General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Slark a viable late game hard carry?

Is Slark a viable late game hard carry? in General Discussion

    I know valve doesn't identify slark as a carry by definition but most would argue that slark has the ability to carry a late game. However I don't really find this to be true... Any input? I have this game that I played recently that made me question his late game presence.

    I know i'm going to get hit with some strong opinions on building a battle-furry, but I thought it would help me in this certain match

    Thoughts? :O


      You never watch progames, do you? Ever seen a 6 slotted slark?

      Its because you are normal skill.

      You know, with normal skill it is like the seize of condoms. Condoms come in large, very large and very very large.

      Large means=Small

      Normal means=Low

      1. Battlefury ist just 100% shit on slark. The manaregen ist waste; the hp regen is waste, you don't need the cleave since you can flashfarm with dp.

      2. Helm of the dominator is 100% shit on slark. You dont need the armor nor the regen or lifesteal.

      3. Where is your initiationitem? Blink is recommended.

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      Bot Tyrone

        Abyssal...why would you ever get bfury on him ? You should probs still have a dagger or sb as well, even at this stage of the game

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          Slark, slork is one of the hardest carries in game. In 1v1 scenarios only 2 hero can win against him - refresher's Faceless Void & Doom. The rest losses vs him. Your build is bad - you need Abyssal Blade on him. He gains a lot of agility, due to his passive, so u will bash ur enemies to death. Battlefury is horrible on him. You also don't need helm of dominator & assault is also useless. Your 6 slotted Slark in most games should look like - Abyssal, Skadi, Black King Bar, Monkey King Bar, Refresher Orb, Power Threads/Boots of Travel. You will rarely sell your Shadow Blade, but sometimes u need to get that MKB.

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            ^^ This

            And you should run blink or shadowblade midgame (!)


              no, the only thing slark can do is escape


                Thank you everyone for your input! I do have to say I was trying something new especially because of the circumstances, which was arguably the wrong decision.

                This is my normal build: but Slark can also be used in other ways. It may be the tier i'm in, which is normal skill but this build also takes the cake in certain games:

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                  Skip the lifestea. For what would you need lifesteal? You have your ulti and you should go bkb.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Why would you need BF this game wtf? There is no Brood, no PL, no nothing. It's just flat out bad.


                      trust me slark rapes most heroes at late game


                        @9v1, slark doesn't need blink at all, nor does he need to initiate in first place, people who use blink to initiate as slark just don't understand at all what slark is


                          Dude, play some supports. Dont be a mean bastard.


                            SLARK NEED BOOTS!!!!!!

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              ^ NOT IN NORMAL SKILL KAPPA


                                Okay, I didn't ask for hate without reason. My idea behind the b-furry was to out farm the pa, which did happen if you actually looked. I did have boots. 4 seconds isn't a very long time in a teamfight... so sometimes an item like satanic is a great pick up. And if this game was 1v1 that would be perfect, but its not so thats also why picking up life-steal isn't that bad. Plus the satanic in my other game is to dive fountain, cause it was fun! :)


                                  DSkid48 - u can farm with ur Q. You will be only a little bit slower than with BF. Slark doesn't need any farming item, coz he has Dark Pact for farming & if u really want farming item than Mjollnir is far superior in late game for Slark. Didn't notice ur lack of boots - u just can't sell them or else u will be kited to death. Only hero I would skip boots in late game is Weaver or Medusa going for final push...


                                    @santa clock Who are you talking to? :O


                                      @imprecis Thanks for the feedback, and not just flaming... I decided to pass on the boots only because they had racks down in one lane and i was prepping for the final fight, which was gonna take place in our base. I am aware that flash farming is great with darkpact alone (i've played 100+ matches with slark), but I really wanted ancients to be easier, and dp doesn't go through spell immunity and with stacks that are more than 2 its kinda hard without at least a b-furry.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        slark needs stats, blink is for fast farming or killing supports easily but still matrice doesnt know how to slark


                                          DSkid48 - travels are a must if they had mega creeps, coz when u win a fight there is a possiblity of bb + travels from them & killing ur ancient.


                                            @imprecis Sorry, i didn't mean megas, that was my bad, they only had one lane of racks down. But yea I had bots in my stash for when we would venture out, but in the moment the fight was brought to our base so I opted for lifesteal instead of ms. Was the a bad decision? Maybe... But I also have to mention my team... they kinda got crapped on my pa so usually i was the last one standing...

