away 50%.

                                            6 K left. Sounds nice for one Weekend. But ESL is only 1 time a year. Winning a big tournament like ESL grants you 500 Dollars per Month. You have to win 4 Big Tournaments in the ESL Kategorie to make 2 K per Month. Lets say you have sponsors, and you stream. Making it to 3k per month, if you are REALLY fucking sucessfull. If you only make the 2. place in every tournament, beside TI, what would be still great, you would make 1.5k per month.

                                            Progamers play like 14 Hours per day, so its a pretty shitty wage. If I put the same time in a worthy academic career (law, engineering, medicine, chemistry), I will make 5 K per month from the start on, going into millions per year, if I put myself through what it costs.


                                            Watch free to play.

                                            Progaming is a job, and its a fucking hard job. You only get paid if you win.

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                                              Please stop overreacting.

                                              Isn't it obvious that one can infer from my comment that it would be a huge and selfless thing if they gave up TI4 for him? Can you not subsequently interpret this as I understand one does not normally do such a thing.

                                              I don't think its beneath them to push forward with TI4 but I do thing it would have been amazing if they did something like giving it up and aiming for next year instead.


                                                That would be amazing dumb. They are first at all collegues, that share a buisness together (Fnatic Dota2), not friends. Its easy to suggest ideas like that, sitting at your desk in your room, with a full fridge provided my mommy and daddy. Go out and work for your own living, and then i want to see how much you rate "friendship". Friendship does not pay bills.


                                                  It's ok that you're young bro. :)


                                                    im not sure if they are so poorly paid. they have sponsors and shit that probably pay more than 1k/month. The scenario back in 2011 was so different from now. Every top tier team plays like 4-5 minor tournaments (with 5k prize for example) at the same time. By that they would get atleast 2k per month of they dodnt give a shit for it. I would say they get atleast 5k month in West, though i believe its way more


                                                      im not sure if they are so poorly paid. they have sponsors and shit that probably pay more than 1k/month. The scenario back in 2011 was so different from now. Every top tier team plays like 4-5 minor tournaments (with 5k prize for example) at the same time. By that they would get atleast 2k per month of they dodnt give a shit for it. I would say they get atleast 5k month in West, though i believe its way more


                                                        I do not think, that sponsors pay them so much. Why would they? Who wants to sponsor some nerds. Hyper X? How much more can they sell if Loda wears their Logo on his T-Shirt? Or Monster? They can give him like 300 Bucks and he would do it. Its the economy. Why would you pay someone 1k for something, he would also do for 250? The envy post is 1.5 years old, so its not 2011.

                                                        I would rly doubt, that in the western scene only the TI winners or high placed teams make 5k per month. I calculated winning 4 Big tournaments a year + 1k per month for streaming and sponsors. This way you get up to 3k. Many pros do not stream, so they are less viable to get money from sponsors.

                                                        With 3 K for the Top players per Month I allready calculated it very generously. TI is a whole different story. Last year alliance made 1.4 Million. So take away 50% (taxes, dota is a job, you have to pay your taxes). Makes 700k. Makes 140 K for one year. Thats a really good salary. Put the other 36 K on Top of it, and they made 176 K. Thats 14k per month.

                                                        For 5 players this came true.

                                                        There are 7 Million players out there. If you just manage to get in the top 10% of the law exams in germany, wich is like the best 1500 out of 15000, you can make a salary of 130k EUROS (not dollar) per month at the beginning of your career. Compared to be a dota pro, its fucking easy.

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                                                          I think his health will only further deteriorate from this.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            I dont give a fuck, if cant get 10 million dollars because of my friend i will just say goodbye to him.

                                                            And if in any moment any of my friends cant get so much money because of me i would just sit back and support him, like 9v1 is saying this is too much money to be thinking about bullshits like that.


                                                              Like I said, you're overreacting...

                                                              I don't exactly like the way you're phrasing the shit you're spewing. Its like saying people do charity and voluntary work are dumb because its not profitable. I'm not labelling them as cruel or heartless. I'm just saying it would be cool if they withdrew purely for Era.

                                                              Off topic, I do pay for my own school fees and house bills through bursaries and part time work. So please, quit it with your ego and assumptions.

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                @Krptnyt, if just travelling caused such sever anxiety attacks, what do you think will happen on a stage like TI4??

                                                                Hopefully nothing happens to him tho.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  "Progamers play like 14 Hours per day, so its a pretty shitty wage. If I put the same time in a worthy academic career (law, engineering, medicine, chemistry), I will make 5 K per month from the start on, going into millions per year, if I put myself through what it costs."

                                                                  Lol you won't ever make millions as any of those unless you become an entrepreneur and start your own company, or become a brain surgeon in medicine, but then are you really an engineer any more? Are bill gates and mark zukerburg engineers or businessmen/entrepreneurs?

                                                                  You're right though, 5k a month is pretty normal starting pay for engineering fields.

                                                                  It doesn't really surprise me that the guy has anxiety. Firs these guys are probably anti social nerds to begin with, I mean what kind of people are really attracted to pro gaming? Gaming that much puts a big cramp on human interaction even if you weren't predisposed to that in the first place.

                                                                  Second they're quite young to be thrown onto a huge stage with very little management. It's not like the NBA where these 19 year old kids have tons of handlers and a real pro league to help them stay afloat.

                                                                  Third the job has to be extremely stressful. Like you said, long hours, low pay. Then your family is probably why the hell are you doing this instead of just going to school or getting a job? I'll bet there's a lot of external pressures.


