General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal skill, high skill, very high skill. Could someone explain a bi...

Normal skill, high skill, very high skill. Could someone explain a bit in detail about all this? (New to forum so if there already is a topic about it, post the link) in General Discussion
Bread Winners Association

    Was just wondering about the skill rating in dotabuff. Just created a new account and just out of a sudden I realised that all my solo games that i've played appear in high skill. Does it have to do anything with the hidden mmr or something to that effect? Since my other account with 2.5k mmr with 1.8k hours has normal skill on every single game unless I party up with someone who is in the 3k mmr area. So like I said, could anyone explain this change? Does it mean that I'm laying on a better mmr than the other one or? Pretty confused with it.


      Normal skill is generally under 3.2k

      High skill is between 3.2 to 3.7 ish

      3.8 k onwards is VHS.

      If you get high skill in your games, your unranked MMR is around 3.2k ish or above, since your games' average mmr is 3.2k+

      Bread Winners Association

        So theoretically speaking, if I do my calibration matches it's possible for me to get in that specific bracket meaning around the 3k ish mmr?

        Bad Intentions

          if you do good in your calib, yes.

          Bread Winners Association

            But what i've heard is that calibration isn't the main thing that affects mmr. It's all the games played from day 1. That's what I apparentely heard. But Yeah.

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Yeah, but you're getting into high skill in more of your games now, I'd think you'd calibrate somewhere around 3k, maybe above 3.2k if you do well in calibrations.

              It honestly isn't too hard to climb in that bracket, I calibrated at 2800. It's a little streaky though IMO

              I got from 2.8k to 2.4k, quit ranked until a couple months, and now I'm at 2950. Been working towards getting to 3.2k++

              Bread Winners Association

                It might not be hard for some but then again I see Dota as a team game. When I first calibrated I was at 2k mmr. Wasn't happy about it so played ranked. Problem With the bracket was that - I kept losing. So I went all the way Down to 1.5k mmr. Took a pause from ranked, played normal and started again. Got to 2.5k but I'm still not satisfied. But happy to hear that you actually manage to pull through! :D

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  Same exact thing. It is a team game

                  Find a few friends and play ranked, even if you lost , at least it won't be cancerous teammates.


                    U will calibrate at 3k,3.2k and u will go back to 2.5k

                    Bread Winners Association

                      Haha exactly. Playing solo ranked at that bracket is a pretty cancerous thing. Do one small mistake and the whole cyka gang will just start saying ''report'' ''noob'' ''idiot'' but then they never see themselves. Void + PA hard lane. :D