General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips to play tusk? or how to keep momentum as tusk

Any tips to play tusk? or how to keep momentum as tusk in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Been playing tusk and ive been losing but i love this hero especially when saving half of the team inside a chrono.... plays are good


      Trash hero


        imo this is a stack hero. not for solo q


          -Get a friend to play Meepo.
          -Select enemy hero to snowball into.
          -Put every hero + every single Meepo inside the snowball.
          -Watch the snowball move at the speed of light.
          -Collect gold and tears.

          Hex Sigma

            You gotta snowball to be effective.

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              Very team dependent hero when solo wueing unless you have them convinced you will mid or feed.

              If you have a team where you can partner up and roam gank that is also ideal.

              bum farto

                You would do better with roaming tusk with an active support as I often do, most of my gold comes from kills and not from farming.

                ...get a bottle, you will need it.


                  Centaur + Tusk = Good lane combo!


                    Yeah, and Centaur Ult works with snowball, it's great.
                    I'm still trying to work out what items I want to buy early game on this guy. Might be armlet vlads, might have something to do with vanguard, or amulet/urn, its like he needs mana regen, hp regen, and damage all at the same time. Battle fury might make sense, but he's an active hero who wants to be fighting all the time. Or is he?

                    Miku Plays


                      ye thats what i do.. i dont farm .. as you can see in my last two games of tusk. though i go with wand and arcanes

                      Quick maffs

                        Awful hero

                        Quick maffs

                          Only his E is annoying as fuck

                          bum farto

                            Try him mid?

                            Go for the phase and as much as possible keep items to damage, minus armor as his mana cost on stuff is really low so mana boots weaken his presence by quite a bit.

                            Quick maffs

                              Mid tusk might be decent i have to try it


                                better dont play him at all. its useless in d2 with this charging snowball. its effective only when snowball actually reaches its target.


                                  Core: Phase, Drums, Wand/Stick, Bottle, Shadow Blade, BKB
                                  Extension: Desolator/SnY/HeavenHalberd
                                  Luxury: Heart/Cuirass



                                    first tip
                                    dont pick tusk