General Discussion

General DiscussionHello DB PROS! :) Pls help with this...

Hello DB PROS! :) Pls help with this... in General Discussion

    Hi DB PROS, so I have this friend who plays dota but is kinda bad at it, and recently he's been feeling like we don't like to play with him. So I made a video (NON PROFIT) when we played the other day and captured plus exaggerated the awesomeness of his plays a little.
    If you could, go to the youtube video and comment stuff like "HOLY SHIT THAT AXE IS PRO" or along the lines of that... I'd really appreciate it ! You dont have to like video or sub, just COMMENT and exaggerate it pls :)
    He doesn't have dotabuff so he wont see this thread ever :)

    Click Youtube Link
    Comment on the AXE in video and say he is very good.
    Thank u very much!

    PS: ignore the chinese stuff in the first 20 seconds of video :)

    Ця тема була відредагована

      No. ..l..


        :( why you gotta be so rude


          ^^DB community in a nutshell

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            bwwb..b..bbut why should we?

            It sounds like a stupid concept where you try to promote someone that suck, but think they're good.

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              btw did it take 20sec to say "What is DotA2" in chinese?


                Came across as 1 of 2 things: a bullshit excuse to get views/likes on your video or you want other people to console your friend because you're too lazy to do so.


                  #1 the video isnt monetized. used a song from "the script".
                  #2 dont like the video! just comment how awesome the AXE is!
                  #3 really? that analysis and typing that sentence instead of a " road to ti5 AXE" on the comments?


                    I'm corious, am I fucking stupid or did whatever you just wrote make no sense towards anything written in this thread


                      Why is this important to you ?


                        Say it all you want. Just getting more views on youtube in general, ups the amount of views you get on your other videos(indirectly by increasing your ranking on suggestions). P.S. It's not my job to console your "friend". That's yours.


                          Its important to me as it will bring great entertainment in conversation when our dota group meets up.


                            gtfo shit noob with shittier friend


                              ^Ignore this guy


                                lol just show him this topic and u can have nice conversation,


                                  The way people play Axe hurts me a little bit.


                                    Hey Havoc, could you say how you play axe. I want know if i play this much bad.


                                      Link me a game.


                                        Power treads on axe? the video was surprisingly well made for something that is just being used to boost a friends ego.




                                          I don't remember nothign about this game btw.


                                            Well you skilled right as maxing battle hunger that game would not have been the best thing to do. Seeing as you won the game it's more difficult to see where you failed as the game overall was a success, my guess is the replay expired so I won't be able to do much in the sense of watching.

                                            There is a new build for me which is dodging the Blademail and just going for crimson guard, this makes the early vanguard option quite viable and it isn't just such a pile of suck anymore. Try and remember that when going up against durable heroes the sceptre is a good purchase unless you just want to get it to one hit supports and with the reduced CD it is a good buy IMO.

                                            Kind a wierd item build as with the blademail and heart you would be wanting them to hit you as much as possible but with the additional miss chance this kind of cancels out the need for the blademail. The items are situational and you may in fact need to build both at times I just feel its one or the other type of things.


                                              WHO THE FUCK IS DELETING POST LEFT AND RIGHT ON EVERY FUCKING THREAD???

                                              (shit doesnt even appear as COMMENT DELETED,THEY ARE JUST GONE!)