General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion: organize the forums

Suggestion: organize the forums in General Discussion
Welt aus Eis

    In the past, this place wasn't used a lot and the number of posts/threads wasn't big. But nowadays there's a considerable user base and I think we should try to make the forums more organized, because it's getting hard to find the threads in which I posted.
    This is pretty simple to do actually, I think all we need is to split the forums into subforums.
    My suggestions:

    Dotabuff content (board dedicated to issues related to the dotabuff website such as all the useless "OMG JASON NO STATS MATCH RECORDED AS LOSS" threads and other possible subjects)
    Strategy discussion
    Off-Topic (anything that's not directly related to dota)

    You can add more as you wish. I hope Jason reads this and approves.






          add sub-forums

          "WHEN I Q YOU QQ - dodging general" and "lightknight6969's corner"


            Let us ignore list people


              I want my sub "Matchamaking it's unfair and fake", i will moderate it.

              ICE SKULL

                there should be different sections such as "5k-6k" and "sub 5k"

                i think it'd bring in more quality posters


                  mhm thats how it should be


                    ah i meant mmr games xD


                      +to wave. This idea has been floating around for so long, we really need secret forum for players who are/were 5k+ for actually good quality threads. That way smurfs and trolls wouldn't flood up something relevant

                      Quick maffs

                        ^ mmmm ? Wave is a fucking troll/retard and he has 6k, i dont get your point

                        King of Low Prio
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                          ICE SKULL
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                            King of Low Prio
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                              ICE SKULL
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                                King of Low Prio
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                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    just because wave is rude and a bit toxic doesn't mean he doesn't contribute... he's indeed a good player and gives some good insight

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      show me one post, I can wait.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        you realize every single 5.5k+ player on this forum will agree with me on this right?


                                          i think vroks likes wave


                                            We do have some changes coming to the forums. Thanks for suggesting a list of categories.

                                            King of Low Prio
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                                              ICE SKULL

                                                i did give you good insight and a pretty decent guide sampson but it looks like it got deleted because i got a bit too verbal

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  anyway "every 5.5k+ player"

                                                  i can wait lolz

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    if your guide got deleted it is not really helpful now is it...


                                                      ~Cheat's Guide to Clock~
                                                      1. Hook bad guys.
                                                      2. Don't not hook bad guys.
                                                      2a. Don't hook really bad bad guys.
                                                      3. Don't fuck up the cogs.
                                                      4. Win.

                                                      It's ez guys.

                                                      Low Expectations

                                                        Dacheat plz stop these 5k mmr guides too advanced and specific

                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                          @wave and how would db know your mmr? practically everyone can lie about it. A picture? photoshop

                                                          And how would the thread be exclusive to a range of players? afaik db doesnt use vbulletin


                                                            Deadshot to be honest I wasn't even aware it was possible to have an MMR in the quadruple digits. I calibrated to 11k solo MMR. YajirobeFromDC learned everything he knows from me. Ofc he still hasn't made it past 1:35 in an SF 1v1 against me.



                                                                would be nice if there's a last post by you feature so I can find the threads I posted in

                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                  ^ why arent we funding this?????


                                                                    Lol'd hard at your clock guide


                                                                      Hey guys since my first guide was such a success here's my second guide.

                                                                      ~Cheat's guide to Terrorblade~
                                                                      1. Don't feed you fuckin faggot
                                                                      2. Get a Aghs
                                                                      3. Push a tower
                                                                      4. Sell ur Aghs he doesn't even have an Aghs upgrade u dumbshit
                                                                      5. Get a bunch of stats
                                                                      6. Ignore your team
                                                                      7. Push towers
                                                                      8. Push rax
                                                                      9. Win

                                                                      Fukken ez guys

                                                                      Krazy Kat

                                                                        Too many sub-forums is a bad thing.
                                                                        But I think this:
                                                                        1. General Discussion
                                                                        2. Hero Guides / Hero Discussion
                                                                        3. FAQ

                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                          1. 5k+ sub section
                                                                          2. general discussion

                                                                          these two and it's perfect

                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            ^again I can be 5k how can you know I'm not?(unless you add me on dota, and my profile is npt private). Common sense? its the internet anyone can do anything.