General Discussion

General DiscussionI just got harassed by a bunch of White Knights

I just got harassed by a bunch of White Knights in General Discussion

    Seriously, how far will they go just throw dota 2 games for us gamers?

    I swear, these people won't stop till freaking every gamergate guy dies, thoughts?


      I don't understand what you are saying (im retarded i know) Explain in more detail please.

      EZ MID 9k mmr

        What's gamergate?

        I skipped all the hype.


          EZ MID 9k mmr

            and I thought gamergate had something to do with feminists


              I dunno maybe it had something to do with boku no pico

              also hi avi chan


                next time you see white knights call 1-800-OBAMA


                  I just posted something small in between matches so let me explain.

                  White knight comes into game, and flames the shit out of me for picking slark and asking for help for a solo lane top that I was having trouble with.

                  (Not good with slark, but that's not the point.) White knight mid just startes flaming me and keeps calling me a worm, and a fat neck bearded gamer who hates society, (right on hates society of Bronies and SJW's). Naturally, I like to see a SJW squirm about people play video games, while I play video games. Turns out, it's a 4 stack of SJW's, and every single time I answer back, text or voices boom over me. Keeping my cool, I just let them keep bashing. Knowing that there's no way of winning with SJW's doing absoultly annoying things, pushing too far, being solo and just not teamfighting properly.

                  Anyways, they lose the game, get 4 reports from all 4 of them, gave 4 right back. Just now, I get 4 notifications and got them back. Talk about karma right?

                  Even Brewmaster made a death threat to me that he would come into my house and "throttle me". Ended the game with, "GG, SJW defeated."

                  @Avidity, it's more like corruption in game journalisim. Internetarstocat talks about in deep detail, and talks about how the "White Knights", keep siding with the femnazi's. Gamer's are trying to speak out, we keep getting hushed down, all that smooth jazz.

                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                    Can I ask you one question, soul?


                      you were playing ranked and you claim they were a 4 stack which is not possible in ranked matchmaking and then you call them "SJW" "white knight" because they were flaming you in Dota 2?

                      your parents must be embarrassed about you

                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                        Why do you give a shit?

                        आप गे क्यों

                          The one getting it wrong is you. They are clearly not white knights but a 4 stack that wants to blame some1 on the loss.
                          4 stacks dont need a real reason to blame you if they are losing, you are at fault because you are not in their team and not in their voice chat when they execute their plans.

                          Nothing to do with "white knights" or "corruption in game journalism" or "internetarstocactbalalala" are thinking too much
                          its 4 kids that want someone to blame. I play with 4 stacks that don't work together sometimes, doesn't stop them from blaming you. Just hit the mute.

                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                            Stay calm and Dota, unless this guy doxes you:

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              i dont really see the point in gender

                              male or female, we play the game for fun and beat the crap out of each other silly thru the medium of dota

                              white knights as a whole are garbage or even lower than horse feces

                              If you see one you dont give a shit about them and proceed onto the next game, I swear if everyone understood this there wouldnt be this kind of topics.

                              Also, Ave, lets game one day or something. Since Frei wont anymore. I understand if you reject my request.


                                @micro Jackson, no they were White Knights, they kept using the SJW terms, calling me a "Women beater" "Disgrace to society", "Gamer Trash", and "Male superiourist"

                                I don't think "Superiourist" is a word, but thats what they kept saying.

                                I"ve played with 4 stack before, this is the first time seen in rank. Or, it could just be normal stack, but I got bunched with a bunch of SJW's.

                                Eitherway, the point of this thread was to discuss about what do we do against these's SJW's? They're everywhere in the COD games and such, (Don't play them, watch others who play them.)

                                @Avidity, I just want to put this SJW threat out there, it's starting to become a problem

                                @Lol I can make cheecky insults too, doesn't help prove a point

                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                  What was your point?

                                  I don't use Tumblr, what are social justice warriors and why should anyone care?


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                                  आप गे क्यों

                                    they are clearly kids, kids use spam the most generic insults that make absolutely no sense except forcing a response.
                                    It can be anything from "g@y coksucker" to "nature's polluter" to "waste of space". Seriously why the hell are you even bothering to make a thread of this shit.

                                    white knight? dont make me laugh, only little girls that want to meet her prince charming still use that term

                                    I feel like i am wasting my time explaining to a kid who is complaining about bullies calling him names. Grow up ffs and learn to ignore the idiots. I have had people calling me names, and at the end when i win them games, they sometimes thank me instead. Ignore the noise, focus on the win.


                                      Its ranked theres no way they r 4 stack and i checked there profile they never played together , u wanna brag cuz u had highest score in a game or smthing , nothing to do here

                                      Epic Sax Guy

                                        How do you even get into this kind of discussion in a game of dota? I mean, when I spawn in the fountain I don't exactly prioritize blurting out some political drek.

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