General Discussion

General DiscussionFor all of you bads that call GG at 5 minutes

For all of you bads that call GG at 5 minutes in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    My entire team doesn't speak english.
    Solo support game.
    Lanes look like shit.
    Natures Prophet feeds like 15 kills from 4-15 minutes by teleporting to their T2's and saying "come, kill."

    Never lose morale. The game is never over until the ancient falls. [color=red]This is motherfukking comeback season boys.[/color]
    NP fed 17 times, before at 22 min decided to get level 5 at mid t2 and start helping.

    There's a few really clutch jukes, they try and fb mid and stuff. I make A LOT of errors, and miss plays, but I never gave up. Not even after NP literally intentionally fed 15 ish kills.... If someone with plus could post exactly how many times he fed intentionally I'd like that...

    Oh... and Shoutout to, those guys are hella nice and it's 10x the forum this one is.

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Kamado Kun

      nature strategy to fed them so they fed you back clearly worked guy deserves a medal.

      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

        Euls on gyro? Is that good or bad idk.


          Damn that prophet is peruvian that likes anime, those have to get Ebola ASAP.

          incest result

            comeback season was in 6.82
            now is 6.82b


              Recklessness gets rekt


                Eul's on Gyro is the Slahser build.


                Game is hard!

                  good, you got carried by jugg and invoker, nothing else to see really.

                  also if that crappy dotaxchange is so much better, then why make a topic here? Jeez, imbeciles everywhere.

                  Jay Ashborne

                    Pretty sure never claimed to play well, if anything me saying "I make A LOT of errors, and miss plays, but I never gave up." means I wasn't claiming to be the reason we won. Jeez, imbeciles everywhere.

                    me, government hooker
