General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of low prio

How to get out of low prio in General Discussion

    Dafq I got 7 games low prio and it seems hard to get out there again, since most games do not end with 1 person on every team....


      Why would you want to get out? Low prio games are legit chillfests.


        I want to play "normal" dota (how normal is ranked dota?).


          the reason u want to get out is the long time to lok for a game, way to get out is to mute everyone and play pudge or techies, fun and wil get out in some time.


            Honestly, whenever I've been in low priority I que Captains Mode and almost alwys have serious teammates who want a good game on both sides. In my experience low priority CM is funner than standard or even ranked CM.

            Then again maybe i'm just one lucky S.O.B


              Its a YMMV thing, I've only been in low prio when playing with friends who abandon occasionally out of rage and the games are usually kind of fun


                you should be glad you only got 7... I get a minimum of 16 :p


                  It's LP. Which means it's time to try those heroes you don't give a fuck about playing or queue Ability Draft. Co-op bot matches still work?


                    what he said ^
                    im gonna play meepo and feed on all those games (or feed until i learn how to best play him xd)

                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                      Whenever i'm in low priority i play death match, most people don't disconnect and they don't take it so serious, its for me the most fun game mode when in low priority :)


                        just cliff as furion, worked really good for me while playing heartstone at the same time :)

                        THICC BABY SHUM



                            Fiirst of all, you need to end game personally. Even if all of your teammates disconnected, you can ask opposite team for fast push and just stay at base, all will benefit as everyone who stays untill ancient destoyed gets -1 low priority game.

                            Also, it is stereotype that all low pri games are some crazy shit, players can get there not because they are rage quitting schoolars, I twice got there

                            1) dota shutdown, I try to restart it and... steam client update (incredibly slow)

                            2) disconnect at very important moment, I try to reconnect, and as I was in heat of teamfight I accidently clicked disconnect and approved it

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              dont need to end just go sleep and shift q jungle its not ranked no ned to buy items


                                I had 6 LPQ games due to a disconnect+steam update. feels bad man
                                all 6 games had people who were actually trying to get out of it, so only about 2 people left in total.

                                relaxed and fun games in all honesty. Last one came in after a few seconds of queuing, by the way.

                                kanye went to uni

                                  i heard u can afk in some trees as necrolyte and use heartstopper to get neutrals once every few minutes ... apparently it might take longer than five minutes if it's a regen creep though

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!