General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle

Oracle in General Discussion

    So as y'all might know, Oracle in coming out soon..

    Any thoughts about this hero? Ultimate really overpowered?


      his skillset seems overpowered, but overall:

      18+1.9 str
      15+1.7 agi
      23+2.9 int
      305 ms
      2 armor

      [size=30]1.4 BAT[/size] [size=30]1.4 BAT[/size]

      [size=30]1.4 BAT[/size] [size=30]1.4 BAT[/size]

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I don't know, why the fuck Valve can't just give Pit Lord already? He has been in Dota for years while other shit have been in for only 3 patches but they are still in the game now.


          So what's gonna be the pub combo


            Oracle huskar


              ^Eh, no?

              Oracle, Slark.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Oracle anything maybe? I mean why would he need a partner?


                  ^Probably, but he asked what hero people probably would combo him with most.

                  Phoenix will probably be comboed with a specific hero more as people with head straight for: LOOK AT HIS ULT, COMBO IT WITH OP STOMP SLARK OR SKYMAGE

                  I've never played this hero, so will be fun to experiment in testclient

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                    His spells will end up either costing double the mana they cost now or will have their cds drastically increased. But like I said before, Icefrog's logic will dictate that he should nerf the 1.4 BAT before any spell.

                    Flat is Justice!

                      oracles, techies


                      OH MY HOMIES


                        didnt actually realize before now that you're immortal during ult duration, and the delayed damage. So fun reading and trying out a hero you've never seen.

                        This shits seems so fucking mother broken, really. Actually is all the damage you take during ult considered magic damage that doesn't get reduced? So you can basically spoil that damage with his W?

                        Meh, that can't be true.

                        Cool hero though!


                          Hoping for Pit Lord on Day 3


                            hoping to get arcana drops


                              Refresher oracle ult.... Invulnerable for about 17.5 seconds when timed correctly? Or is impossible to overwrite?


                                pit lord isnt even op... no reason to keep him out and its fun when suddenly 5 heroes appear from a creep :D

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                                  ^ this


                                    dont think it grants invulnerability. just invisibility. as in its not like slark ultimate afaik.

                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                      u cant die during that time period or something


                                        @xan But the damage that you take is delayed, so you are immortal until the duration ends, also if you heal the person enough they won't die


                                          Pit lord is actually one of the weakest heroes, at least he had a nich, when he was able to unpush, but bad at pushing, fighting or anything that isn't unpushing


                                            xan it makes all damage (as far as I'm concerned) be delayed. You cannot be damaged during the duration of the ult, but in the end all damage and heal you've granted while being immune to both heals and damage, will be your current HP post he ult duration.

                                            Probably a bad explaniation, but that's how I've figured out the ult. If the ult was just like olds slarks ult I'd find this hero pretty balanced, but with this he's simply too strong.

                                            Put ult on your carry then make him 100% immune to magic. Basically takes no damage, at the same time you can heal him if you were to desire.

                                            I think I'll spam this hero, however not sure how well it'll go.


                                              Well, if you make him magic immune he's also taking more phyiscal damage, which can be a bad thing vs. heavy phyiscal damage heroes like PA. Literally dead, go crit that bitch and blink out, he's dead after ult duration. H-heh.


                                                Put ult on your carry then make him 100% immune to magic. Basically takes no damage, at the same time you can heal him if you were to desire.

                                                I believe the magic damage (or any damage) is delayed?
                                                You have a spell that you don't receive and magical damage but then you're unable to attack.


                                                  Don't forget, all healing during the ult is also doubled. Omni, dazzle, oracle, pa team op


                                                    That's true. I totally forgot the aspect of the disarm.

                                                    Can you purge team-mates with your Q? Purge off the disarm, but keep the magic resistance?

                                                    it'll be fun to learn all those mechanics.



                                                      Literally unkillable.

