General Discussion

General Discussioni have one question for you tell me if you want me to

i have one question for you tell me if you want me to in General Discussion

    its not about skill here i ask why valve made this i got like 2.5 k games from 2013 and got in my games people who are new are really low on skill i mean they dont know items,dust,wards
    so i am asking whats the point on me spending time on this game and statistic when u got new people with less than 100 games in your team ? ... whats the point how can i get better ... or how the match quality will improve?

    i mean whats the idea ?
    2.5 game player with 90 games player in one team ?..... i just dont understand it ....
    i know they need progress but ranked with someone who is like 2k games more than u is .... not for me....
    i was even thinking to quit it friend start to delete it it for that reason


      match quality will improve if you get better

      if you have been at a certain mmr for a long period of time, system isn't lying, thats your mmr


        mhm so valve make everything perfect i am all wrong ok .... so i hot like 2,5 k games and i have to play with people who dont know bkbs wards team play and hero builds ... so i wasste this 2 years .... i am so wrong ...


          and dont tell me that you maches are perfect .. that u all 10 players are same lvl and you make 2h games...

          NextStep ®

            I think the question is how often do you match up with players like that?
            Well it happens to me from time to time as well. Probably 2 out of 10 games.

            But seriously, you do play this game so casually uh?
            I mean why are you still in normal skill after 2 years of playing with 2.5k games in hand.


              cus if you mach 2 out of 10 on me is like 7 out of 10 i got mach in high skill and very h skill too but cant be there cus maching really push me down very low

              NextStep ®

                Well, same goes to your opp side if it's really 7 out of 10 games.
                You'll need to learn how to exploit weaker players on the opp side. Otherwise, you're pretty much belonging to your current bracket. It's the same logic once you reach mid/high 5k.

                NextStep ®

                  Not saying the system is perfect.
                  I hate it too when i get to matchup with players with less than 100 games. Those damn smurfs.


                    can someone tell me how number of game played is related to skill


                      i agree, some games are impossible to win given the current skill level, but then you get games which are impossible to lose.

                      you cant expect to be 5k mmr even if you have 2k games played. just try and learn from every game you played, best thing to do is watch replay. if you don't want to watch replay, just take 5 minutes after the game to think about what you did wrong. Or, after a death, just think what you could have done to avoid the death and try not to repeat the same mistake!


                        make a smurf and start over see how high sill level you can reach

                        if after 10 smurf accounts, still stuck at normal, then you suck lol


                          ok i bring skill again .... i am not a pro i play since 2005 i never want to be some supper pro hero dendi.... i just want people who have experience thats all ...i never pretend for skill or something but some mid level players at my lvl will be normal .... not under 100 games people who i tell them man you are carry take bkb .... after that they flame on you and still not do nothing ... hah but this system hope they do something in future


                            don't talk to your teamate lol
                            talk only make things worse lol
                            if they know what to do, then you don't need to tell lol
                            if they don't know what to do, they will sure flame you lol
                            so just don't ever try to talk to your teamate lol
                            you can talk to enemy though lol
                            they get mad from time to time lol
                            that is very funny lol


                              You have 47% win-rate that's super low. I just don't believe u have such a bad luck, esp. in Normal Skill bracket.

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                how am i stupid after 2 years of studying lol!
                                volvo pls!


                                  mhm maybe i should delete this game anyway and go back to garena


                                    yes^ cause i dont know what bkb/ward is and i ruin ur games

                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                      mmmhm yes the average skill level of garena pubs are like 2k-3k so i guess that would be a good place for you


                                        how can people remain static at some mmr i don't get it.
                                        ever since i started playing this game i improved, and i still do.
                                        it's like some people don't even try or i don't know what, cuz doing some thing over and over again (be it playing basketball, push ups, ping pong or dota) you are pretty much bound to get better at it.


                                          mmr is bunch of bullshit my friend, just play with friends, or play normal games where its more or less random(once the event is over though)
                                          with +25 mmr per game its gonna take you 2.5k more games to get to decent mmr, and people will know what dust and wards are but nobody buys them anyway, because you have qop, pudge, and storm on your team.

