General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus in competitive play

Zeus in competitive play in General Discussion

    I'm curious if anyone has the answer...why isn't Zeus utilized in competitive play? I mean, he's like bottom tier in terms of picks/bans(11 times last month). He's pretty much the magic answer to tanky teams(like the teams we saw in Liquid vs MVP Phoenix today). You don't really need any items(bottle+veil is more than enough), or hell even levels beyond 7(if you go an abnormal build). 11% current health that's only reduced by Magic Resistance instead of armor seems to be a pretty powerful counter when you're dealing with teams that are rocking 3.4k+ health, with 23+ armor, and a dazzle on their team. Pipe would only prevent the damage from the first cast(excluding the target holding the pipe). The only thing I can think of is that he's not the tankiest or his poor attack animation(which shouldn't really be a factor?)? I dunno...anyone have insight? Maybe it's something obvious that I'm missing here...bkbs? Forcing the entire team to get bkbs just to deal with you could also be seen as a win...

    Q->W->Q->R->Q = 35% after base resistance and before the individual damage numbers...


      ^ he needs mid and has zero escapes or disables basically.

      Skywraith is also a magic nuker that needs levels, but he has a silence and slow.

      SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

        he can't really contest the other mid's farm

        if u put a zeus mid against something like TA/Viper/even "mid tier" mids like Storm/Invoker, it's a free farm lane for the other mid.

        yes he's a great hero due to his passive + damage output but the tradeoff is having to spam q to get last hits/not being able to deny

        if u have a team built around him (aa/furion/spec are all good) he'll usually wreck face though

        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

          Build a pipe which is almost built in every competitive game and Zues does nothing. He has low HP and will get slaughtered by any pro team. He is a pub hero.




              "Build a pipe which is almost built in every competitive game and Zues does nothing."
              In the game I was talking about some of the heroes reached ballpark of 3.7k health, 11% of that is 407, reduced to 305.25. Pipe stops 400. So basically it would prevent one skill, unless that 3.7k health pool was also carrying the pipe them self(somehow...), still 213.675 then(a.k.a. 2 spells would pop it, or just one max level w). I can accept the other reasons, but I was talking of using it against a specific lineup and that rebuttal is not good enough.

              "^ he needs mid"
              I wouldn't say he NEEDS mid. I've done......ok in a solo offlane position. I mean chain lightning can be used from pretty far beyond most heroes' attack and cast ranges(850+500).

              "he can't really contest the other mid's farm

              If u put a zeus mid against something like TA/Viper/even 'mid tier' mids like Storm/Invoker, it's a free farm lane for the other mid. "
              mm...yea, but the q+e only takes a couple taps to start making the other mid get into quite an interesting position. And in this day and age of roaming supports(which he could sort of be, though the lockdown would need to be in the lanes rather than on the roamer), they would love to be able to go on someone in mid that's already at 50-70% after you score 2-3 lh.

              Also at the end of the day he can even halfway jungle through the use of q+e spam on a large/small camp stack.

              I dunno, maybe I just feel he's rather underrated and people don't experiment enough with him.

              Ples Mercy

                Because the current meta doesn't allow it. For some fucked up reasons people don't pick OP heroes because of the meta. Zeus is extremely strong and could rek alot, dendi said so himself.


                  Shamely i just got rekt by zeus as invoker
                  First time QW invoker, should've played with bot first :(


                    because of smoke

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Expect to see everything at TI4.


                        Rather don't expect anything. This way you won't be depressed if you don't get to see something you'd like to see :|

                        Ples Mercy

                          2-3 times lightning bolt, u can't stay in lane no more.

                          U won't ever win against zeus mid.


                            Really? hmm then if they pick zeus what should i do?
                            Just play safe?