General Discussion

General DiscussionSingle hero spam...

Single hero spam... in General Discussion

    I started spamming PA...
    I play her on any lane, didn't try mid yet but I prefer offlane.

    My goal is to come back to 4k mmr solo... (used to have it but then daily hero challenge arrived...)


      51% winrate so every 100 games 25 points, ok ez mmr

      Quick maffs

        Spam necro

        Miku Plays

          Let me join you spamming one hero :3


            51% over 100 game is +50 mmr


              51*25-49*25 shiet ure right


                I just started.

                I just played a game when on mid, 13 0 9.

                My current winrate is 8/3 so shut up about 51%... :D

                @Hatsune Miku
                Sure, but do a hero that works with PA, and if you are ~4000 mmr we can do this...

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                  Im spamming void lately because I had like 35% winrate with him lel (I wanted to bring it up to prove to myself im doing fine with him and it was just unlucky lane ups/team), now its like 73% winrate with him, so im good to go

                  Miku Plays


                    Im spamming LC and im at shit tier 3k bracket... welp thats what i get for being new to the game


                      I'm spamming void @ 63% winrate, ez mmr (c. 80% winrate over last 20 matches or so xD).

                      ICE SKULL

                        keep in mind spamming one hero gets you banned from ranked mm


                          ^And smurfing gets you banned from giving lessons - why would anyone listen to someone who can't raise his or her MMR legitimately?


                            How can it ban me from ranked mmr, that's a lie. There is no ban from ranked beside low priority.
                            @1964 LC cannot rly be played in high skill games I think, not much dying there for you to stack some damage up. So enjoy her under 4k... :D

                            the realm's delight

                              spam retarded heroes that are ez mmr (wk void slark doom zeus viper skywrath cunt etc). if enemy picks doom your pa is no more

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                                They keep picking Doom, Tinker and such...


                                  Tinker/Terrorblade/Ember Spirit - all heroes can come online early and take the game into your own hands not having to rely on ur shitty team mates wen u picking PA and carries who come online later u got to rely on your team

                                  the 3 above mentioned can all snowball and hard to kill and easy to farm with safely and they also all carry well in late game. On my main i played these 3 only for a month climbed about 600 mmr >.<

                                  You generally want a mid hero who can snowball IMO

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                                    You are kinda right because people are so fucking retarded at this bracket that even if I insta pick void they go like this: naix was 2nd pick and ursa was like 4-5th. Rubick and ogre - well fine, both can do something but still not the best, disruptor, sky, es and a lot of others would just do better than that

                                    Made me rage so hard because the ability to pick a hero already tells a lot if the player is shit or not, muted these both carries right away (opposite team was shit too but they had a bit better setup)

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                                      Trying to play stompy heroes.

                                      I picked Void and called offlane, then this bitch windrunner comes to my lane and i tell her to leave but she doesnt and then gives 3 kills to spectre.

                                      I play Tinker and call mid, some douchebag picks last and takes mid from me and feeds.

                                      I play Timbersaw and both supports feed immensely, we tell venge to NEVER use her swap after 3 shitty swaps in a row and she still does it and throws the game


                               a-am I making it, g-guys?

                                        Last game I was 95% sure we gonna lose, someone called mid but then SNIPER PICK. Top was feeding as shit, sniper was shit, somehow we managed good bot and then I snowballed so hard I was wrecking them like there's no tomorrow, once when I had like 50 hp pudge ult'd me and I backtracked everything, I'm such a pro I commended myself

                                        the realm's delight
