General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople whose stats in game seem decent but play like absolute retards

People whose stats in game seem decent but play like absolute retards in General Discussion

    Worst shit to deal with

    Last game, we had set lanes, and at last second teammate randoms leshrac and goes mid (takes SF mid)

    goes around doing nothing just keeps ult on randomly.

    tps in after we all die 4v5 and then gets some dmg off

    Fucks whole game up with no wards or anything

    Also didn't speak english on USE

    I think I need a small break from this game.

    bum farto

      Because high quality plays can be found in the normal serious what did you expect?


        you shouldn't have fought 4v5. stop blaming teammates.


          I'm not expecting high quality plays, I'm expecting a team to play as a team and collaborate

          yiran : tell me that when lesh is alive for 1 wholem inute as they push and he only leaves base after 3 of us are dead


            2k mmr raging thread !

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Havoc: You always seem to really think it's always the posters fault for the game loss just coz it's normal bracket and everyone there is a drooling retard

              Sometimes it legitimately isn't our fault


                I'm a drooling retard and I play in normal bracket.

                Case closed.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  teamplay and collaboration in normal skill non-ranked ap team anonymous,

                  yes sir u need a break


                    @Lemmy: He's not blaming you, per se, he's just saying that shit like this is *very* common at your skill bracket. The only thing you can really do to stop it is to get better and move into a higher skill bracket...where you will have different things to be mad about :P

                    bum farto

                      Ok Lemmy let me tell you why.

                      I have coached maybe 20-30 people in normal bracket, I give advice or have done in the past to probably more than that to people in that bracket and still one thing remains constant. They will never learn or improve. Now why is that?

                      Well lets me explain this for you.

                      The players in normal bracket are so damn bad that anything involving a 2 man chain stun is even a miracle. Positioning sucks, items choices suck, actual over all gameplay stinks to the god damn high heavens. You are literally the bottom of the barrel in regards to skill and anything you get out of a game is a miracle.

                      I know this because I see this stuff all the time.

                      Von Darkmoor

                        Bah il give you the truth up to 4,5 k rating theres is absolutly no fucking diffrence bewteen normal and ranked in captain mode so if you manage or just tryhard up to 4,5 and above there might be some diffrence between the ranked and hidden rank but thats for you to discover also in all pick there is some what of diffrence in the picks a lot more well recently Death Prophet, Cent, Void, Sky, fura its a lot more tryhard pix in ranked ap but skill is the same as allways. (And no picking douch-OP-of-The-week aint skill)

                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                          I've had fairly decent games with friends where we have queued our stuns fairly well. Bad games happen everywhere and I don't get mad after every game, but it's lately just been a huge stretch of bad game RIGHT AFTER bad game.


                            I literally logged in for my first time ever to let you know Lemmy that yes, it can genuinely be other people's fault in all brackets. Some people join with no intention to win and their entire intention is to ruin the experience for other people. You can see it everywhere. The best thing is to just expect bullshit and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised when people do the right thing.

                            This havoc guy is a negative, condescending ass-clown and I'd suggest simply ignoring his comments on the matter, as it seems his primary goal on this forum is to put other users down.

                            [DFG] Whale King

                              Havoc is actually pretty well known here for being honest and well meaning... the fact that he's gone through the time to coach 20-30 different normal players should attests to that fact of persistence in striving for improvement.

                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                I'm not gonna agree with that judgement on Havoc since I've seen and heard that he's a genuinely high skilled player who's there to help community, in a slightly harsh (honest) manner.

                                However, I will wholeheartedly agree with the fact that people sometimes are there to troll and it affects 4 other users unjustly.

                                waku waku


                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                    What about you?

                                    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                      me too

                                      waku waku

                                        i'm one of them fear me hahahahaha


                                          if u were on db a year ago you'd see that havoc was one of the nicest guys here, and he actually spends time watching peoples replays start to end to offer them advice. theres only so many "im a 2k shitter but its my teammates fault im here" threads someone can handle though

                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                            Nah it's cool, I've seen him helping many people, so I'm not worried about him insulting my skill. I will accept that there is SO MUCH for me to learn, but just grinding out games aren't helping me learn.

                                            Tl;Dr - Havoc's advice is good


                                              Normal Match (97.94%)
                                              Match: 996 Win Rate: 50.10% KDA: 2.7

                                              How can you play ~1000 games at normal bracket.
                                              Dota 2 is my first MOBA game.
                                              When I start playing DOTA 2, I basically auto attack 24/7, and probably buy an item before 40min.
                                              And I tried to use WASD to move camera.

                                              Yet I have 700 normal bracket game before I reach high bracket.
                                              And I reach 4.5k this month.
                                              If you want to improve, you should stop whining.
                                              If you want to get rid of trolls, you should uninstall dota.

                                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                Great advice bro, enlighten me further

                                                Not everyone is privileged to just hit high bracket, sorry about that

                                                bum farto

                                                  People on here are too stupid and too egotistical to actually learn anything, take it off forum add me and I will show you what I mean.....e.g. I will coach you for free.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    A lot of hard carry types will score kills off dives late and end up looking decent when really they cost the game with shitty farm/tower dmg/play early. Cus once a team has 1 or 2 rax down and has lost zero towers of their own they'll often just mess around diving fountain and your spectre who has zero items and 300 gpm might luck into a triple solo haunt kill and suddenly he finishes manta and radiance at the same time or something and his end game gpm is like 450 and highest on the team even though he is garbage.

