General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker's Eul Combo still working good even at the higher bracket(5k+)?

Invoker's Eul Combo still working good even at the higher bracket(5k+)? in General Discussion

    I was looking through the replay of top 100 invokers and seen lot of people going for Eul Combo.
    (if not qw orchid)
    And surprisingly it seems working very good even at the higher bracket.
    I was looking through the page1/2 highest KDA matches of top 100 invoker replay
    And often highest KDA matches featured Invoker going for Eul Combo
    and most of these matches had overwhelmingly higher KDA compare to other matches.

    So from what I'm seeing is

    Invoker Eul Combo = still wins lot of game even at the 5k+ brackets?
    I mean I saw the replays and these guys are getting 10-15kills+ very ez from instant kill Eul Combo even at the 5k+ bracket.

    If people are getting instant kill-stomped by Eul Combo even at 5k+
    Invoker Eul Combo = ez kill ez win recipe?

    I think I need to spam more Eul Combo to raise my mmr.
    1800 damage ez combo ez kill ez win.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      It works, but you ain't got shit after you blow up one target. I still think necrobook push invoker is stronger (4/0/4/1) over max exort... but then again my invoker win % ain't great, and I haven't played invoker in a long time especially since 6.82 push nerf.

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      Mr. Nice Guy

        Well,it can be countered with some skills like leap or forcestaff :-??


          If you time it perfectly, they can't cast their skills or items since they'll be disabled by DB.


            actually its complete shit.
            those fuckin invo outmeta-ed who still play like fuckin TB's with their gg forge spirit sunstrike can go fuck themselves.
            0impact entire game when you have the possibility to win the game alone.