                                                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                        if the unit is in ghost form and has the phys immune spell casted on him when the dmg is returned to him after ulti does he take no dmg

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          You actually just need a Dazzle and cast Grave as the ulti is about to end. Ez.


                                                            oh yeah you guys are correct. you still can die after the ulti runs out but yeah, he wont die during it. my bad.

                                                            edit: @matrice, i wouldnt say pitlord was one of the weakest heroes. he had a period where he was op but after nerf he was fine. he was always a good hero imo.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              Is oracle on the test client yet?


                                                                after reading his lore he seems like an utter twat


                                                                  I'm excited to see what the pros will do with him. His potential is HUGE, and his versatility and synergy with other heroes is amazing, so he'll fit into pretty much any strat and line-up.

                                                                  I just hope that he'll get nerfed until he's added to CM though. I believe he's a little bit too strong at the moment.

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    Yeah dont get ahead of yourself.
                                                                    Chances are we gonna get another hero ported in before oracle gets into cm pool.


                                                                      yh oracle is in test


                                                                        Dazzle grave, OD prison, eul, etc. does not prevent death from the end of oracle ulti. At least not in Dota 1.


                                                                          waiting for an earth spirit-like nerf to this hero

                                                                          Sister Fister

                                                                            Yes, please, Oracle every game in my team. Thank you!


                                                                              so I know that eul's doesn't work but if you pop ghost scepter and oracle's spell immunity right before the end of his ult do you negate all none pure damage delt to you during the duration of the ult?

                                                                              Also does the purifying flame heal stack or does it just refresh the duration? either way It could be abused, to get more then one heal off during Fates edict, or to nuke some one with out healing them like casting flames, on an enemy, eul's ing them casting flame again then hitting them with the purge right after, and maybe another cast of flames if they aren't quite dead yet.

                                                                              can you kill allied heroes with purifying flames? what about allied ranged creeps with full HP with high lvl flames?

                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                Ty valve, been waiting for another techies.


                                                                                  @Number 12: The only thing I know is that Purifying Flames is never lethal on allies. But Gamepedia has a lot of info on Oracle.


                                                                                    you still might be able to kill your own ranged creeps to deny XP/gold, just flames them and then attack click them right after when they are at 1hp. I guess you would need lvl 5 or 7 to do it though.


                                                                                      if you're referring to fate's edict, it grants 100% magic resistance, not spell immunity.

                                                                                      spell immunity = unable to be targetted by most spells and also ignores status effects i.e. most disables
                                                                                      100% magic resistance = take no magic damage, still affected by disables.
                                                                                      theres now a distinct differece between immunity and resistance for people who are too lazy to learn BKBs interactions

                                                                                      and purifying flames does stack, cannot be lethal when used on teammates, and can't be used on creeps anyways.

                                                                                      > It could be abused, to get more then one heal off during Fates edict
                                                                                      that's the whole point of the bloody ability and it's 3s cooldown


                                                                                        and no, neither euls nor a combination of ghost scepter + fate's edict will block the damage from false promise.
                                                                                        if you are cycloned while false promise is active, you will take damage once the cyclone ends. false promise works as usual when you are ethereal as well as effected by fate's edict


                                                                                          "theres now a distinct differece between immunity and resistance for people who are too lazy to learn BKBs interactions" wasn't there always or am I missing something?

                                                                                          no need to be so harsh, the 3 second cool down could also be used to nuke someone more then once before purging them or to refresh the duration of the heal 6 seconds into the edict.

                                                                                          I don't know where you are getting information about oracle the wiki said that flames was unit target, and didn't mention anything about stacking/not stacking that's why I asked.


                                                                                            what does it say under "affects"?
                                                                                            morphling's replicate is unit target too. that doesn't mean it can target creeps.


                                                                                              also go to playdota, dota2.gamepedia isn't the only source of information, also try things like warcraft 3 and the dota 2 test client.


                                                                                                I assumed that would be hero target if it didn't effect creeps. ill check playdota before asking other stupid questions, thanks.