General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Top 100 Hero Rankings

New Top 100 Hero Rankings in General Discussion
DC | NoZ

    @how is my division worse when i played with many NA pros :/


      cause many NA pros arent pros.. srsly how hard is it to understand that?




          name some big names that you play with or against then, or your mmr.

          divison seems to basically be mmr but not an exact number. a 6k player who manages a 55% winrate is better than a 4k player who can get 65% winrate vs other 4ks for example.

          e.g. look at the tinker leaderboards. the 4th "best" tinker player, chains, has a higher winrate, kda and more games than the top 3 tinkers, but the top 3 are in a higher division, which i think means that they're basically playing against better opponents.

          the same could apply to you. your winrate + kda is higher than some peoples, but that might be because you're playing against worse opponents.

          DC | NoZ

            played 3k games on us east but i got tired of playing with 250 ping so yea only choise left is monkey land what can i do. what are you trying to say with that link? the top 1 phoenix player has 7 lost on that page while i have 3 more, he just has 600 more games than me


              whats your mmr

              DC | NoZ

                @ androgynous it was back when i played on us east so cant remember them all, the ones that come to my mind are fear demon yejo(i think) merlini monkeys aui guanso frush ixmike some of fnatic universe , im sure some of those are not pros anymore though.

                im not saying omg why im not top 1 of the world im so good! i was just trying to know how it worked ^^

                DC | NoZ

                  mmr was 4.9 when i played on usa, now it sink down to 4.5 thanks to monkey land but well atleast i can play with decent ping

                  also i´d like to note all my games with phoenix were on south america :/

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    "what are you trying to say with that link?"

                    im trying to say that the people you play with/against are also important to your leaderboard rank. that's basically mmr. if you have a higher mmr you play with better people.

                    DC | NoZ

                      i wasnt talking to you about the " link part" androg, was talking to the other smartass above me

                      juicy p

                        Would it be possible to code the rankings by region?

                        Sort of like how the client leaderboards are divided into 4 regions. Or would this not make a difference?


                          if you cant see what im pointing out with the link then that means you're even farther away from what you want (phx top100)

                          DC | NoZ

                            @ my body is ready that would be a cool feature

                            @ baeano have you even tried playing on garbage monkey land? you got no idea how hard it is to keep good scores there

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              they look great.

                              Can you replace the success score with the ranking score now?

                              kanye went to uni

                                10th rated spectre is australian, server isnt the issue


                                  "Success" metric hasn't been very successful. We're looking into better options. Rankings are nice but 30 games per hero is quite a lot for a majority of people who want better answers. We're working on it :)


                                    Yeah I agree some region statistics / rankings would be cool =]


                                      Division is based on who you faced recently on that hero. I'm Division 7 Diamond but rank 6 on Gyrocopter, but I'm Division 10 diamond on storm while not being in the top 100.

                                      DC | NoZ

                                        i wish this feature was for every1 and not just top 100/ppl who pay

                                        Banho dos Campeões

                                          3th Broodmodar like Spaidarsss


                                          Game is hard!

                                            Cool feature, keep up the good work.


                                              Thanks Jason, cool update.


                                                3rd luna

                                                oh yea baby

                                                Banho dos Campeões

                                                  Satellizer Best Luna of South America


                                                    top100 in 13 heroes boys


                                                      south america though

                                                      flames incoming

                                                      DC | NoZ

                                                        i was wondering why there is no separation on ranked and unranked. i honestly think its not the same


                                                          [size=20]SATALLIZER IS AWESOME AND WE LOVE HIM[/size]

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                          DC | NoZ

                                                            i agree with concede, it should be top solo ranked imo


                                                              Of course the ranking has flaws lol, it's not like some random pubstar is better than pros


                                                                I love you Satellizer


                                                                  Jason wtf???

                                                                  - torri-tentori is a cheater

                                                                  cheaters now can be in top rakings?

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    ur ranking is bugged for TA, necro and legion

                                                                    i have higher rating than like 40 of these ppl and im not in it?

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      lmfao u need 500 games to be on it?


                                                                        @Jason in your next update: can Dotabuff plus members see the rankings even we're not in Top 1000?

                                                                        @Chester do you always play in stacks?

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                          can you please limit it to 300? players like me, moonmeander, evilarthas etc only play up to 300 games on each account because we stop once we hit 6k+ on our secondary accounts

                                                                          there is no point in putting it at 500 for HERO RANKINGS

                                                                          300 is also the requirement to be on valve's leaderboard, why fucking put it at 500 for just heroes ranking

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            I seem to be lower on some rankings even though some guys have like lower mmr


                                                                              lol'd ''players like me, moonmeander, evilarthas etc xD''
                                                                              ''we stop once we hit 6k+''
                                                                              you never got 6k by playing legit l o l

                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                i got two accs at 6k

                                                                                none of them were done in cd/cm :)


                                                                                  Feels windy in here


                                                                                    im pretty sure u dont need 500 games for it
                                                                                    oh u mean 500games/account?

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                      yes you need 500 games on an account to be on it


                                                                                        by the way, if MMR is a factor.. can you also factor in stacking w/ friends vs solo-queuing?

                                                                                        P.S. i'm under the impression that solo-queuing is much harder

                                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                                          somebody with 4k mmr is 50th on fucking razor, i dont think mmr matters

                                                                                          DC | NoZ

                                                                                            proly party alot and he plays razor alot


                                                                                              lmao I am top 13rd Abaddon and top 90th Meepo


                                                                                                lol.. i am the one who is 57th and has 4k MMR.

                                                                                                If MMR doesn't matter, I should have been in Top 10 at least.
                                                                                                I have the highest KDA and in top 10 in win rate.

                                                                                                And I mostly play solo queue.


                                                                                                  The number of matches does matter. I guess you are at not at top 10 coz u played too few matches with him.