General Discussion

General Discussionthank you dotabuff community

thank you dotabuff community in General Discussion

    first one thing: everything i say here i mean 100% serious. i really try not to troll or beeing sarcastic.

    as i realizazed in thsi topic

    i am really a bad player. and what made me even a worse player is the fact that i thought i were good.

    but thanks to Oleksandr ( i realizaed that how bad i am.

    yes of course i struggled with it, since i have many real lfie problems in the last months and stomping noobs as invoker in the potato bracket gave me a good feeling.
    over that last hours with struggeling with myself what resulted into toxis commends in order to defend myself then to rage-rename my accoutn and other crazy stuff. (i am overall not a very mentally stable person, not only in dota)

    also it showed me some real lfie problems, for exampel i work as a programmer. two days ago i woudl ahve not questioned my programming skills, now it kinds feels the same as here in dota. i made myself look better as i am are.

    well but how i fix that in real life is no topic here.

    but as it goes for dota. for the next 3-4 months i will only do offline bot matches in order to learn the basics right. and on a new account i will test then if i really got better or i become the same scumbag again.

    but overall i msut admit, thank you dotabuff community for openinign my eyes, since i was too blind to see it. Seeing self-lies without third persons is pretty hard though.

    but i try now to get a honest and hopefully good member of the DOTA community.

    good night, and bye for the next 3-4 months (or as long it will take)

    P.S. i apologies for all the commends i made in the past. simply ignore it. thank you.

    g w s

      this is deep

      Quick maffs

        Wish there was more people like you

        Kamado Kun

          im bad too lets make a club


            i'm joining the bad club

              Цей коментар був видалений модератором
              Welt aus Eis

                Good luck.


                  Haha happens to everyone. Such a big moment when you realize you're not the best and it is a somewhat saddening and sobering experience.

                  But that's what it takes to get better. Realize your mistakes and learn from them.


                    watch videos of good players and play the game to learn. NOT PLAYING BOTS. BOTS WONT HELP SHIT


                      Had this moment during Swiftending's experiment, I agree with above^. But bots can also help a lot on mechanical skill


                        I also had this moment upon reading swiftendings guide, i went up 1500 mmr points and i just keep climbing with ease, about to reach 4k.

                        Pro tip: forget about the bot matches, just watch good players replays and try to do the same, pick strong heroes, master at least 5 of them that can be useful in any situation, analyze data (dotabuff shows you item win rates, most common skillbuilds, and on).


                          You get alot better, when you realize and accept how bad you really are.


                            feelings are deep in this thread i swear gl gl

                            Donald Duck

                              Swiftending guide? Can someone link it?


                                ayyy lmao any tldr?

                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                  He will play bot matches for 3-4 months to learn the basic.


                                    "He will play bot matches for 3-4 months to learn the basic."

                                    (i am OP on other acc)

                                    nope more to lern lasthitting properly on this acc i got accidently (i didnt inteded it) in a very high skill game. i was absolutly outplayed at mid. it was invoekr vs TA, this TA did lasthti and deni at the same time (with his cleave) never saw that before in my about 1,2k potato bracket games.

                                    then did i realized how bad i am. but i also realized, my enemies in my native bracket don't "force" me learn lasthitting. usually i am able to get some early kills so i can get midas in about min 7-9. in addition they were as bad in lasthitting/dening as i were. so i didnt got better in lasthitting over the time.

                                    for testing reason i played unfair bot games, they can deni way better then 95% of enemy players i faced.


                                      btw dont play with bots... u wont learn anything more than lane mechanics.. ofc they denie better cause they are AI...
                                      go watch ur replays and see WHY they outplayed you.. and see ur mistakes! then go watch replays from better players in the " player perspective tab " u will learn a lot in general.
                                      Go !

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        Yeah bots are great for last hitting practice and that's about it.


                                          C A L M D O T O ^


                                            ok gonna do that tonight (i am at work atm xD)


                                              You can get better at last hitting in the tutorial last hit practice("dota_tutorial_start lasthit" command in the console). It's against a bot so you should be able to get at least 60+ cs at 10 min(80 cs would be ideal).


