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    Hi all :) Just wondering if there are any good players willing to examine my games and tell me what should i work on to better myself. Looking for some constructive criticism, although i know there are always gonna be some "gtfo noob scrub pleb" comments.

    PS: I checked most of the popular guides out there and i seem to know and apply the majority of the advice given for new players.


      Can't really tell from your recent dotabuff games, but my best guess is either you get to greedy and blow your leads by dying when ahead or it could be because you choose not to defend towers because it seems that you've lost more than once when your in the "driver seat".


        you're russian so you're fucked


          @aki well one of my top problems is that when i get really ahead and dominate all around the map i cant figure out how to push high ground. One of my last games i was ultra fed with SF but the other team turtled and we just couldn't push high ground. So how do you tackle this problem if you were in my spot?

          @Benao How did you get to the conclusion that i'm russian? I am proud not to be lol


            so many dicks here


              Get the aegis, force a fight that you can win or find a pickoff then do a team push onto highground. Get a racks back off if you can't keep going. Rinse and repeat.

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