General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed Help from people who are good at support

Need Help from people who are good at support in General Discussion
la the yeezy

    OK so after reaching 4k and not playing ranked for a bit, I finally have the motivation to move up the ladder. But this time, I want to play support exclusively. The reason for this is that although I am a decent mid (for my bracket of course) I think I'm not suited for the role. It's still my favorite role, but I am a very emotional player and I easily tilt when things go wrong for me when playing mid. So how do you climb mmr playing support heroes? What heroes are the best for this


      u have to pick supports according to the game. here are some basic support playstyles in the current pubs
      mirana support
      cliffpoint jungle the old easy radiant camp (works if ur radiant or dire, doesnt matter) and shoot some arrows
      if u hit one out of 5 its fine, u get some xp from the jungle camp . if u get in range of the kill u should be lvl 3 by 4-5 min while the other support is higher with pulling and shit
      then u got the choice of ganking any lane which u think is killable
      and dont go semi carry items, get force staff, eul, mek etc (mana boots are must if u get mek)
      skywrath support
      zone out offlaner, pull, get lvl 2, either try to kill offlaner now or gank mid (concussive has really sick range and gives skywrath one of the best kill potentials at lvl2). skill 4 1 4. always good against elusive heroes and if u have a void
      earth spirit, u can learn him in any position and he will most likely be played the same, aka u need to hit your shit. but its worth the commitment if u wanna climb
      aba is really good against mirana and / or bane. just dont think that u should be tanking. most crucial thing is cancelling those long ass disables.
      max liquid fire and rape towers, thats basically it. u will need some time to learn to hit the ice paths but after 2 games it should be fine. buy mek / eul
      dont play wr support. its bullshit
      if u lack disables, rhasta is always great. remember to hex first and use the whole duration of it. i recommend clicking on the enemy to see the duration.
      dont pick rubick unless theres something REALLY easy and good to steal like enigma bh or bane grip. flashy rubicks are usually those who fail the hardest @ 4k

      la the yeezy

        thanks. mirana support seems really cool to me, ill try it out. it sucks to have an enemy mirana camp at ur mid shooting arrows and stuff !


          First consider the the fact that there are different support roles.

          Lane support (position 5). This is the least rewarding for most people. It is your job to get the courier and other consumables for your team. It is your responsibility to help your carry by keeping him safe, harassing the enemy and help def any situation. Get used to ALOT of requests and not much recognition. Examples.Cm, WD, Warlock, Dazzle etc. This is the most important member of a team in my opinion. These little things add up allowing your team to excel later. Having vision all around, having a mek, dedicated dissable etc makes the game loads easier for the rest of the team. The down side is once things things go south there is not much you can do to change it.

          Roaming support. This is describes above. Examples are nyx, mirana, ES, etc. THis was more fun but also has more risks. If ganks fail, you will get behind in exp and gold and later on you will have 0 impact on the game. Your roles is to get more offensive support items like drums, Vlads, etc and help setup kills. You will have to do most coordinating during the early and mid game and this can be hard if your team isnt working with you.

          Genral skills to master.
          Stacking and pulling camp into the lane
          Stacking ancients
          Ward Positions
          Counter strategies
          Complimenting Strategies (void + WD/Lich)

          That being said. There is also the offlane to consider. That might be a better fit?


            Wraith king pos. 4 is legit.


              remember the most basic of basics of being a support! you're there to enhance your teammates performance not screw it


                That 2nd comment covers it all.. And From my experience you should avoid hard supports like cm, etc in pubs and go for mobile or tanky supports like mirana and wraith Knight who have decent relevance late game.

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  shadow shaman, CM, THD, pugna, wd are prob. your best bet.


                    Dont forget to insatnt pick AA everytime there is an armlet user or any hero that rely on regen/heal like Alche, Morphling and Huskar

                    la the yeezy

                      ty for ur insights guys. road to 4k and beyiond!!

                      Miku Plays

                        The easiest support to play imo is lich, wd, lion and earthshaker


                          earth spirit is easiest support.
                          you just kick stones and pull them and people die. ez.

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