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              Well matrice, biggest respect for your achievments as a pubplayer, but since pros do run dagger or sb i really can't see why they do not understand slark. That is no argument but an indicator, that it might be a good idea to do it.

                                              Here is the reason, why I think the pros are right:

                                              Ofc you are no tidehunter or enigma; starting clashes is not slarks job. He can gank well and should do it.

                                              Esp in pubs you force the enemy to group up. I can't see how you can achieve this effect without a blink o sb.

                                              The initiationitem gives you the ability to get solokills way easier; wich makes slark a powerhouse midgame.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                @9v1 I respect your opinion and your views on slark in general, but there really isn't any need to be hatin on others in the community just because they don't had as much experience as you.


                                                  Well, you open a thread in a forum, where the average player is arround 4k and very high.

                                                  The question was not:

                                                  "What did I do wrong this game",

                                                  It was:

                                                  "IS SLARK A VIABLE LATE GAME HARD CARRY?"

                                                  Then I explained the Skilldestribution in Dota. I consider myself a medicore player. I recommend you watching progames sometimes. Its quite entertaining and you learn alot.

                                                  If the lowest bracket is considered normal, why not name it low?

                                                  Because newer players would be offended.

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    9v1 - pros still max pounce, instead Dark Pact, even though u can farm much faster with DP & have higher dmg. Also Shadow Blade's Slark is not countered by Sentries, he counters them !!! (u exacly know sentry spot). Also try to place sentry vs running away 522MS Slark, gl & dust is not enough, coz he can purge it.

                                                    About Normal Bracket - it shows nothing. You can be 500MMR or 3.1k MMR, both have Normal Skill bracket.

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                    Bot Tyrone

                                                      You shouldn't be outfarming PA by afk ricing, you should be actively pressuring her so that she can't farm at all while you continue to farm with Q and take objectives, securing a lot of map control

                                                      Edit: both sb and dagger are good items, r e l a x b o y s

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        wtf no boots.

                                                        Anyway, don't need lifesteal cus you will regen when out of enemy vision, don't need battlefury cus you can farm with dark pact. Slark can be a lategame carry because he gets stronger the longer he is up due to his stat steal. He can be a force, that's why late game survivability items like skadi, bkb, butterfly and then attack speed items like butterfly, ac and s&y are so good on him. Keep snowballing the agi steal.

                                                        But he's not as good of a carry as some others because he can be bursted down before he manages to steal enough stats and he doesn't do good tower dmg compared to heroes with dmg enhancing skills. You really want to own mid game and snowball into late game with him. He's not going to just outfarm everyone and win just a medusa late.


                                                          @9v1 I did ask the in general question; is slark viable late game. I am aware that slark is the best hands down 1v1, which is catch hero's out of position and getting pick offs, but is he as reliable in a team-fight where there are aoe ults and many other factors that would affect his performance as a ganker. Then I provided a game as an example of why i was asking the question and asked advice for the game as well. And yes to answer your question I do watch pro-games, a lot in fact. But their games don't usuall last over an hour which brings me back to my question.... Plz, don't be a smartass because you are in a higher tier and think your above this.


                                                            I think that with equal farm slark will fail against most late hero, even strength carries like chaos knight, wraith king and lifestealer reks him. Slarks advantage is that hes good at solo pickoff early mid game so he can snowball very quick much like a battlefury am, but late, no chance imo.


                                                              @9v1; It's not cause pro do it that they understand it.

                                                              Slark is currently broken due to his remade ultimate; a lot of thing works, even if they are barely efficient....

                                                              Oh and, if it's not illidan, european-american "pro" carry have no single clue of what they are doing

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                Like Legion Commander he has high potential in theory but does little in practice versus a lot of teams. In the case of just attacking back and forth he excels (unless he's fighting an Ursa. You can't fight bears, man) but if he starts a fight with no bonus agility it might not go to well for him. If I was drafting a slark I'd put him in a 2 position more often than a 1. He's better played as a ganker than a hard carry in my opinion. Hard carry slark with Dazzle/omni/oracle supporting him can be pretty devastating though.


                                                                  its very situational

                                                                  just like majority of carries got decent pool of heroes that are countering him

                                                                  Bot Tyrone

                                                                    In addition to stat stealing and dark pact to render a lot of disables useless (which is a big deal late game) it's also just how good the active of his ultimate is and how easily he can engage and disengage (back to full HP in seconds) that makes him just crazy.

