General Discussion

General Discussionbuilding spirit breaker as a tanky late game initiator?

building spirit breaker as a tanky late game initiator? in General Discussion

    i have been trying out getting an early heart of spirit breaker, so he does not fall off really hard late game.

    anybody have any input on this?


      Getting an early heart means no BKB, Drums or Urn on him, all of which are really good.

      Just sounds bad to me. He doesn't have a farming mechanism so you'll take ridiculously long to farm heart or waste a bunch of potential early/mid game ganks where he shines the most.


        Spirit breakers initiation is utterly garbage.


          ^_^ im talking close range initiation, i realize bkb is good on him after losing his magic immunity on his ult, but im finding heart makes it so hes not utter trash past 30 minutes.


            i also play sb mid mostly, so i get a bottle and plenty of sustain with double runes.


              also his farming seems fine to me with early points in bash.


                I'm teaching you for plays at higher levels which is something you should strive for.

                He's a bad mid because he has 0 lane control with his skills. Bash is not a farming tool, it helps with last hitting a bit but is nothing like flash farming skills like Static Remnant. Unless you totally ignore your teammates, you're probably achieving an average CS of 4x the timer. That is very slow. Look at your recent games, how much CS did you have at the 30 min mark?

                He's best played as a #3 or #4 ganker. I like innovation like Earthshaker mid (very viable) but SB mid is a big no.


                  Yeah, an early heart is the best idea you could have had. Go in, tank everything, do literally nothing because both your bat and your dmg are utter garbage. Seems like a good idea ROFL.

                  You're not understanding how the hero works. You fall off too quickly because you try to rush a fucking heart when the whole concept of the hero is to stomp the first 20 mins hard enough to negate the enemy team's farm and just end while you're still ahead. He has no flash farm abilities nor a comeback mechanic, he's horrible at pushing, he's horrible at defending, he's bad at 5v5 when his bkb has short duration. His only strenght is that he has a better early game than most heroes and that he can gank 24/7, why would you take away his only strenght by rushing a heart?
                  There are a hundred items that are better early to mid game and that will give you enough advantage to stay somewhat relevant in the lategame if you can't end faster.
                  Mael gives you decent as and damage, boosts your farming capability which is shit and deals decent aoe dmg that is nice on a single targer hero like sb. It upgrades to Mjoll which is good lategame.
                  MoM gives you huge as (more bashes), ms (harder bashes) and lifesteal. Excelent for early ganks and helps you farm faster as well.
                  Blademail is sick if you pair it up with MoM.
                  SnY gives as, ms, chance to slow, stats, everything sb needs.
                  BKB is almost mandatory, decent stats and magic inmunity.
                  Armlet boosts your fighting as well as farming capabilities.
                  edit: If you want a tanky late game initiator, centaur, tide or even bm are 10x times better both laning mid and staying relevant during the game.

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                    ^ cept he gets damage from strength and heart gives him +40.


                      i got for butterfly after heart btw.


                        People used to build a refresher orb on him but I don't know if that's still possibly.
                        It allows you to have an extended period of magic immunity
                        It allows you to permastun a single target and sometimes an entire team for 7 seconds +
                        It gives 40 damage which is the same as a heart


                          Pro tip: don't ask for input if you will try to argue to people with more knowledge than you.
                          At lvl 11 with PT set on str, your dps is:
                          Mael: (97+24)/1.01=118
                          Heart: 137/1.16=118
                          This means that maelstrom gives you the same raw dps. When you take into account that mael also will trigger your bash much more due to higher AS and that you will proc the lightning, mael dps' outclasses heart's by far. It also has a much easier build up, costs half heart's price and allows you to farm faster, which means you will get your next item earlier, hence you will be stronger and capable of extending your lead.
                          SB is incredibly tanky early game, you shold be able to survive most clashes without needing a 15 mins heart, that's why it's better getting a maelstrom instead. If you find yourself dying too much is because you're not picking your fights right.
                          Once again, the whole point of the hero is to stomp early to mid game. You're playing it wrong.

                          PS: Armlet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vanguard.


                            lolololol new school shit... i still play SB like the old wc3 times..

                            Treads,2bracer,madness,s&y,mkb, and bkb(situational)


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                              i feel like refresher orb is bad on him, first of all he lost his magic immunity on his ult, secondly a aghems already gives you a 20 second ult cooldown, his Q cooldown is not very high, his bash is a passive, theres really nothing to refresh.

                              btw oleksandr yer a fgt.


                                ^ on top of that refreshes costs 375 mana+abilities, his mana pool is not big enough for that.


                                  Oleksandr bothered to give you proper information despite your ignorance.


                                    I'm a fgt for letting you know how bad is your game understanding and item choice, giving you actual proof and explaining to you why you're wrong. Nice one ROFL.

                                    To me, you're just a 1.8-2.2k player who thinks he's incredibly innovative for going sb mid and rushing heart, so you wanna "talk" here on the forums expecting people to tell you how smart you are for such a good item build that solves sb's horrible lategame. Guess what: you suck at this game and you won't get any better if you can't accept that you're wrong, even when there's proof of it.


                                      i think crimsons fine on him actually
                                      doesnt feel like u need much mana from drums
                                      i dont play him though


                                        i used to rush ac on sb, when i do this he can still be tanky and attack fast. but now i try to rush mjolnir or even just a maelstorm, i do this since his base attack speed was nerfed.

                                        for the heart, there is no need to rush a heart. you only get a heart when it is already late game when the number of creeps spawning are too numerous that gold comes so fast.