General Discussion

General DiscussionSerious question

Serious question in General Discussion

    I've been playing Dota 2 for about 6 months now and have achieved the highest of 3.5K MMR. I was wondering how long have you been playing Dota and what is the highest MMR you have achieved? I have never played any kind of these games before. OK I lied but only had like 5 games of Dota 1 on warcraft (fucking hated it, idk why).



      10+years 5,2k


        you're pretty good for 6 months

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          3500 is very good for 6 months of playing but to be real you are far away from any kind of competetive play so forgot for international dreams for at least 2-3 years.

          Quick maffs

            3500 that is really good for 6 months mate

            Dire Wolf

              It's hard to say since mmr was hidden for so long but I calibrated ranked around 3300 solo and party and had only been playing about a year at that time. I think I might have been 3400 solo at one point but now it's down to 3100 while my party is at its peak around 3600.


                Thanks for the replays guys it really means a lot to me but was it worth 6 months (1k hours)? I mean I could be doing more important stuff...

                Quick maffs

                  Nop never worth it

                  The sooner you drop dota the better, seriously

                  Dire Wolf

                    Uh, what? You mean you don't play dota cus it's fun? If you're playing dota solely to get rating you missed the point of dota.

                    Quick maffs

                      If you are playing dota cause its fun or cause you wanna get better rating in both cases is a waste of time

                      fucking awful game


                        3k solo and 3.5-3.7k party and I played for more than a year now. :'( That makes me really sad.
                        Wp for your 3.5k with just 6 months


                          NONO I Play for hard, I mean I used to play for fun a month ago but changed my mind.. :D


                            3k is actually good enough for sub 2 years


                              if you play with better players and/or someone coaches you, you can be 4k+ mmr in less than 1 year.
                              but if you play alone and with your bad rl friends then 3.5k is very good for 6 months.


                                5k, 2 years.

                                Ranked wasn't out when I had been playing for 6 months, but I assume your score is better than what mine would have been, I didn't play that much for the first year or so, nor that seriously.

                                Dota 2 is also my first serious online game, I didn't play WoW in any form, didn't play Dota Allstars, never played LoL etc etc


                                  For 6 months it's really good. I played it for 2 years, 4.9k. Before DotA 2 I've never played DotA 1, HoN and anything like this. In 2011 I played LoL ~ 30 - 40 matches in total I think, but I didn't like it and I was playing it very rarely like 5 - 10 matches per month mostly. After I saw TI 1, I was really hoping to get DotA 2 key, but it was really hard to get 1.


                                    Let's see... 5 years 5K T.T

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      So you are only playing to try to become a pro dota player? Just give up now.

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        great im playing for 1.5 years and im 2k



                                          Been playing for two years now, trolled into 3K haven't gotten out since.


                                            2 years, unranked


                                              im gonna ask again how can you guys have any fun playing dota, this shit is the worst game ever made
                                              but i cant quit it


                                                ^ + Same here.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  If someone tells you that they have fun all the time while playing dota, they are lying


                                                    I have fun when the matches are even and they are intense.

                                                    Stupid bullshit like 1 hero wrecking everyone and teamwippig is stupid, (Unless it's a phoenix, cause that shit is fucking majestic.)


                                                      i have fun dropping my winrate from 53.75% to 53.18%, i also have fun losing 400 mmr ( both party and solo) and also have fun playing this game with 10 fps .

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        10 fps nope not fun. Going on a big losing streak is not fun. But losing is part of any competitive game. Doesn't ruin it if you accept that. Otherwise go play single player stuff.


                                                          Dorkly sounds like you're butthurt, I really enjoy it, even the crap games, it's all about the experience! But I am guilty of being highly addicted and really need to find a more productive hobby... Even so, I believe this game has made me better at things, I am much better at focusing on specific tasks, usually physical labour, my hand eye coordination is better, my people management skills are better and I can tolerate pretty much anyone without ever getting angry, my charm has increased tenfold because I am honest and tell people what I actually do for fun instead of hiding in a cupboard crying about my -25 mmr game. Hell I believe this game has made me more intelligent because I now feel compelled to invest my time researching news and academia related stuff just for knowledge and this, I think, is due to playing dota and constantly feeling like a noob and researching through tutorials, streams and other peoples' help. Okay I'm not the best at this game and never will be but it's much better than being a potato in front of the TV learning pointless general knowledge or getting wasted everyday (every once in a while it's good, but expensive...) and if I end up being a beggar on the street at least I'll be able to tell them I'm 3.5k on dota.

                                                          Guessing barely anyone read that but basically I'm a lover.

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                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            No i am not butthurt, but everyone i know lost their " love " for the game long time ago, they just keep playing because is addictive or because they dont find any other game fun to play.

                                                            Playing another 1k games and tell me if you still LOVE the game


                                                              i reached 3.5 when i was 5 months and now im worse

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                @timber, i don't have any fun in a lost game, maybe only in normal when i pick pudge and hook my teammates and build dagons but in ranked i always want to win and actually try to win, and when i lose there is nothing but frustration.
                                                                i don't get any experience because i'm playing with equally skilled or less skilled players (when stacking with friends)
                                                                i have fun when i win, i have fun when i stomp, does that make me bad? no, it's just the truth.

                                                                @Poor leno, when your teammates deliberately feed because they dont get mid, do you have fun in that game, where you picked a hero you are good at playing and your sf wants to fuck you and go 0 28 in a 28 minute game. can you have fun in that game?
                                                                if so please add me and teach me how to have fun in that scenario.


                                                                  ^ This dude has a good point. I mean how many times I have tried my best to win the game and there is a kid who says 'I'm going to throw this game because mid did no ganking'. OML this is the worst thing ever... If I could I would find these people and give them a bullet.


                                                                    This game is too complex and stressful to allow any kind of fun.
                                                                    I play the game because it's too fucking good at rewarding you for being better than your opponent. The feeling of success that you get when you win after an hour of hard gameplay, has no match. I think this is why the game is so addictive.


                                                                      I was around 3.5k with your many wins and ive steadily been improving (currently 56% wr in ranked) so keep playing