General Discussion

General DiscussionahaahHAHAhahaHAhahHA

ahaahHAHAhahaHAhahHA in General Discussion

    somebody from fucking venezuela playing in eu west with 400+ ms ping and is tbd

    please let me cry


      oh my god im going to look for people with dreamleague boosters and sell acc agains, this mmr is cancer


        ahahahah, samme hos meg :laugh: Hadde en triostack med 400-700ms. No clue what language they were talking, and everybody private profile.

        funshit smart people

        ICE SKULL



          wt f?!


            faster q time you know.. Det er alt som betyr noe -Autard logic


              i have a dreamleague booster active for 4 more days if u want to

              isn't there some way to afk in co-op bots and not worry some dipshit might plant sentries to block the jungle camps.

              i saw some guy do it by moving his hero to the other fountain and then just camping there to get kills early on, and then u can go watch hxh or w/e ur flavor of the week anime is LOL

              Цей коментар був відредагований
              ICE SKULL

                50 minimum games played ( normal mm )


                  in that case u can play 50 normal mm games and then do the rest in bot matches if still not level 13

                  i guess the good news is that the deathball contagion hasn't spread to unranked yet so u can still pick some shit hero like PL and win

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    Another high quality post from wave.


                      wave sama pls give smurfing tips and guide

                      how to get high mmr in short time

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      ICE SKULL

                        lmfao why is this autist talk about high quality posts when he reposts shit from reddit and edit posts out of anxiety

                        still writing posts about me on reddit like the obnoxious cunt you are?


                          this guy selling accounts and complaining about account buyers and tbd's in every post, funny shit bro.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            huehuehuehue deputamadre


                              wave isnt it something from 35-40 games

                              "isn't there some way to afk in co-op bots and not worry some dipshit might plant sentries to block the jungle camps."
                              u can just random/pick ur hero and sit in the loading screen, wont get abandon and will get battle points.
                              if ure scared u fuck up by forgetting to pick ur hero and getting aban, queue ardm, they random for you so all you have to do is accept game.

                              reduce queue time by including eu west + russia i think?

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                wait so i can pick my hero, not join the actual game, and get battle points?

                                the fuck...

                                Jay Ashborne

                                  Posting in a wave thread.

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    lol fanofenvy, i dont think thats a good idea because having many games and low mmr means you wont calibrate higher than 4500.
                                    i think the highest i calibrated on a 3k mmr account was 4.4k


                                      huh what do you mean?
                                      doesnt bot games/ardm not affect hidden mmr

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        oh those are bot games, still odd tho

                                        i heard from a friend u need 40-50 normal matches and with compendium you'd get 200-500 points every match


                                          ^Even more.

                                          I had 500% booster, and I think I leveled like 150 times or something during Comependium bonuses.

                                          Everything from 700-1337.

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            :D highest was 1200 for me, i hope there will be more battle boosters like with compendium again HEHEEheheh


                                              now to get 5 levels you need 150 games..


                                                Thank you FanofEnVy for the pro tip :) <3 <3

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  CTM pendejo de mierda

                                                    Red Potato