                                                    And on the flip side I don't give shit how many times you die IF you bring the tower dmg late. I'll start like 2-5-5 on sniper all the time and people cry so hard, why'd you pick him, you suck wah wah but that's just cus I haven't finished my build yet. Once I get my 3rd or 4th item I'll go like 5-1-5 and kill all the barracks. Farm matters more than score usually.


                                                      Well i must say i agree with havoc. I made this smurf to see if i am good enough to come out from the depths of dota and carry myself to 4500+ like i did before. Why am i doing this? Well because i took a long break and i wanna see if i still got my mojo. I was on 4700 rank. Now why do i agree with havoc. Simple: My first 3 matches were on medium bracket like you can see but i did fairly well so i won em without breaking a sweat. On the other hand i will tell you what i saw on a mates acc: He is a turk just like me and man believe me turks are playing as bad as the russians. Worst sometimes because they go garena style. I had a tiny who went for dagon blink and when i asked bro wtf? He said i gotz to nuke this omni. I was like okey lets see what happens and he ended up sitting on his ass failing his combo and leaving 20+ minutes mark closing to 30 with a dagon 1. After that he blamed me and said stupid lesrach you failed as a support. When i told him if you had gone aghs i would have stacked camps for you to farm more efficient he said that wasnt his fault i should have done that anyway thus i was a bad support and he lost because of me. Normal skill players never learn, never accept that they die because they make mistakes or lose games. I agree sometimes there is a retard who plays really bad and whatever you do you just cant win that game unless you are stacked with 4 decent people which is fairly hard to get. But i guess what havoc wanted to say is your skill level is not that better when compared with em so if you want more quality plays you gotta improve your gameplay first :). Take that coaching lesson for fun maybe he will teach you somethings or you guys will become good friends:P.


                                                        Dude, stop your blame, in normal skill and high skill u can win 94% of the games 1v5.
                                                        SO IF YOU LOSE IS CAUSE U SUCK.

                                                        In your team 4 retards
                                                        In the enemy team 5 retards
                                                        If u are not a retard u have at least a 20% more chance to win the games.

                                                        And u are talking like if u were god being on normal skill, oh u have +3kda on your best carrys, TRY TO HIT THE TOWERS PLEASE.

                                                        Bla bla bla, If u hate your 2k MMR do a smurf, if u get:
                                                        3k: u still suck like the 2k players.
                                                        3.5k: mb 2k were not your place
                                                        4k: u can talk about your 2k teamates were shit.


                                                          That's one staggeringly beautiful post Lemmy ;)

                                                          But seriously.

                                                          The above ^

                                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                            Really easy to say so when you're already at Very High skill isn't it?

                                                            Did you see the replay before spouting all that verbal diarrhea?

                                                            All lanes were pushed in, they had 5 man roams from minute 10, jungle was warded, I dewarded a little but there was no support on that. Everyone just wanted to 5 man defend.

                                                            I never said I was god.

                                                            BTW how was the drop from very high to normal like?


                                                              Here for my fellow shit tier brother.
                                                              I am also in this tier. Most games are similar to this.
                                                              Just got done with my hero challenge with AA and let me tell you everyone including the enemy team are retarded. Just hope you have the least retarded ones, and are playing a hero to carry with.

                                                              To my dear Havoc: yes most players are like that but their are exceptions who are stuck with these players and are stuck in normal bracket. Coaching likely won't do anything because of this but if you do get to coach him I want to hear the results. I want to know if it's his fault or he just has bad team mates.
                                                              Plis tell me if you end up coaching him <3.

                                                              bum farto


                                                                Try blink dagger next time as well, because if you get caught out you can blink out just after your ult quite easily. I have perfected my WK over the last 3 months and this is what it looks like

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  Yo lenny come and play at SEA, we are competitive here.

                                                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                    I used to be located at SEA, but then I moved for university to the USA. Ping is an issue in the SEA servers also with their glitchy servers.

                                                                    Though I do like the way even in pubs it seems more serious and coordinated.

                                                                    In US and EU servers, people treat it like a game (which it is), and purposely troll

                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                      And Havoc, I will add you soon, I have midterms and am trying to cut down on dota, and coaching/help on improvement in basics/mechanics/what you have in mind will make me want to play more.

                                                                      Bad Intentions


                                                                        I suggest u get some wtfast software and play in SEA, US servers are the casual mode of dota 2, lol its seems anamolies are always occuring there :)))


                                                                          Da bae havoc: I never go blink I seriously have never seen someone win with it. I was 12-1 til the hero challenge and then I lost 2 games so im fine lol. If you die both times in the tier im in then idk why you are playing wraith king.

                                                                          ♥ Aure

                                                                            Can I check what do you have to do to get to "very high skill bracket"?
                                                                            Saw some peeps clocking 2k games but they are at high skill, some clocking 500 games but they are at very high skill.

                                                                            go kill urself

                                                                              ppl dont play as a team even in 5k what do u expect