General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark............................

Slark............................ in General Discussion

    Is a nasty fuker of a hero, I am suprised volvo has not nerfed him and decided to focus on carrys like terrorblade, lycan, alchemist. He will outdps your true hard carries if he snowballs early and survives long enough to stack essence shifts. I don't think any hero can match the dps of a slark that just got a rampage. To top it off he has 4 seconds to wreck you. Yes any carry is op of if you give him farm but slark if you play him right he is more op.




        I think he is pretty strong atm. I was suprpised to see Dark Pact dispelling Euls.

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        Flat is Justice!

          he was strong when he had a direct counter in the bloodseeker, now hes broken


            Just don't be retarded and play with ur team, not by urself


              Meepo > Slark


                Yeah man, slark can totally out DPS a 6 slotted TB

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Dark Pact is just too OP. 6 second CD on such a spell is just ridicilous. Also costs only 40 mana. Same kind of goes for Pounce. You can't even remove it with Abaddon shield and even magic immunity.

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                  MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                    maybe if pact only purged once instead of a bunch of times over the duration?


                      ^That's the most broken/annoying shit for me because sometimes it will be wearing off and you'll cast a spell just before it ends.


                        Dark Pact really shouldn't cost less mana as you level it...


                          shhhh dont tell anyone please


                            Yeah, Slark is strong and quite annoying. Should of kept Void's ult to seeing him in the chronosphere.


                              it doesn't dispel berserkers call. which is super annoying.


                                You know, seeing how underpowered Nightstalker is at the moment, isn't it time for his silence to be buffed to last longer and being unremovable by anything?


                                  We ned his ultimate to get back to old statu (aka invisible that let you invisible when you attack) but not fully undetected
                                  -even if we still give ms and health reg during activation-
                                  I totally agree that he is way too strong right now, at least when he was first being that strong (and i even made a post being happy to have one of my fav becoming op ^^) we had pretty fastly after some ugly 5men unskill meta, that didn't let anyplace for him + idiot bloodsheater to counter slark

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                                    Good god zano...the hell is wrong with you...8 seconds is already an eternity @.@

                                    As for op...essence shift is NOT what makes slark powerful.


                                      ^ Why not? It's only at night while Bloodseeker's old silence lasted 9 seconds at all times, dealt damage and had a short enough CD to perma silence someone or to have 2 people silenced at the same time.

                                      So, It's at least plausible to make his silence unremovable according to Icefrog's logic.


                                        But it came with drawbacks, namely dramatically increasing their right clicks. Also night stalker's silence also comes with a pretty incredible miss chance alongside it.

                                        i hate trash 4 stack
                                          Цей коментар було видалено

                                            saw this thread and wanted to play me some good ol' slark.
                                            easy slark, easy katka, ty volvo .
                                            my favorite hero is back in black


                                              Or you can pick heros that just counter him.

                                              Roaming riki and ogre are the support roles that really fucked slark in the early game preventing any sort of snowball

                                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                you have to be very talented to be bad with slark. Him void, PA, some others ez mode. You have to play pretty dumb to have a negative impact on the game with slark


                                                  Shit hero, he needs huge buffs. VOLVO pls!


                                                    just dont play like RTZ yesterday on stream as crystal maiden LOL.


                                                      uhhh. void?


                                                        what about void? Slark eats him for breakfast early-mid game.

                                                        Only reason void becomes unstoppable is if you ignore him and let him farm up like low skill level games. Void is about laning stage.


                                                          ^ Actually, Void is all about picking Sniper and not sucking with him.

                                                          Bot Tyrone

                                                            Slark is actually really weak, hope ice frog gives him a few buffs


                                                              orchyd+lothar, ez game ez life


                                                                Carry tps and dont give him solo kills early on. Uselessfish.


                                                                  6slotted medusa ez Katka to slark

                                                                  i dont play supp glhf

                                                                    uhhh. duh. slark is the same with void. mid to late.. silly


                                                                      sorry slark what?

                                                                      vengeful carry beat him


                                                                        Slark is alright but not broken, he's a good counter carry but not unstoppable. Visage and doom are 2 great counters if played properly against slark. I think a lot of people don't know how to beat slark, he's a pure snowballer which is his greatest weakness and visage / doom provide a great way to prevent him from snowballing.


                                                                          every slark picker should die

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            I can't figure slark out. Every time an enemy team picks him offlane we completely zone him out, he'll be level 6 when the dual safe lane support is already 6 (ie 2 levels behind for a solo offlaner) and he'll still gank, snowball and rofl stomp us.

                                                                            But when I play him, enemy safe lane gets free farm, I try to gank people at 6, mess it up or lane also messes it up, we get rolled gg.

                                                                            And I have examples.

                                                                            This game I zoned him out top with gyros help. Gryo had complete free farm, I mean slark was behind his T1 cus gyro maxed his missile first and spammed it any time slark came in lane. I was pulling and was 6 at same time slakr was 6. But somehow still slark proceeded to kill OD like 50 times that game. Enchantress kind of messed us up too.

                                                                            Then my attempt at offlane slark, zoned out by silencer, I tried to gank but it's like impossible to gank weaver when team has no silences, OD would just imprison me and run, get no help from my teammates, TB didn't push a tower til like min 20.

                                                                            So I don't really get it. He only seems op if you feed him.


                                                                              ^ Slark doesn't need much farm to kill, his not a hard carry.

                                                                              His not op at all, he only seems a bit op when he dark pacts a global silence or the time when he dark pacts ravage from tidehunter, also the time when he dark pacts a reverse polarity. It's not easy to pull off but it looks funny when you pull it off and continue to stab while they are confused.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Idk it was probably just a bad game for me to pick slark in. No way I could kill tiny (he killed me multiple times with his lame ass "combo" cus I underestimated the dmg), or weaver cus he just goes invis, runs once leash wears off, or pudge (too much hp to chew through before support rotates), OD kept imprisoning me and then his backup would arrive, and silencer never solo.

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