General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with Void

Help with Void in General Discussion

    Could one of you compare my and my friends void build? Last time I played void we argued all game about how void should be build. He sweard on battlefury while I said it's better to go Maelstrom and start ganking once you have it. Both builds have a similar farming approach: Lane until we have PMS, brown boots and lifesteal than go into the jungle until we have maelstrom/Battlefury.



    He doesn't play void since because he knows that my build is better 80% of the time. what a skrub


      Void has its own build?? Just buy same thing over again like am


        he has the old mjollnir carry (pubstomp) build and the offlane aghs refresher thingy going. my dear colleague plays him like am

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          well this 6k+ void player goes bfury so your friend has that going for him..


            I like Maelstorm on all carry heroes except Mortred and Ember because it's cheaper, but battlefury scales better.


              You can build void however you want, the hero is pretty flexible when it comes to itemization.
              Maelstrom/mjollnir is the most common item on him because it sinergizes well with timelock's bonus damage and because it speeds up your farm.


                Safelane void: qualing blade, midas, pt, madness, maelstorm, bkb, daedalus, scepter or finish mljonir

                Going bf on Void is good, if you can get it rly early, like in 12 min. You'll probaby rush it, so it means you wont have midas or any attack speed item, so u cant kill people with naked bf.

                Howewr, Void with pt,madness, maelstorm will more likly to kill anyone in his chrono.

                Point? If your team have capitability to play 4v5 for some time, get it, asap.

                If you play against heavy stunners, or nukers, skip it. Most of the time bf is wrong way to build void.

                He needs as, not cleave or dmg. Midas is a way better, Since good Void is usefull after laning phase eg 12min mark with it, while bf Void isnt


                  Btw, boths builds are weak. While his build sucks more for sure, your build lacks bkb, which Void needs a lot.

                  Upgrading maelstorm asap is wrong, Since Void needs some hp and bkb to stay alive in chrono.