General Discussion

General DiscussionTo people who stack in groups of 3/5 and use deathball in pubs

To people who stack in groups of 3/5 and use deathball in pubs in General Discussion

    None of you are even slightly good at dota. I don't care if u have 6k party rating, you're still shit.

    Just wanted to clarify some things, thanks.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      stop saying deathball, u look like a faggot.


        consider suicide


          deathball = russian doto

          aka faggots do it


            Consider wat


              deathball is the term used by people who dont know how to counterpush, tp support, or rat.

              Welt aus Eis

                hop in the cry train: this was my 5k game guys, I fokin lost t.t
                I needed the skill of a 6k player to win this shit


                  ^Unless you were getting caught in Chrono I don't see how you would die.

                  Plus, if you were being caught in Chrono, you shouldn't have been standing in that spot to begin with



                    Welt aus Eis

                      Well yea most of my deaths were solo chronos. And I can't avoid getting chronod if Void wants me over everybody else in my team + Invoker with dagger + Rubick with dagger


                        Deathball = Win
                        Win = Good at the game

                        =>Deathball = good at the game.

                        Pretty simple.

                        Hex Sigma

                          So op got wrecked and decided to make a thread in order to "open our minds". You have 1000 games I bet that after 1000 more you won't remember it. Suck it up like a big boy and search for another match.