General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you think is the best hero line up that can surely win a game?

What do you think is the best hero line up that can surely win a game? in General Discussion

    What are your suggestions about this? Thanks! :D


      since ur in normal skill (below my level of autism)
      continue to roll face on keyboard and hope for win
      I have now grasped the fact that one can use one hand for keyboard and one for mouse


        Depends on mmr, but for you it'd probably be something like

        Riki (Offlane)
        Wraith King (Safelane)
        Lich (Offlane)
        Vengeful (Safelane)
        Viper (Mid)

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        NextStep ®

          For your bracket.

          tide and undying ( offlane )
          Viper ( Mid )
          Faceless void and witch doctor ( safelane )

          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

            Any stuns will win a normal match game.


              You'd be surprised at how unprepared normal skill matches are against Zeus or Witch Doctor.

              Dire Wolf

                In 3k if you want a balanced team that can win any match you stack ultimates and disables and a strong carry/ganking mid.

                Mid: Storm spirit, qop, or kunkka
                Offlane: Tide
                Safelane: Void, witch dr, earthshaker

                This gives you major initiation with tide and earthshaker, you can stack void's chrono with witch dr's ult for devastating dmg in team fights. If you want to go even more ult crazy you drop a kunkka ship into void's chrono as well, otherwise qop ult's good and strom is just a really good mid all around, can gank, nuke and carry late. You let ES get a blink, then he can 5 spot and buy all the wards while dr gets aghs and tide builds refresher.

                Other than that, 5 man push lineups can be cheesed for some wins cus enemy teams will usually pick a bunch of hard carries that can't handle you. Something like bristle and necro offlane, luna and dazzle safe lane, elder titan or kunkka mid. Just 5 man everything at ~10 mins.


                  you need to have tide in your team, most of the times you will win.


                    tide magnus slark ogre +1 support

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                        i like aggro tri, that shit is nice. mirana,wk,ss/mirana,viper,wd.
                        some solo dude: tide, cent, lycan, legion, doom, timber against enemy str heroes.
                        mid: invoker, dp, puck, qop, storm, or even surprise pudge as last pick

                        a nice rat build: dp, lycan, ss, np + some carry

                        farmer tri are most of the times boring and fail. why fail? if you go for void/am pick, you gotta do it fast, or else it will get banned/picked by the enemy team. if you pick this shit, expect only counters on the other 4 enemy picks.

                        enigma will do fine if you can jungle with him. you can go blink + bkb in min 17 with stacks, or you can go meka 1st item and push.

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