General Discussion

General DiscussionRefresher Orb on Storm Spirit

Refresher Orb on Storm Spirit in General Discussion

    Gives you more manaregen than any other item in dota;
    If you have orchid and scythe of vyse with refresher you can disable WHOLE ENEMY TEAM;
    Will give you lots of manaregen but will not increase your mana pool specially for storm's ultimate;
    Are there any items better than refresher for storm spirit?


      if its so good why dont u get it for him


        cuz kids with 400 abandons are cool

        on a more serious note, bloodstone offers similar regen but far more useful stats and utility in general

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          I see you can't think instead of using guides so you're trying to insult me. You don't know that bloodstone gives you big manapool instead of mana regen because if you die, some charges will dissapear = less mana regen. Can bloodstone disable whole enemy team? No?

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              400 is a lot.


                I think you answered your own question.

                When you have Hex and Orchid late game then maybe yes, Refresher could turn teamfights. But the cases where you get it are actually very rare.

                People usually go Orchid>Survivability>Survivability/Hex>Survivability/Hex. If you skip BKB and Bloodstone to go straight Orchid, you give up a lot of survivability, probably to the point Refresher is pointless.

                Even after you get to the point where you have (orchid+hex+bkb/bloodstone) then you usually want to save for buyback. Storm doesn't have any powerfarming tool late game and because you're ganking so much you're rarely farmed enough to have all of the above+refresher+buyback.

                If you are farmed enough, it means you're snowballing pretty hard and in that case wouldn't bloodstone be a lot better?

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                    Клоун, уймись.


                      More than a 1/3 of my Tinker games were way before it started trending.

                      And I also stopped using him way before 6.82. Problem?

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                        Sōu ka

                          the only situation you'd ever go refresher is if you really needed 2 bkbs
                          and as a 6th item or 7th

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                            your job with storm is to pick off people not jump in and disable whole enemy team.
                            if you want that, pick tide.