General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe - Stats instead of battle hunger

Axe - Stats instead of battle hunger in General Discussion

    I have had some games were Axe skips battle hunger and go for stats instead (or only skill it once). I don't know if I remember those builds more just because they stomp me harder or if those who plays Axe a lot thinks that battle hunger is a waste of space.

    Did they nerf battle hunger too much or have this kind of build always been around (have only played dota for a year)?
    Any Axe-o-manics have an idea?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I used to play him a lot with max battle hunger but it requires help from your team to get kills and if you fail ganks you will fall too far behind and you won't be able to catch up easily. Also yes, it is nerfed too hard now, generally only one point in it for the slow and bonus MS is enough.


        The worse your opponents are at last hitting, the better it is. This means as mmr rises, it becomes less of a useful skill, unless you know you can last hit/deny better than your lane opposition.


          Well, that's the answer then: Those Axe-men who I got stomped by, got the clue on Axe.


            I can't really think of a way to play axe when stats > battle hunger.
            It's good for securing kill or chasing, very valuable.


              1 point in it, usually what i do, sometimes get it before 6 most of the times after 6.
              max q and e and 1 point in w just for the slow.
              this is mostly the jungle ganking build, but if u lane you can max w + e and have 1 point in q i guess, thus you can harrass a support very easy out of lane, and even a carry.


                im guessing it's because if you're getting your first point into hunger at lv 10 (max call + spin), it's damage isn't as good later on in the game as it is in the early game, where people have less damage to last hit with, and lower HP pools. at lvs 12-14, the extra damage probably won't make a difference because of how easy it is to remove battle hunger when you've deal more damage, or you have spells to quickly nuke creeps with, whereas the extra stats might be the difference between an extra cast of berserkers call, culling blade, or just giving you HP to survive. if you keep it at lv 1, it costs less mana and the slow is the same, so your chasing potential isn't any worse.

                most axes presumably jungle so they prioritise call + spin over hunger in order to get faster blinks.


                  In the trench, Axe (with battle hunger) + Silencer is a WMD


                    i imagined laning against axe battle hunger and silencer q+e, report volvo.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      and wd maladict, and sky ult and chrono to make sure everything goes good, just send all 5 heroes top and win lane super hard, what can they do vs text book dota "so smart"


                        ^2 heroes is not 5 heroes with ulties lol.
                        imagine lvl 3 axe and lvl 3 silencer against you in easy lane, u get battlehungered, and cursed,
                        and if you try to hit a creep - last word + axe all in your face.
                        i would imagine that to be a pretty nasty lane to go up against.
                        btw im smart m8, rly

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          imagine a lvl 1 gank of riki bounty and clincz ganking mid while invoker lanes that would be so funny lololol


                            ^idk if u are dumb or what....(jk dude don't be med)
                            im tellin you 2 heroes, u talkin 4 heroes, gud comparation m8.

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                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                when i played mid axe i would max out hunger. these days when people play him jungle i guess you can max out helix call and 1 point in hunger.

                                Miku Plays

                                  Now the next question is... is it better to get stats than lvling ult at 11?


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