General Discussion

General DiscussionGames you dont believe you won

Games you dont believe you won in General Discussion

    Just had this

    It was basically kunkka and kotl feeding, kotol stoped feeding (at least I think so) at some point but kunkka went bot instead of top and started to feed there, he fed the wrong guy - void. Of course 1:7 kunkka was blaming me becase "no gank" (I know afk junglers can be annoying but I didnt even have mana to pool anything off there so id just feed along with them).

    All but tinker was talking shit about me so at I just muted them all beside tinker and just did my stuff. I think this step had a huge factor in this entire game.

    We were losing so much, I basically didnt give a single fuck about them because I thought its already a loss so I decided that I can push at least. You know, that typical game where you stomp and some NP just pushes - whatever, what can he do, right? So then I push, 1 bot tower then a bit later 2nd bot tower. My team was getting reckt but then I got bot racks while we still had all of our racks.

    There were a lot of throws both sides but they did more actually, there were moments when you would be 100% sure they gonna win, our ancient was at like 700 hp when ALL of our guys were dead but it was just omni and wd trying to push w/o creeps and they failed so hard.

    This game made me realize that giving up too early can give you an unnecessary loss. I remember I had some comebacks like that before but so long without them I remembered to manfight till the end again.

    I feel like I did quite good with that pushing (my early was meh) but its good my team managed to def while I pushed some. You can see how much that exp graph was on their favor (probably gold as well, but not sure), we didnt even have a hard carry, our kunkka was safelane.

    Also wtf, 2nd game I see a void with Hot


      dat omni build tho

      waku waku

        i lost a game i was supposed to win because one of the players on my team started having router problems and abandoned which must have demotivated everyone it was very frustrating


          I didnt even know omni had a carry build (I thought I got bashed by him, I wasnt mistaken then), damn, thought they struggled to push with some support builds.

          Funny thing is drow was like "report omni pls" when they lost haha

          Sugar Show


            Main carrys makes supports leave the game. Jungle furion push while carrys keep dying and save the game

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              we got racks taken at the 25 min mark and hadn't touched one of their towers. we were behind more then 20 kills. I was like fuck it I am getting a divine. some how I managed to farm it, but by that point leaving the base was out of the question since we only had one set of racks left and our ancient had taken a lot of damage. the other team started playing really safe and only pushing when they had buy back, eventually my team got fat enough that I didn't have to worry about getting backdoored by DP+Io, at which point I just pushed mid and won. this is the only game I ever bought a divine and some how I managed to go the last 25 minutes of the game with out dyeing.

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                So our carry dusa doesnt pick a hero for first 5 minutes. We are waiting for him to disc and cancel a game.
                In the meantime brood is walking all over us top. Mid is doing decentish, bot am has complete free farm and drow is farming woods undisturbed. 20 seconds left to reconnect and guys comes back, picks medusa, goes top lvl1 vs brood lvl 5, dies instantly then buys qb and goes afk ancients for good 15 - 20 minutes. And we somehow win with 5 man deathball strat. Just look at the graph.

                Slahser wants to play offlane pudge. Miracle (or was it misery) takes beastmaster and goes to lane with pudge, then i pick ud and we make triple lane vs razor sky alchemiet. Whole team melee, and we somehow stomp them top.
                Game ends as everyone buys a blademail and walks into march to instagib tinker. Fucking nonsensical game.


         at 20 mins or so mirana said GG and afk'd, she only sat in base and ulted when we needed it and moved xp to not get an abandon, she was premade with the other 3 on our team. We managed to 4v5 them and continually pick them off but their hero choices were hilarious against my offlane bounty.

                  She also kept selling her items and buying more expensive ones whenever she could for whatever reason.

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                    I feel like this everytime I play support out of my mind in the early game. Wait I mean I can't believe I lost. yeah.....

                    Here's an amazing comeback my team and I had the other day. WOMBOCOMBO!!! I'm gonna have to record this comeback soon too.

                    Thankfully their Slark was bad, my friend was the Lich who normally only plays CSGO too (stopped maining D2 after TI3), so two guys who aren't as familiar with the game.

                    Our whole team communicated. My Void friend, lich friend and the two other guys. Always kept calm when we fed as well to SF lol. SF blew me up with his ult @ one point. Then the amazing happened, and you already know what that is with Enigma. Our fights were so coordinated when we actually talked about them. Void stops Silencer from ulting while I contain the team for PA and Sky, and Lich does his thing.

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

             I still don't know how we won when they have all those anti-rat heroes.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!