                                          NextStep ®


                                            You're exaggerating. You don't need another 2.5k games to reach decent mmr.
                                            And mmr isn't bounch of bullshit. lol


                                              i think mmr is shit man cus when i finish my 10 games (2 of them was io with feed) i got like 3.8 k then i lose 1.5 mmr than go back to 3 k and stuck with 7/3 bad/good teams ... and get low to 2.5 again than go back to 3 and its all lose steak and win streak thats all game put you in purpose to lose my team we all lose 3 in a row when i ask them ,then i ask the oponets and they say we are in wining streak right now ...... so its basicly wining streak vs lose streak thats how valve system set u up and games are most of the time 7/3 predetermined
                                              thats all that i want to say (again i did not speak about skill stop say skill here i am not pro am casual mid skill player i have good games and bad games the point that i want all to be on my lvl of knowledge at least and when u pin or use command like stun my team to react!)


                                                Если тебе чем-то не нравится твоя команда, просто найди тех кто тебе подходит и играй только с ними. Это так просто...


                                                  you think mmr is shit cos u dropped mmr


                                                    my god ure fucking dumb

                                                    NextStep ®

                                                      And this 7/3 bad/good teams only applies to 2k bracket?


                                                        i think so ... in 3 k bracket was way better my team mmr are in 3.5 k range and its much better

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          ure just fucking delusional kill urself



                                                            why do i never get to play against these people in mm

                                                            20% winrate 115 matches on io sub 1 kda

                                                            is this real life

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              nah its most likely to ruin games like me

                                                              NextStep ®
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                                                                NextStep ®

                                                                  i think so ... in 3 k bracket was way better my team mmr are in 3.5 k range and its much better

                                                                  It was better.
                                                                  Then why you still dropped from 3k to 2k bracket? =/


                                                                    i think volvo choose you to be a saviour of the smurf and bring ez win to them with your almost 3k games experience . Kappa


                                                                      holy shit

                                                                      Jegant Drago TTV

                                                                        i started in 2.5k mmr, then started to play party with one friend, and we both played for about a year and got up to 3k now. as for building mmr, i feel you need at least or most 5 heros you are best at...for me its 1 carry 2 semi carry and 2 support. (me im mostly support, my friend carry but he also have his "support" heros)
                                                                        so for solo high skilled players they will have that ONE hero they are god at.
                                                                        so just pick that one decent hero, play him, get god like with him...and dont complain about being countered cause i personally believe that there is always a way to play around your enemy, if its about your skill build, or item choices...
                                                                        im not saying this is 100% cause i never really tried it, but i think this is a fair statement.
                                                                        if you want an example. a twitch player danny plays different heros and does entertainment at 5k mmr...but when he gets low, he plays his best hero NP, and get back to his regular mmr. and continue to stream different heros.
                                                                        so 5k mmr players most likely are great at a few heros, but understand every hero and how to play against or with them.
                                                                        if agree pls comment or anything to add is welcome :)


                                                                          If mmr is shit and it forces win/lose streak please inlight me and tell me how i went from 3.6k to 5.1k ? When i calibrated i got 3.7 and it was my skill level honestly i improved got higher then got stuck then improve and get higher , now tell me if u say ur getting better how r u dropping ? While im raising ? Get good bro i know ppl at ur bracket irl they r low really if ur better then them u can win them easly i played 3 games for my friend and raped every1 there just to prove him that he sucks just like they r , dont blame ur team mates even at 5k u will get ppl at bad days/bad heroes(heroes they r not really good with that they will preform as a low 4k (under 4300) with and will lose u games if ur way better then ur team mates u will get up if ur at the same level (add/remove 200 of ur mmr) u will stay at that range , juice already proved that there is nothing like (mmr hell , team mates holding me ) just find ur mistakes improve and get good


                                                                            Excuse my bad english english is my second lang