General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get out of "Normal" skill?

How do I get out of "Normal" skill? in General Discussion

    It's not too uncommon for me to dominate at this skill level, but how do I actually get out of it?


      if you belong there then you won't.

      if you're better than your opponents simply play more so that your hidden mmr rises faster


        for starters getting a 50% winrate would help... jks .. actually not i am not it would help to win more of your recent matches


          1. You can get out of hidden MMR brackets by stacking and winning with better players (normal games)
          2. You get past 3200 MMR in ranked games to get High skill and then past 3700 to get in Very High (ranked games)


            Last hit better? im not saying i am good but i'm in high skill bracket and climbing. well anyway usually when i stack with my normal bracket friends i just out cs everyone while stomping the whole map punishing lots of overextensions from the opponent. Anyway if you're playing a carry a good cs count to have is 100+ in 20 mins while contributing to team fights. Counter ganking with a tp scroll helps too.

            This slark game of urs for example.
            your cs count is very low. if your team was behind from the get go you should just focus on split pushing while not missing lasthits if you can't win 5 v 5 engagements and kill heroes who are alone. enemy team is pretty squishy in this game too.


              Pay a smurf xD


                brackets mean nothing, i always play in vhs and my trilane cant outzone solo weaver.

                @axe: false, only valve knows how their system works or you have evidence?

                @tantrum: enemy team has proper line up and enigma


                  Get gud.


                    Please, no, not the Slark Game Tantrùm! We were meant to lose being all random and us having bad picks. On top of that I couldn't cs against laning with 2 supports with constant harass and also a team mate ck in the lane also getting last hits. The rest of the game I was just brain dead because I was just out of it at that point.

                    Also, if anyone wants to play as a party I'm up for it just let me know.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      first game from stats alone i can say that sky won you the game by raping mid which turned in freefarm and ez game. you didnt need to do anything hence since you wouldve won anyway (tb as backup)

                      second game you played like shit cause that game couldve ended 20 min earlier and it didnt

                      none of these 2 games are relevant for what has been discussed here which is better farm.

                      on topic:
                      first game, win those type of games 100% of the time
                      second game, get a fucking brain and learn to support properly (AKA making sure you win in those 20 i calculated the win couldve come)


                        There is actually a short cut / simpler way to get into Very High / High bracket. Just find a friend who is Very High / High, play with them and win some games. You will get into the higher bracket in no time.


                          Actually what happened Benao is that I was raping mid which turned in freefarm and ez game and for my second game I wasn't even trying to end the game I was just messing around and having fun most of the time :)

                          Also, any very high skill people want to party?

                          Edit: Just played another match

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            Why would you want a higher bracket? Games are too easy in your bracket?

                            Anyway, you should play some ranked games, to see how far are you from "High" bracket (aka 3200+ mmr).

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              If you have skills with drow,np, slark, troll, meepo u can AP rank ur way out. If not Play support Undying, WD, shadow shaman/lich your way up.


                                hey piece of shit midder friend of vroksnak (cause everyone has noob friends) and awful noob fucking retard lollerman

                                go 1v1 now


                                  how do u even win games rofl ur feeding all the time


                                    thats why im better than you
                                    i win the games i want to win and still maintain my mmr


                                      ur low 5k solo or something and talk, ur void and luna are 42% winrate with 1 kda, its really obvious that ur trying to troll

                                      i wont add u but if u create a lobby ill join it and win 1v1 sf

                                      Quick maffs

                                        I bet on lollerman


                                          ok its called dotabuff, im in a game right now it will take around 15 to lose it so...

                                          be there

                                          pass dotabuff rest join and possible stream would be nice


                                            i can stream it


                                              write here when u hosted the game : )


                                                I will join and watch :)


                                                  ok im ready and hosting


                                                      This is all a clever scheme for Benao to get known for future vlogs and streams.




                                                          Who won?

                                                          Benao has played really odd and has a horrible attitude and mindset so I'd give no doubts to him losing 1v1.


                                                            lollerman won no bo3 gg boys party is over go home


                                                              maybe now he will know his place

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Easy rares


                                                                  Wrekting ball


                                                                    know my place? sure talk big when you survived from a missplay


                                                                      one more please


                                                                        no need, we already know each others skill and playstyle with the last one


                                                                          Benao vlogs incoming.


                                                                            gj lollerman, although it was no big achievement :laugh:


                                                                              Not sure what's going on my thread, but still waiting for someone to party or even 1v1 me. These "Normal" games are just too easy.

                                                                              My Dota 2 id: 102325964 <- Hope this helps

                                                                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором


                                                                                  Dat broadcaster skillzZ :D


                                                                                    The easiest way is to intentionally feed so you go below normal skill.



                                                                                      Won 8 matches in a row this is still not working.


                                                                                        Thats cos you doing it wrong.

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!