General Discussion

General DiscussionForce staff on non-intelligence carrys

Force staff on non-intelligence carrys in General Discussion

    Is it viable to rush force staff on non-intelligence carrys who are both mana-starved and benefit from positioning items?

    Case in point; Doom, Slark, Juggernaut, Tiny, etc.

    For example, Slark would benefit from force staff because;

    less mana problems with soul ring + force staff
    great combo of escape into fog with pounce + force staff, once ur in fog u can run away
    similarly, better chasing mechanism

    Rushing RoA, scepter and force staff would completely solve Juggers mana problems

    etc etc

    Jay Ashborne

      WK maybe.


        dagger is in every case of those heroes u mentioned better
        force staff has like 500 range while dagger has 1200 (dont quote me on numbers)
        if u want to initiate from fog u need a dagger to close the gap, force staff just doesnt get the job done (assuming that its your only positioning item)
        slark has no mana problems if u can treadswap at all


          it used to be nice on wk when you had attack speed and dmg from it. nowdays dagger way better coz it costs no mana.


            it's ok on carries if you are stomping


              plenty of heroes.