General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is silencer 8th in win rate?

Why is silencer 8th in win rate? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    this month? I don't get it. Every time I pick silencer I get blown the fuck up by all the slarks and bloodseekers of the world. In the games I face him he's not a huge issue either, squishy as hell. There have been a couple games where his silence screws us hard but it's kind of rare, I wouldn't expect him to have this high a win rate.


      A. You are playing him as carry when you shouldn't.
      B. You are using wrong build.
      C. Your positioning is wrong.


        What's wrong with playing Silencer as carry?




            silencer can carry but he is among the worst carry heroes.
            but he is one of the best position 3,4


              All I know is Silencer with Aghs is a pain but yeah I would say always start out as a support and transition if need be or fortunate enough.


                Sometimes Silencer can be run as carry but not against "Slarks and Bloodseekers"


                  Silencer is a position 4/5 that has the ability to turn into a carry.

                  The reason he has such a high winrate is people play him "support" but they don't go full try-hard support and spend all their money on wards. They buy a few wards, meka/force staff and team fight. Lots of team fights = lots of int stolen = late game conversion to carry.

                  Also, inexperienced players get really screwed by his early laning and his global.

                  Also, the versatility is important to his winrate. He can be played carry or support and thus your asshole team mates have a harder time ruining the team composition because silencer can work around douchebags who last pick stupid heroes. This is similar to Necrolyte and Abaddon, who also have very high winrates.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  game is bad

                    I usually pick him when they have a Phoenix and watch them complain about me being a tryhard game ruiner.


                      because he works great with my mappo


                        cuz he works great with void
                        and everybody picks void

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          Do Q & E build? Treads into Sceptor into refresher? ALso you getting 20-30 kills at 30 mintue mark? if not u should. He isn't a mid hero but best at trilane.

                          Timing is crucial too. NEver ult early before a team clash but do it mid-way thru to get the most effect. Also don't stack your ult (with sceptor) and q skill.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I don't find any similarities between necro and abba. Necro and abba are both tanky heroes that do well in a push, that's their similarity, silencer is not tanky at all. He just has an imba ult. I think they win for totally different reasons.

                            Carlton will raep your ass


                              1. He has a great early. His Q is a pain in the ass for those high mana ability cost - low mana pool heroes. Not very effective against high mana pool heroes, but it could do some pressure and reduce his mana a bit, which could be vital to avoid a later gank. It have a great range and a great area so you could affect 2 or more heroes if they are enough noobs to stand together. Still, it doesn't scale very well in late game.

                              2. Can Orb walking with his W, and obtain amounts of Intelligence if he is present in teamfights or ganks. In late game could turn into a semi-carry. Still this ability is countered by a BKB.

                              3. His E is a noob stomper. Cast an ability and get silenced. Don't cast an ability and get silenced and disarmed. Combine it with a long duration silence for increased effectivness.

                              4. His ultimate is powerful as fuck. Have a great sinergy with other ultimates and can win easily any teamfight. A support which couldn't cast his abilities is a useless support. Combine it with Omniknight ultimates for easy wins.

                              To be honest, I don't see Silencer as a 5 support role. He is squishy as fuck and it doesn't have any CC to defend himself from ganks/slows. He needs some farm to be effective. Power Threads (If someone had bought Arcane) and Force Staff are a must. He is a great in a 3/4 role.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              me + 4 monkeys

                                Because in pubs 1 global silence and the opponents have no idea what to do next.