                                                You do not have do it that radically. The things bots can teach you are limited.

                                                I. Learn to farm:

                                                1. Open a lobbygame.

                                                2. Pick Hero you want to get familiar with.

                                                3. Try to get as many lasthits and denies as you can.

                                                You should be able to get 60-70 lasthits and 30-40 denies. You will still miss more than 10%. The first attempts will go horribly wrong. You will not even get 50 lasthits. Just improve. Do 1-2 farming drills like this every day.

                                                4. Get a farmitem

                                                If you are able to get 60-70 lasthits in the first 10 min against an offlane Windrunner or Mirana (wich is not very hard), you will allready climb minimum 500 MMR, because you can outfarm everyone in your bracket.

                                                Aiming for a farmitem first will help. Midas, Battlefury, Mealstrom, Radiance. This gives you the ability to flashfarm midgame. Midas only until min 7-8. If you want a battlefury it should be online arround min 14-18 with full boots, radiance under min 15-25 (depending on game, hero and if you can rush it or not). Rushing radiance can backfire hardly!

                                                II. Stop feeding

                                                Stopping to feed is easy:

                                                1. Do not rely too much on mates. They can't read your thoughts and they have a reaction time. Even if they play perfectly (rare cases), you need to communicate, before you wanna gank. Use pings and your MICROPHONE!

                                                2. Do not do dumb things.

                                                If you might die, do not do it. Thats what a buddy tought me. He is one of the best players I know (arround 4.7k). On teamspeak told me very often, when I was about to do or doing dumb stuff:

                                                "Are you crazy, get back."

                                                I started listining, did less risky moves and now have an overall better risk calculation. Depending on your role the answer is NO! for the most times for dumb shit. Do not dive more than 1 tower, do not chase a hero longer than 5-10 sek, if other heros are alive, do not fountaindive, focus on buildings not on kills.

                                                III. Know your role!

                                                If you are support, support.
                                                If you are a carry, carry.

                                                If your supports are lazy and do not ward ganking routes and you get ganked 2 times, it is your fault. Deal with what you have not what you wish. 150 gold for wards can save your life. I lost some games because of this, shit happens. I had to buy chick, chickup and wards in some games as midlaner or carry. Thats 1-2 min of farming. For a midlaner it will delay the bottle and delay his runecontrol, so it can cost a game.

                                                Shit happens.

                                                Ps. Do not support in 2k bracket and lower 3k. Supports and warding are not relevant at low lvl dota.

                                                IV. Watch the minimap

                                                Put a note on your monitor that tells you: Watch the minimap. Make it a habit to check the minimap every 3-10 seconds. You are far out, 3 enemies missing: GO BACK.

                                                You see enemy dots diving your tower, take a look. Maybe you will see 3 low hp enemies diving your mate/mates and you can mop up a tripple kill by tping.

                                                V. Make decisions

                                                Learn to make the right decisions. This is what seperates pros from noobs.´When to farm, when to defend, when to trade kills or towers, where to ward, rosh or push.

                                                This comes with expierence, after you stopped making mechanical mistakes.

                                                VI. Pick right

                                                Counter enemy picks, spam heros to learn them, pick according to the laning stage. If you have to support, pick a support with big lategameimpact, since pubgames can drag on and some supports lose usefullness later on. CM for example falls of pretty hard, while silencer can hit like a truck lategame on his own.

                                                VII. Do not rage

                                                Won't help you. Your mates won't listen. Someone rages at you: Mute him.

                                                VIII. Try to find better players to play with

                                                You only get better, if you play against better opponents. Improving by playing against equally skilled opponents forces you to analyze your mistakes by watching replays, doing drills etc. Doing over and over the same things+mistakes (aka massgaming) won't let you improve.

                                                If you play against better players and with better players, you get direct feedback. If you fail you die. If you play with better mates, the will tell you what to do. Do not be cocky or offended. Just listen and learn.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  you dont need to play offline to practice...just play with that in mind! i do that eevry game (unless i want to rise in mmr) and its what has made me an overall better player!