                                                                    This thread just feels like some people are overstating his potential while others are underrating him a bit.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Uh LC sucks unless she snowballs into a ton of duel dmg. Otherwise she has a mediocre disable that also disables herself, and a decent lifesteal and heal ability that still won't save you from teamfight burst. Slark's a lot different. You just don't want slark initiating on a 5 man fight. He's good coming in behind like an enigma or tide or earthshaker and cleaning out all the supports with a basher and tons of stats stolen.

                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                        why get battlefury when you can get midas?

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          and by the way valve doesn't identify heroes as carrys or other roles any more. Look at the pick screen, it's gone, just shows melee/ranged and stat type now. And the definitions don't matter so much anyway cus what you really need is ability to kill towers and stop other team and you can do that with all carries or zero carries depending.


                                                                            Pure - did u try Slark vs Life/WK ? You can create a lobby, even give Life/WK Aegis & they have 0 chance to win against 6 slotted Slark. It's funny as fuck to have +240 AGI from killing aegis WK.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Yeah lifestealer can't 1v1 like any carry cept maybe dragon knight, he's not a good carry dude he just shines midgame cus of his magic immunity and vs high hp heroes like pudge and idk axe maybe. He's not a good 1v1 hero. Wraith king is same, wk's strenght is that he eats a shitload of nukes in a 5 man fight, dies, resses and applies a huge debuff on entire team, swinging the fight in your teams favor. He's not a 1v1 hero either, just seems that way cus of his res.


                                                                                Imprecis: no its juste theory, i dont see how slark could steal so much stat against them given wk crit and ls lifeteal smashing through slarks 2k hp. Ls and wk can go up 4k with armlet and heart and does way better dps. The only way the slark could get so much stat would be by hit and run, using sb and ulti to regen then go back again. But in simple auto attack fight i dont see slark winning. It comes down to outplaying at this point.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Because lifestealer and wk don't do that much dmg in reality. They do far less dmg than other carries but they are more tanky. You'd have to try it in a lobby I guess but slark can def 1v1 them.


                                                                                    With my tank build, i never had a single problem against any lifestealer

                                                                                    (never tested against a lifestealer that that know how to build itself though, fuck that useless phase boot drum build)

                                                                                    But at least you can deny his openwound like np.

                                                                                    Edit: I gonna try against my mkb daedalus abyssal cuirasse tread armlet naix, just need to find the cmd for those item first :)

                                                                                    Edit2: My build as naix actually crushed slark (but he also got crushed if slark abyssaled him first ^^)

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      slark should kill lifestealer every time

                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        THIS MAKES ME THINK, SLARK EBLADE, TAKE SOME STATS AND EBLADE LEL


                                                                                          Yea I've tried that, its actually really effective. It also makes dp and pounce do 40% extra damage if you initiate with it.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            For 6 slotted naix I'm sure you can find better items than armlet for him like deso, mjollnir, satanic or even a second daedulus/abyssal. I used to build naix exactly the same every game, treads, armlet, ac/basher in some order, abyssal, satanic. I won a shitload of games. This was a while ago, like over a year. Then the meta changed or something cus I started getting kited to hell and back. Heroes like sky and windranger with force staffs and miranas just started wrecking me. That's why naix's now go all these move speed items like phase, s&y and drums cus they suck if they can't hit anything.


                                                                                              But even with all those item he still cann't hit anything :D

                                                                                              Btw 65 damage + 25 as + 475hp + 5 armor; you'll have hardtime finding an item as strong as that.
                                                                                              And we can clearly call it 475 due to lifestealer ability to overheal by a large margin.

                                                                                              (ps deso is really bad lategame)
                                                                                              Due to the combo of mkb daedalus abyssal, he might be stronger with mjolnir though (will not make the maths this night)
                                                                                              However, he will also be much more squishy (like he wasn't enough :p)

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                are you guys srsly arguyng who will win 6 slotted agi hero or 6 slotted str hero???????????? rlly????
                                                                                                agi hero wins. that agi hero can also press 1 buttone and u cant do anything about it.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  Yeah the negative armor vs a high armor hero like slark might not be very significent but it does stack with ac. Can slark purge open wounds? cus that's gg right there if he can.

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                                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                      welp id say hex and abysal on 1 v 1 must have XD


                                                                                                        you dont farm creeps, you farm heroes