General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to grow my MMR?

How to grow my MMR? in General Discussion

    Hi guys. Can you give me some tips to grow Party/Solo MMR. My solo MMR is only on 2031 and party MMR is 1459. Newadays i just lose my all matches. And good answers pls.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      learn to last hit


        try to find better players to play with, watch first page games. try to not blame your team, look at your mistakes and think about what you could have done better. by the way if you are new to dota, do the hero challenge, not in ranked, just in normal to get
        a bit of knowledge of all heroes, their spells, their strengths, weaknesses etc etc.
        PS: yeah, if you only learn to last hit good, you will get like 1000 mmr from that.
        not even kidding now.

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          Ok, thanks. I am almost never blaming my team. And yeah, i am not very good lasthitter.


            Look at your mistakes ? That a huge BULLSHIT.
            Rembember, you are the best of the best, and best players play best heroes. Like Omni.
            Omni it's the supportive version of Void, it means you are GOD in the pub ranked games. Heal everytime, invicibility everytime, magic immunity everytime and if some bitches try to run away from you will slap them with your passive.

            Look at my games. Dp ? Yeah ex-op shit hero and lost, bristle ? who need that!, engima ? yeah and then pretend you playng a team game!

            Just pick omni everygame, all you need it's someone who pick slark (yeah i know microskill it's hard to find but in ranked games there are a lot of Old MLG PRO players who play slark and they just want to help you even they are (or they think, it's more appropriate) 11k mmr [3k to USA].

            So what are you waiting for ? Just pick omni and stop loosing like a n00b RIGHT NOW!

            111-111-1111 call for support assitance

            आप गे क्यों

              what do u like to do when u are in game?

              1. stay in lane and push
              2. follow your team around for ganking
              3. hiding in the jungle

              if you prefer 1, go read "how to carry"
              if you prefer 2, go read "how to support"
              if you prefer 3, go back to league of lesians

              if you are not sure what u want, go pick a hero and learn how pro players use it.
              Dont use singsing as an example, hes retarded in streams

              And if you want to have a good pudge game, u need support that wards/u have to buy wards
              blind hooks are rarely good and you should not be doing them in the first place

                Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                  Learn to lasthit! lasthitting is key! if you know how to lasthit you will insta "grow" 2000 mmr. (nojoke)


                    -Always be doing something. No matter what role, you should always be doing something. Farming, ganking, getting runes, warding, pushing, roshing, healing, baiting, stacking. Literally the only time you should be doing nothing is if your trapped in you base or if you're sitting behind your farmer. There may be a couple more situations, but thats all I can think of.

                    -Watch replays. You can see if your insticts were corrected. Could you have prevented a death from an obvious gank? Could you have seen the gank on the minimap? Did you need more ward coverage? It's good to know what the fog/day-night effect has. Watch yourself in a team fight from your perspective. Were you tunnel visioned? Should you have gone after another target? Game sense is hard to learn, but it can be reviewed and improved by rewatching fights at all speeds and angles.

                    -Watch streams, not of the pros though. When pros play pub it's a very different situation. Maybe someone who's 1k higher than your current mmr. Watch how they play, what they're looking at, their item choices, their game decisions, how they farm, how they use their skills.

                    -Understand the game. Know when to push. Know when to fight. Know when you have to force the game to end. Know when you can stall out and farm. Know when to rosh. It's hard to know what's right, and it's even harder to force teammates to agree with you, but do what you can to force the game it should be played. This is probably the root of why people are so mad at each other, but try to understand what should be accomplished instead of aimlessly going through the motions without knowing whats coming next.

                    -Never blame your team. Not really, games have definitely been lost because of your teammates. Don't break into the habit of blaming teammates every time you lose. There are almost always something you could have done better yourself, even if you still would have lost. You'll win your share of games because of bad play on the other side as well. Just focus on yourself and what you could have done better to succeed.


                      i thinks its so hard to grow up your mmr however i have more than 50% on ranked matched by playing hard solo support but im so tried for supp that noob. But the only way to won all ranked matched or almost is ez u just choosin support and go full supp.


                        Hey, play hard support it's worse then have 5 carry. Just stop that, peruvians arn't used to play like a team. Wards ? Who need them! Even pros don't use them.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Play easier heroes, good god. Your page 1 matches played is all pudge with a sprinkle of silencer, invoker, kunkka, naga. Holy hell if you suck at dota you'll be even worse with those guys. Try wraith king and viper, necrophos maybe.


                            Watch streams. Find some good people to play with. Try to learn from your mistakes and don't mess around. That's how you get good fast.

                            NextStep ®

                              If you can't last hit, play easy support hero like, Lich.
                              IMO, support role is the fastest way to improve your general gameplay.


                                It's pretty hard to actually notice own mistakes, esp. when ur really low MMR. It sometimes feels like u have unwinnable games, even when u play nearly perfectly, but then one day u look at that game & see how ez it was to win it. Play with better players to get their perspective. I'm only 3.5k, but after some games with 4k+ I've noticed a lot of my mistakes & now 3.5k looks like trench to me & I'm winning nearly every game in that rating. Worst thing u can do is play with ur shitty friends. Find better players then u & u will improve really fast. I'm sure there are many players who would like to help u.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                  1. Get anime avatar (you're fine already)
                                  2. Win at least 51% of your games
                                  3. Play at least 10 games a day
                                  4. Eventually you will reach 6k+


                                    1. Get dog avatar
                                    2. Feed
                                    3. Post shit on forums
                                    4. Feel better


                                      shoutout to Allison, this picture of Avril has gotten me from 2.6k to 3.5k

                                      EZ MID 9k mmr


                                        Combined best of 2 worlds for you, no need to thank me.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований



                                            Dont play with mokujin and London and u will go 3k in 2 games only

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              Play with me and FyyQ and u will get 6k ezy mmr


                                                there are 3 ways to improve your solo MMR

                                                1. play normally
                                                2. queue in us east, easy mmr if you're not autistic about high ping
                                                3. abuse cd/cm like vroksnak did with 1 or 2 friends


                                                  >>>2. queue in us east, easy mmr if you're not autistic about high ping
                                                  Are they so bad? :D


                                                    yeah they are pretty bad, their 5ks play like 4ks, nobody bothers with lane control (aggroing creeps closer to you etc), nobody bothers to use smoke etc

                                                    i was watching PPD vs soyun yesterday ppd was on OD and soyun was on viper, they were both playing like bots do on "medium", all they did was trade farm and nobody pulled creeps closer. one of my friends got to 7k there in 2 weeks as well.

                                                    of course you have to be good at dota, you can't just queue there and be like "woho im here im gonna win".
                                                    if you transfer over my 60% winrate on TA and 70% winrate on slark to us east,i think my mmr would be 7k instead of 6k in eu ~

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      Growing your own mmr is easy, with these simple instructions.
                                                      1. MMR is a tropical plant you will need to keep it in a spot where it wont freeze, inside by a sunny window is best.
                                                      2. give it 1/4th a cup of water every day.

                                                      that's it your mmr will be a full grown adult mmr in no time.


                                                        Apply magic gel to your MMR, it will grow 7.77-9.36 cm



                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            earth spirit

                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                              Nobody thanked me for cute doge picture.



                                                                ppl still remember my avril pic !
                                                                ggwp hotsalza