General Discussion

General DiscussionWtf happend to normal ap

Wtf happend to normal ap in General Discussion

    Played 3 normal matches today and cause i got flamed from the start in one of them ( i randomed zeus and some ppl were sure i want to push my calibration i think). In fact i don't get their problem at all, whatever the mutebutton is your best buddy in dota.
    After this matches i checked, out of curiosity, dotabuff and was shocked by the result: 13 out of 17 players have new accounts and below 100 games ( 2 are a bit above 100 to be fair)

    Did i miss something, do you get a present if you create a new account now? Or an epic smurf trophy?
    I don't judge their skill i have not played zeus or ds for more than 7months, i was terrible even if i had the luck that my opponents failed more. 75% of the ppl i was able to check are most likely smurfs. I simply can't understand why they are so many, 1-2 in a game, i can understand that but 7/10 ( in theorie) every game is a lot.

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      most ppl who play solo unranked nowadays are bads and higher skilled smurfs since ur bracket is not horrible u will get smurfs naturally