General Discussion

General DiscussionAll of you complaining about the gold changes based on proximity/leec...

All of you complaining about the gold changes based on proximity/leeching exp and gold from kills in General Discussion

    How else do u expect these useless fuck heroes to win? Just 1 example:


    1) NO laning presence
    2) No good regen item early on for neutraling (Vanguard sux and is expensive, I tested urn and I am sorry to say it's complete shit, all lifesteal items suck, you're literally stuck with ring of health + PMS as the cheapest option)
    3) Awful mana pool
    4) No steroid (DPS enhancing) abilities to net individual kills easily. Desolate doesn't count because it's unreliable in many instances.
    5) Bad at countering pushes
    6) Gets eaten alive by heals, which counter his ability to chip away at the enemy team's health steadily

    So basically the only way for this hero to work is (assuming the other team isn't retarded) to get a bunch of gold and exp from assists. If Spectre gets a triple kill because of his ult and nets +2500 gold, then that's his niche. He has no other outstanding features.

    It's like all those threads: 'BUT HOW DO I COUNTER VOID HE JUST CHRONO ME AND KIL WAT DO'

    Because that's what the hero does. He can't really do much else (besides setting up a stun for his teammates in competitive, which is outside the scope of most pub games).

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      And YES I am posting this cuz I just played an annoying pub where my mid had 21 min shadow blade on kunkka while the enemy mid Invoker had 16 min Midas/Necrobook. My supports weren't very useful, there was a viper against me at all times (so I can't lane well at all when my supports are gone) and as I explained before Spectre's jungling capacity is shit. If this was the previous patch it would've been a free loss but thankfully the gold system is now rewarding a different set of heroes.


        Spectre had 52% win rate before 6.82, not so bad.


          yea and earth spirit's a bad hero with < 45%


            in case u missed the sarcasm, majority of stats comprise of 2k/3k where people think farming 5 cs/min is great