General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm not usually salty but this game threw my mind away.

I'm not usually salty but this game threw my mind away. in General Discussion

    how can this happen at 5200 MMR? it's purely unexplicable from my perspective
    this shouldn't happen at all, I mean I expect my team to play decent at this MMR, I'm not asking for pros
    what could have I done better in this game? I was 5-0 against Troll Warlord in my lane but suddenly they just ran over us because Lycan was farming jungle whole game and he never carried a teleport scroll and he had shit farm anyway


      yeah.. i can totally see you raped troll haha fucking noob, you're the one making that mmr disgusting to play on.

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          you guys are clearly retarded but whatever, hoping for some decent people to answer my question


            1 month account, there you go

            NextStep ®

              Are you expecting perfect games and teammates all the way till 7k mmr?


                I didn't say that, I was just wondering how is it possible to be that bad and have 5600 MMMR and to not be an account buyer
                it just blew my mind
                he had 3 items the whole game and he didn't kill only 2 towers if I remember correctly




                    I think people needs to realize this. you lose games not because your teammates are noob, but you are not that good yet. im not saying you suck, but if you are really that good you can carry them. i know its not always possible all the time, but if you see your mistakes and try to learn from it, then you wil probably improve. i think your good but not good enough to carry 4 burdens.


                      in other words not even close to your 5k smurf and hopefully and very soon you will be back to 3k

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                        NextStep ®

                          Some players are indeed fucking noob. You'll meet spoilers in any bracket.
                          Those guys probably had a bad day and don't give a shit about MMR.

                          Hence, don't expect everyone to play their best at all times.
                          Oh ya. The lycan is on smurf as well. . . . . . . .lol


                            it doesn't matter how I would have played that game, there is no one in this entire world who would have won that game in my place with that Lycan in his team
                            yeah he was a smurf too but he probably abused Zeus like all other trashes and got like 5300 after calibration and somehow got into 5600 which is retarded in my opinon that guys like him get there but whatever
                            no one fucks with Valve's system


                              dat ES spam though

                              Meepo Lord

                                Your enemy is also 5600 so blame them becuz they are the reason why you lose and not lycan.If they dont butraped your team u wont lose

                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                  You died 9 times. You should have died 0 times. Go check the replay and find out why you died. Then think about the situation and find out how you could have prevented it. Did you overextend? Did you not see that enemy coming? Did you not expect the enemy to have this item? Did you rely on a team mate?

                                  I have made that in the last week using nVidia ShadowPlay (I recorded all of my deaths and checked them later and learned from them) and it dramatically increased my skill. Even in horrible games where my team mates were absolute retards or even griefing/intentional feeding, I found out that I could have prevented all of my deaths, or simply put: All of my deaths were my own fault. So you should check out your games with that mindset "all my deaths are my fault". Only then you can actually improve.


                                    the enemies were as bad as Lycan almost but I couldn't do much that game in late game because my hero wasn't just good for that
                                    I created space and did my job during early game and stuff but it was in vain
                                    my deaths don't matter at all, it's not like if I had 0 deaths we would of won the game, that's retarded to say
                                    the problem is that players like him should not have as high MMR as he has because he is not worthy of it
                                    and he didn't have one bad game, he is just a bad player

                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                      "my deaths don't matter at all, it's not like if I had 0 deaths we would of won the game, that's retarded to say"

                                      This is just a very unhealthy attitude, you will never EVER profit from playing pub games with this attitude. Pub games aren't meant to play to win, they are meant for you to become better. So it does in fact matter.

                                      Furthermore, with the insane amounts of gold and XP every death gives away, there is a very high chance that you would have won the game with 0 deaths (because if you don't feed as much, then your allies will have a better time as well).

                                      Saying you did your job is not helping either, because you're not supposed to just do your job if you want to increase in MMR. You should be the reason why you win your games and nobody else. See it this way: 7k players are getting matched with 3k players against 5k players. If those 7k players were just doing their job, they would never win a game.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        u must be new to 5+ if u expect ur team to be good.


                                          just trash smurf thinking to high of himself and thinking everyone else is trash


                                            are u completely brain damaged OP?

                                            nice game impact u had... freekill AXAXAAXXAAXA


                                              idk you posted here, it's clearly that trash people like benao and fyyq won't give you any advices or answers at all
                                              this is the most cancerous forum ever


                                                thanks brah


                                                  you can get legit advice if you aks for advice and if you are not a totally obnoxious dick


                                                    no you can't, 98% of the posters in this forum are worse than OP and you bash him lmao


                                                      ^ true that to some extent


                                                        nice bruh, wanna smoka some wid and gid hai?


                                                          AAXAXXAAX ^

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            Your farm was just 2 bad.


                                                              I appreciate the few people that actually had something to say besides bashing me
                                                              and second, you clearly don't know how to play Earth Spirit Blunt
                                                              after you get your Blink Dagger you rarely kill any creeps after that
                                                              my duty is to make chaos and get kills all over the map so I can make space for my team and so did I that game


                                                                you did a good job jumping around the map and feeding them equally


                                                                  btw dude, there were games where i was godlike at minute 8, and i would still lose that game cuz my team wasn't doing anything.
                                                                  sometimes people just think "nice, we have a good es player, lets buy funni items and be afk".


                                                                    dirty noob


                                                                      I love this forum and people that post on it, I'm really glad I posted here
                                                                      thanks boys


                                                                        Merry Christmas to you all!
                                                                        seems like playing during holidays is a bad idea or maybe this week I just had Valve against me
                                                                        either way, enjoy the holidays with your families and friends!


                                                                          The thing about Dota is that there's always going to be bad players in your games, regardless of what mmr you are.

                                                                          Sometimes the bad player is your teammates, sometimes its you, sometimes its the other team. Sometimes bad means feeding, sometimes bad means simply not listening.

                                                                          These things are just so common that there really isn't a need to make a thread about it every time it happens. This forum's one of the more hostile ones I've been the reaction is understandable.

                                                                          I honestly think it's better to just lurk : )


                                                                            omg i finally found the director of this forum