                                                                    Thats not charity. Dota is not their hobby, and they are not friends. You confuse the thing you do (playing dota in your freetime), with the things they do, treating dota 2 as a job.

                                                                    It would not be cool, it would be extremly dumb. The key lies in the relation of effort I have to put in into something, to make a logical judgement. Charity costs me like 5-7 Hours per Week.

                                                                    If you spend all your money on charity, so that you have nothing to pay your own bills, its not cool. Its called dumb. We have two different words to describe this.

                                                                    Not competing at TI 4, cause VALVE just want make sure their Rules work (ok they did not do it for EG, wich is kinda unfair, too), would be dumb.

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      "You're right though, 5k a month is pretty normal starting pay for engineering fields."

                                                                      If you mean Euros you coudnt be more wrong but i guess you mean dollars.

                                                                      Anyway here in Spain and Europe in usually 2,5k-3k Euros.

                                                                      "going into millions per year, if I put myself through what it costs."

                                                                      LOL i cant stop laughing


                                                                        You are forgetting about minor tournaments, its like 3 or 4 small ones running simultaneously. Also, rhey are paid to use the mouse they use, to use the keyboard they use, to use the graphic card they use, etc. Top tier players (fnatic is one of top teams) surely get more than 5k a month between sponsors and prizes

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          "If you spend all your money on charity, so that you have nothing to pay your own bills, its not cool. Its called dumb. We have two different words to describe this."

                                                                          Ok search another example because this one is just dumb, some people actually do that and they dedicate all their life to it so this is not really a good example.



                                                                            In Germany a medical superintendent can easily make millions per year. Same goes for Lawyers in big law firms. A Seniorpartner in a big law firm like Freshfields or White&Case makes 1-3 Million per year. They pay 100-140 K starting salaries. A Chemist starts with 60-70k per year.

                                                                            Investmentbankers start with 100k, and make it into millions. There are several fields out there, where you can make big money. Just be good enough.


                                                                            If you give away so much, that you can't pay your own bills, its simply not smart. You can give something to charity and do social stuff AND live a decent life.

                                                                            You live in spain. 40% unemploymentrate for the under 25 year olds. Your economy is fucked up. I am not talking about the average doctor or the average lawyer. I'm talking about the top tier of the profession.

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              Like this is pretty simple, if they play with Era they have less chances to win because they didnt practice with him and because he could have health problems in the middle of a fucking game, its just too big of a risk.

                                                                              Even if they are really close friends man it has nothing to do with risking the change of getting a lot of money.


                                                                                I hope he is fully healthy for this. seems like a last resort thingmajig


                                                                                  I study law and atleast here in Brazil a lswyer starting his career gets like 800 dollars per month if he is not in a big company (itd rare for them to hire newcommers).

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    "If you give away so much, that you can't pay your own bills, its simply not smart. You can give something to charity and do social stuff AND live a decent life."

                                                                                    You realize you just called all the voluntaries in Africa dumb people right ? Some people give all they have to charity, i know you dont get why someone would do that, but you have to respect people decisions

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Btw unless you are a genius or you have luck ( actually you need BOTH ) you aint making that much money my friend in anything you posted there.


                                                                                        You're confused over some things.

                                                                                        Its not despicable to player swap. It might seem harsh to Era for some but they're professionals. It is however, amazing and selfless if they gave it all up for the sake of friendship which you seem to have a rather pessimistic and 'realist' view about.

                                                                                        It is despicable that you knowingly allow your friend to participate in something that has a high chance of causing harm to his health.

                                                                                        It is not dumb to dedicate your lives to charity like some people have. It is respectable that they can place others before themselves.


                                                                                          Well I can maybe only speak for myself, but with 2 good law examens (we have to take 2 in Germany) and a phd, and another LL.M., you start with 100-140 K Euro per year.

                                                                                          I would not consider myself a genius, neither the other law clerks I know, who could reach for this carrierpath. You just have to work some years really hard. I know several 27-35 year olds, who make 100k+ p.a. If you stay on this careertrack, it will become more and more. Thats part of the buisness. Not easy, but still easy compared to winning ti.


                                                                                            Again: Dota 2 Team =/= Friends

                                                                                            Maybe they are friends, but in the first place, they are a team. A company, that sells a product: Entertainment.


                                                                                              There are so many different kind of dogs in the world. And No, i dont have ALL OF THEM inside my room. Im not saying they would not fit? If i draw the dogs on a paper i can stack the papers perhaps 100-1000 times per m2. And trust me I can see the future in dog drawing imagine world war 3.

                                                                                              On topic I have dogs that i have drawed on paper and also Inside of my comp (not actually dogs but cats that look like dogs)


                                                                                                Dendi for example makes more than 100k a year which is just fine


                                                                                                  Dendi is the most popular player on this planet. I would love to see esports beeing a big thing, a realistic career path, just like other sports. But today I would not recommend anyone to try it. Chances to fail are way too big. Put the same effort in your studies (not Art or History), and you will be better of. Nice house, car etc.


                                                                                                    Yea its far from ideal but it may pay your bills. Like, kuroky bought his parents a new big house just with money earned from dota. If someone plans to persue a professional gaming career id tell them to go to China or korea if its starcraft

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      "Not easy, but still easy compared to winning ti."

                                                                                                      Agree, but its not about what is more easy, its about what is more risky, if you have a carrer even if you are mediocre or so you still do a good ( acceptable ) amount of money, if you drop everything to become a pro player, well my friend good luck on that.

                                                                                                      I think the ones who work/study and the same time are playing on a pro team are the smater ones in relation to their own future.

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