General Discussion

General DiscussionTomorrow, I will be top 100! Hopefully...

Tomorrow, I will be top 100! Hopefully... in General Discussion

    It's been a long climb.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Wouldn't those three high skill games bring your ranking down?
      And if you can win that many games as ember why don't you play him more often?


        They didn't bring me down, but they didn't raise me much. Maybe by a single point, my friends ratings are quite low but they're fun to play. And I've been playing a lot of Ember?


          Maybe one day :(

          NextStep ®

            I notice 1 level of division is equivalent to 20+ hero score.
            From diamond 7 to 10, that's around 60+ hero score if you are able to promote.

            3k Pog Champ

              #14 PL.


                Keep going Havoc, I believe
                @NextStep I should be able to, I'm 5.4k solo.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  Not even top 5


                    I wonder what shitty algorithm dotabuff uses for hero rankings lol.


                    my points have gone down from this lol. Whatever, as long as my mmr isnt going down :d

                    NextStep ®


                      Not sure if you're partying with lower bracket players.
                      Because all it took just 3 high skill party games ( new random friends ) for me to drop from d10 to d7 and deducted over 60+ hero score.

                      Who knows you might drop to d6 if you continue to play some random high skill games. haha

                      @valv plz
                      Did you drop from diamond 10? Or you were always diamond 8 for whatever reason?


                        Used to be diamond 10, but i queue unranked with my buds and that made me diamond 8 for eternity LOL.


                          Can anyone explain where you can get these stats?
                          Edit: Nevermind, looked around a bit. Too bad you need plus :/

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            i just won 3 games and my score dropped. WAT, I WANT TO PLAY WITH FRIENDS AND NOT GET PUNISHED


                              @Steror Dotabuff Plus, or being in the top 100.


                                dont see how stacking with noob frens to lower the overall skill level of the game should allow you to net a higher score


                                  @crumbling, it's not like that though. If you're stacking with low level friends, they enemies are either going to all be better than your friends, but worse than you. Or they're going to have 1 high ranked player, and the rest similar to your friends. When I stack with some of my 2/3k friends, the games are still in Very High Skill, and actually a lot more challenging than having some randoms on my team.

                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    It shouldn't allow you to get a higher score, I agree. But winning and getting a lower score is ridiculous. The system should make it so if you win a game it's impossible to lower your score, just let it stay the same.