General Discussion

General DiscussionAttacker! style kunkka feels really difficult to use...

Attacker! style kunkka feels really difficult to use... in General Discussion

    So I'm getting decimated at the 4.6k level(now down to 4.5k) with him. Even when I get a good start whenever I start building my bfury, things go downhill. I apparently suck at balancing the farm with the ganks.

    According to Attacker!, he gets bfury by 12-14 minutes. Meaning phase+bottle+bfury+whatever consumables+starting items. Basically its about 7.4k. To achieve 7.4k by 13 minutes with starting 625+1300 passive gold, you need to farm about 5.5k in 13 minutes which feels impossible to me. You can't even get that gold by getting a perfect creep score. You'd have to do that while jungling or scoring kills.

    In short, I don't think its a very good build unless you're immensely better than your opposing mid.

    So I'm off to try a more toned down version of Crystalis>Blink>Daedelus>Daedelus>Etc.


      battlefury is not that good lol
      get shadowblade then critical damage

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        14 min BF is really almost perfect. Even safelane farming AMs get Threads-BF at about 13 mins at best, there is no way a mid hero can farm that much on his own, there should be outside help. Also I don't think he gets it that fast every game anyway.

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          perhaps u could stack camps with torrent no idea


            He says 12-14 minutes on average so... yeah.

            I do use torrent stacking. Without giving up lane farm, you get like one opportunity like per 2-3 minutes average. If you keep running off to stack, you'll lose out all easy gold from lane creeps.

            Regardless, I like crystalis into blink more after I just tried it. You don't lose out on farm that much because you can still 1 shot waves when you get daedelus and it lets me join fights much earlier. I don't think I'm good enough to go bfury like he does EVERY game.


              someone with plus can check his timings..

              but yeah, 12-14 minutes sounds like complete BS. AM with boots can get it in 11 minutes pure free farm, ~13 minutes w/treads. You can't get battlefury + bottle + phase in 12-14 minutes in anything but a game where you get a few kills/towers, which clearly is not an average game. Kunkka is also a hero that really should not be getting free farm either, usually he will miss ~1-2 cs/wave for the earlier waves against good opponents.

              I have no clue how to play kunkka myself, finding a balance between farming and ganking is actually really difficult like you said. I can farm really quick with him, farming is by far the aspect of the game that I excel in the most. Even though I can get full gear in 40 minutes, I just feel like im playing techies with x/dagger..


                he just gets kills man. that's how he snowballs.
                it'd not perfect farming skills.