General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes tinker really require nerfing?

Does tinker really require nerfing? in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    The only recent previous changes to him are -
    a) heat seeking missles affects etheral units
    b) ags upgrade

    why is everyone considering him to be OP?


      people figured out how to play him


        no mana blink helped alot too.


          nerf? heavens forbid.
          they need to add 20/30/40/50% slow on march too compensate his lack of escape mechanics.

          one and half gun

            * March of the Machines deal mini bashes while taking damage periodically

            * Chronosphere cooldown reduced from 120/100/80 to 70

            * Eye of the Storm duration increased from 30 to 30/40/50


              legit, I approve


                that would be the greatest patch ever!


                  Tinker has always been retardedly strong...people just finally started abusing him >.>


                    Speaking of Tinker aghs, is it ever worth getting on tinker?


                      i get it against meepo but w/e i still get raped


                        If for some reason-no.


                          * Doom Bringer can now cast his doom 5 times, than it goes on CD.
                          * Concussive shot is now a global point-activate ability.
                          * Mystic flare mana cost removed.


                            he's op because march of the machines is stupid. it's good for farming, pushing, anti-pushing, killing heroes, zoning etc. basically takes a retard with 2 braincells to spam some marches and either you have to get out or take 600 damage


                              * Added Death Prophet Aghanim's Scepter upgrade - Exorcism is now permanent.


                                * bogi MMR reduced from 4.5k to 4k


                                  dafuq permanent exorcism, BM will be core XD


                                    He won't get really great nerf IMO. Some slight nerfs probably he is like #10 pick/ban.



                                      Drow Ranger Marksmanship gain increased from 40/60/80 to 322/420/1337
                                      Marksmanship agility bonus now doubles instead of being disabled at close range.
                                      BAT improved to 0.001

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                                          He wasn't retarded strong after the bkb/linken no longer rearmed
                                          And before the removal of undiscovered fog (which allow him to blink in tree)


                                   only slightly retarded with the whole you know...hex ethereal dagon rearm repeat ad infinitum counter everyone trollololol build.

                                            Nerf his damn rearm so it has a cooldown of 45/30/15. I'll be happy. And no I don't care if it completely breaks the hero. I was tired of tinker before he became popular as all hell >.> can we go back to pre 6.81 where he was in the bottom like 15 of most played?

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                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Buy a BKB and he can't do anything? Yeah because losing half your HP just trying to bypass march is "nothing".


                                                  storm isnt that great a pick against tinker tbh, tinker vs storm mid is at least 65-35 i think

                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                      Oh dam I forgot about bkb, forgot they buffed it to 100% uptime no downtime always ready for tinker.

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                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          I dont think tinker is OP but everytime i say something about it someone flames me and calls me 3k trash so ....

                                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                              You're right, because tinker can't make your supports disappear in an instant and get out scot-free. Tinkers always initiate from within vision and never blink on you from the fog in an unexpected moment. Clearly tinker is the worst hero in the game and is the main reason why he is virtually never picked in pro games. I mean #15 top pick/ban before TI, #10 afterwards, clearly a non-issue since he isn't #1.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                His competitive winrate is actually quite meh, he takes the farm of a carry to come online but still dies really fucking easy at late game.


                                                                  there havent been many changes to the hero itself so what made him popular recently?

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                                                                      so he's always been good, just that people didn't realise until they actually played him

                                                                        Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                          ure probably right but i feel like as long tinker has 1k~ networth advantage that tinker gets in lane be it either by laser hsm kills or march farming (which he should i think) and if the team has some ability to tower push + teamfight all tinker needs to do is just get some mp items to spam march behind and storm cant do anything to jump him or anyone else for that matter
                                                                          just basically play tinker as the 5 man push style rather than split farm

                                                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                              tinker rearm manacost now 275/500/675

                                                                              nerfing without destroying the hero.


                                                                                People started abusing him since TI4 after seeing his potential. Yet tinker is squishy and too much farms and items dependent. He got a pathetic overall win rate (46.54%). The hero is balanced, no nerf is necessary.

                                                                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                                    Just nerf the fuck out of all his stats gain so he remains even easier to kill during the early and mid stages of the game. Nerf base magic resistance as well.

                                                                                    He farms like fuck anyway, so he's going to get his stats items sooner or later, then once people have stopped picking him to ruin your game by being useless buff him again but don't mention it in the changelog.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      oo look a retarded smurf who picked tinker trying to defend it, how shocking

                                                                                      BKB makes tinker 'useless' rofl


                                                                                        Repeated nerfs to Batrider and illusion heroes make Tinker progressively better I think.

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований


                                                                                            *removed Tinker

                                                                                              Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                                                rofl here comes the mmr flaunting with no screenshots, fuking tinker pickers when will they learn


                                                                                                  I had an 18% winrate with Tinker before he got popular, now...
                                                                                                  It's not just that he's easy to play with and win, I just like splitpushing in general

                                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                    yea because if you're a Tinker player then you can't argue about Tinker AWESOME LOGIC regulator


                                                                                                      he's got below 3 KDA on all the non OP heroes i think that explains everything, and if you're a tinker picker you're more likely to get defensive about this like you just did for example

                                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                                        everyone else notice that these tinker pickers are all smurfs who play like 100 games of tinker straight and once they hit ranked they try and hide it by picking low impact heroes after