General Discussion

General DiscussionHow long will it take me to get out of the trench?

How long will it take me to get out of the trench? in General Discussion

    Still at 2k was looking quite good when i went up 200 but now I am back to where I started. Asking for tips from anyone who has managed to increase thier mmr from 2k to 4-5k pls help


      learn the game :) then its just fun cause you're gonna win like 60% and get to 3,5k ez

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        Could you elaborate on "learning the game" pls :)


          looking benao stream


            Yikes, your top 3 give me a heart attack. Good stats on them, but easy to counter heroes.

            My advice, farm with Sven and phoenix. They've got me up a bunch of MMR.

            Also pick mid game crushers, cause must pubs give up around that time. Like Axe, Zeus, and all that good nuker jazz.

            ALL MAITO

              Thanks for the advice :D Guys just wondering how long it took you to get to your mmr(s)?


                zeus should be ez just nuke them all and win


                  I post this everywhere. Good luck!

                  -Always be doing something. No matter what role, you should always be doing something. Farming, ganking, getting runes, warding, pushing, roshing, healing, baiting, stacking. Literally the only time you should be doing nothing is if your trapped in you base or if you're sitting behind your farmer. There may be a couple more situations, but thats all I can think of.

                  -Watch replays. You can see if your instincts were correct. Could you have prevented a death from an obvious gank? Could you have seen the gank on the minimap? Did you need more ward coverage? It's good to know what the fog/day-night effect has. Watch yourself in a team fight from your perspective. Were you tunnel visioned? Should you have gone after another target? Game sense is hard to learn, but it can be reviewed and improved by rewatching fights at all speeds and angles.

                  -Watch streams, not of the pros though. When pros play pub it's a very different situation. Maybe someone who's 1k higher than your current mmr. Watch how they play, what they're looking at, their item choices, their game decisions, how they farm, how they use their skills.

                  -Understand the game. Know when to push. Know when to fight. Know when you have to force the game to end. Know when you can stall out and farm. Know when to rosh. It's hard to know what's right, and it's even harder to force teammates to agree with you, but do what you can to force the game it should be played. This is probably the root of why people are so mad at each other, but try to understand what should be accomplished instead of aimlessly going through the motions without knowing whats coming next.

                  -Never blame your team. Not really, games have definitely been lost because of your teammates. Don't break into the habit of blaming teammates every time you lose. There are almost always something you could have done better yourself, even if you still would have lost. You'll win your share of games because of bad play on the other side as well. Just focus on yourself and what you could have done better to succeed.

                  ALL MAITO

                    Thanks a lot for that post mate. I always try my best to not blame my team mates and this is something that has sometimes actually made me lose games because I dont speak up and say what theyre doing is wrong. Like a tidehunter buying a battlefury over blink for example :/

                    Bad Intentions

                      Simple really. Kill heroes, dont die and help your team kill heroes.



                        Simple really. Kill heroes the ancient, dont die and help your team kill heroes the ancient.


                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          Pick drow and viper every game, regardless of your team's lineup. If your team has many carries, play as support in the laning stage. Let the other guy take the farm, you harass with your orb. You will eventually get your farm if you don't lose the game in 25 minutes. Your kda might suffer a bit, but with these heroes you can win unwinnable games in your bracket, even if you start as support.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            dont pick drow its autoloss if you dont know her


                              and even if you do... you gotta be real good to have a chance at winning with her


                                its like a handicapped fucking hero


                                  He has 70% win rate with her. I'm sure he is better with her then with other heroes. She gets lot of "accidental farm".

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    if u arent complete apeshit u can win 2k mmr matches through sheer mechanics
                                    or just spam slark

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      get rlly rlly good at couple heroes and spam them, or pick carry and learn how to get farm, and by farm i mean a lot of gold like a lot fast. cs=win most of time. Also counter pick, it helps.


                                        players at 2k lack of mechanics and farm they dont know the right time to push or farm or or or..
                                        get advantage of them by UNDERSTANDING THE GAME.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          fYYq is the master he will teach you how to last hit.


                                            im on a stage that i learn how to move my hero with dem mousez

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              I use 3 mouses 1 for my hero, second for courier and third one for the person that leaves game after he gets first blooded while diving.


                                                2k players sit on mid lane staring across the river because the fight might start any moment. They use tp only to tp from base to tier 1 towers. They NEVER tp from one lane to another.


                                                  Other people telling you how to improve will not work. Watch some competetive games on Twitch and play more games, sooner or later you will be where you want.


                                                    GET GUD! name was better^


                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      report 2

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM
