Im not sure whether u asked for Captain Obvious Builds, but here I come.
Phase boots, Aquila, Link (may be skipped if not needed, but still very common first item), yasha, skadi, yasha->manta, butterfly, and daedalus/rapier on top of that. You may add mjollnir if u feel like u need it.
Satanic as well as mom are very weird for me, but if it works, thats nice.
You dont need to invest points into split shot unless you are forced to farm woods, cz with this skill switched on, you tend to push lane, and that is what you DONT need. Also, sometimes people invest only 1 point in split on lvl 10 and go for + later on 12-15 lvls.
Shield may seem not that useful, but it helps u not to get ganked and survive even after getting tons of dmg, never switch it off.
Btw, You can ignore my advice cz to tell the truth Im not rly familiar with duza myself.
Look at my last game or
Aquilla phase madness skadi then depends on the game u might want butterfly manta bkb i rearly go linken get divine if ur losing as 5th item and if u can actualy git(last game k was getting kited sl it was extremly risky)
@ samps mom helps u sustain woods and give u the ability to farm stacks without losing hp and it helps u closing the gap so u dont get kited and its extremly good for dmg boost for 1.8k only;) i love it on dusa even tho i got flamed and reported last game for going mom i still carried them
Fuck that Linken first item bullshit.
phase > yasha > skadi > manta/bkb/butter...
phase > maelstrom > skadi > manta/bkb/butter...
Always phase since shes immobile as fuck, yasha/mael for farming. Dont help your team mates until skadi. Skadi = almost unkillable with ult in 5v5. snowball from this moment (25-35min).
EDIT: True, get aquila after or before phase.
I max snake, get a single point in shield and then max split shot. Shield doesn't scale as well per skill point and you need a large hp/mana pool for it to be significant so I max it last. Her nuke is too good to pass up imo - at the very least you get the ranged creep but I believe you can hit enemy heroes for 700hp whilst taking their mana. To hit the enemy hero you hit the closest melee creep when the enemy is coming for a last hit so you have to preempt him by a second. Eventually they won't be able to last hit and you can solo zone him out with snake. In mid game it can often be a good skill to get your opponents out of position when they group up as 5 trying to avoid the snake.
I think treads is too good to pass up as it allows you to tread switch and spam snake. After a team fight you can often reset without going to base by just throwing off your snake vs a creep wave. I get aquilla too though basi might do - not good enough to pull it off but I think aquilla is worth it - every extra dps is good to mitigate split shot. No point having split shot if you can't farm quickly enough. Also makes last hitting in lane easier - means you don't need phase. With age treads+aquilla I have absolutely no problems csing. At the start, she's a little faster than lina so if you can last hit with lina, you can last hit with dusa.
I also get MoM but she's worse than luna in almost every respect in early game. After MoM you need a dps item or you won't have any game impact. Luna has luna blessing, dusa doesn't have that luxury. Manta literally brings nothing to the table and if you're buying it to break silences or dodge spells you probably should avoid 5v5 engagements and farm until you have a dps item + bkb.
For dps I'm not entirely sure what to build. Also not sure whether to get yasha and or point booster before the dps item. Yasha + Drums is bread and butter on so many heroes, I prefer SnY - tried it, not enough game impact imo. Also I find Skadi doesn't give enough damage at that stage of the game but it's still decent - the slow lets you add a few more shots in I guess.
Mkb vs evasion heroes I guess but daedalus is mathematically better - underrated on dusa, people avoid it because before you wouldn't crit on all arrows but now I think it's better than mkb. Also the minibash doesn't stack with hero ult. For that same reason I don't make maelstrom but honestly "my" build doesn't do enough damage so I think you might have to get maelstrom but then do you need the MoM? Maybe you could get maelstrom and skip her ult until you have serious dps though her ult is too good to pass off if you get ganked so maybe get a level in it at 6 and avoid using it at team fights.
Finally you can get rapier after the MoM and farm the bkb super quickly but I haven't tried it, not good enough to pull it off i think.
Don't get Linken's and Manta together - only one of them. Or skip them both and get MoM, if you can afford it in this game.
Never go Midas on Medusa.
About Mana Shield and Split Shot balance - I tend to get 2 points in MS, then 2 points in SS and then max MS.
Technically speaking, your mission on Medusa is to get Skadi as fast as possible (except for DR rush). Don't go for lot of cheap items, if they will delay Skadi.
"you dont need life steal to jungle as dusa......"
No shit but mask of madness is a very cheap item for what it gives you, great farming item. I find my farm better with that than rushing yasha or maelstrom.
And yes, I agree with others, linkins rushing sucks on her and should be removed from her core items. It's good vs certain heroes or maybe as a 4th item after you have some dps, but if you don't get some farming items early on her you will suck all game.
"Manta literally brings nothing to the table"
Why do you think that? Illusions get split shot so they're better than normal ranged illusions for aoe fights. I'm in love with s&y on most heroes but for dusa I think manta makes more sense.
@epik ok but what do you get after mom, yasha, skadi? Butterfly next? I just find myself not hitting that hard and wondering when to go daedulus/mkb/abyssal or if I should just get tankier with scythe.
Yep, always get MoM on Medusa, it just gives so much for a cheap price tag and Mana shield pretty much offsets the self 30% dmg amp. I like go Aquila - Phase - MoM - Maelstrom/Skadi - Skadi/ Maelstrom into Mjollnir in most games. For Straight up Damage, MKB if they have PA/Butterfly carriers, Daedalus for crazy dmg, or divine if I'm feelin lucky(It is preferred to have aegis if you get that). After Skadi, your pretty good to go as far as survivability goes. FOR THE LOVE OF GABEN, DO NOT RUSH LINKENS!! Everytime someone rushes a linkens dusa, i want to commit sudoku.
Now go forth and destroy thy pubs friend.
I say manta brings nothing to the table because I don't think it offers anything worthwhile after the pasha component. You spend 3000 gold for really negligible dps and a tiny bit of dps. Maybe if you have a drow on your team it might be okay (although this might have changed in latest patch idk) but for 3k you could have maelstrom or a nearly completed bkb or a demon edge. If you rush manta, it kind of suggests you want to join team fights early but manta won't do enough damage to make a difference in the team fight. You literally gain more exp/gpm by farming while your team 4v5 but I'm not an expert and my experiences probably aren't that useful.. manta just seems so underwhelming when rushed
If you go Phase, Aquilla, MoM, you should go straight for Skadi. You can go Yasha->Skadi if you'll need Manta later (usually against strong silences), or if Yasha won't hurt your Skadi timing.
If you're farming as you're supposed to do, you don't actually need pure dama items on Medusa. Phase, Aquilla, Linkens/Manta/MoM, Skadi before 30 minutes mark will allow you to deal solid damage. After that you should go Butterfly in almost every game, except when there's some strong evasion on the enemy side and your supports can't deal with it.
Rapier is absolutely legit if you're either rush it (don't) or get it as 4th big item. Ideally, you shouldn't go for any pure damage item, except for Rapier.
My "ideal" Medusa's item build is PB, Linken's, Skadi, Butterfly, Rapier, Guinsoo.
Also, you should remember, that role of both Linken's and Manta is to give you some farm/escape potential and a way to guarantee usage of your ultimate. These are the reasons you get one of them. Not fucking split-shotting illusions - they are crap.
Same goes for MoM. It'll give you farm and escape, but usually you'll need something for your ulti, be it Manta, Linken's or BKB.
if all you care about is faster farming get a midas
phase > aquil > yasha > whatever
is built in pubs because the chances of your team giving to free range is slim to none
medusa is a good hero only if your 4 other team mate can give you space. Most of the time though that is not the case
"You don't Dusa, she sucks at pubs. Even worse than AM."
That's not true, dusa can find farm so easily, AM needs to have a good laning phase and get early battlefury to keep up.
Dusa can come from behind cus her ult and mana shield are actually great end game. AM can't come from behind, none of his shit scales. In other words AM needs a huge gold advantage to win, medusa doesn't, just needs key items.
Well I may be wrong but I've decided to never pick medusa vs any jugger team now, which means I'll probably never play her again since jug is in 90% of games. He counters her ult too hard, just laughs in your face when you ult by using his own ulty. And heaven forbid if he goes manta + diffusal. I haven't seen a jugger try that yet vs me but they still crush me with just manta so I can only imagine.
Medusa actually can outcarry Juggernaut pretty easily. Also, Diffusal is a shit item for countering Medusa. Diffusal + Manta is twice as shit.
Why is diffusal bad? Burns her mana, good dmg for cost. I mean I get the illusions get pwnd by split shot but jug just wrecks me all the time.
If Medusa plays correctly, diving her with a hope of burning her mana via Diffusals will result in a lost teamfight. It is also applied to AM. Yes, if he'll attack disabled Medusa he's one of the best heroes to take her down. But in reality, if he initiates Medusa who isn't too far from him in terms of farm, in a teamfight - he'll lose this teamfight. Same goes for Diffusals. To use them, you need to focus Medusa down. Focusing Medusa down in a teamfight is one of the best ways to get murdered. This is the very reason Medusa gets Linken's, Manta or BKB - to insure her ulti when someone starts focusing her.
As for Jugg - why do you even bothered? Medusa can tank his ulty at almost any stage of game (except for 11 level, if you're behind). If teamfight goes correctly, Jugg will have problems with getting into the combat. He is very likely to use his ultimate - so wait for it, tank it, use Gaze somewhere near the end of his ultimate, kill him and his team.
jugg does not counter any manta heroes.........
when dealing with heavy mana burn teams as dusa you just need to go pure dmg with butterfly and lifesteal instead of focusing on becoming tanky
Imo the main problem with medusa when countering her is that this game is a TEAM game. Its not like its only you and only medusa. A perfect scenario, when you get to her, stun, abyssal, hex and mana burn to death its really remote. Ofc it IS effective and it IS a counter. But its not straighforward.
Best way to kill medusa is by killing her team first by disabling her with pandas ult cyclone etc. that way if her team is squishy, shes left alone auto attacking and vulnerable to stun because most of the time you dont build bkb for her.
I played a lot of dusa games, I think the best way is to get phase, aquila and wand for early game. In case you're wondering why phase over PT is that medusa doesn't have reliable escape mechanism ( do not waste ur ulti for escape only !) and she needs damage for last hitting, which i think is better than PT. The good thing about PT on dusa is only because you wanted to abuse the PT stats for snake-harrass. Wand and aquila also provide good stats and survivability on early phase of the game. Do not buy midas, waste of money. You have split shots and it is a good farming tool and i think it is better than midas.
You should get your linken or manta after those items, best would be before 20 mins or 22 at latest. I prefer linken, or sometimes i get both depends on the situation. The point is, you get linken or manta because you don't want to die because you're silenced or stunned and cant press your ulti (those annoying SS players or SM's 3rd skill). Maelstrom is a good alternative depends how fast you can farm it, it can helps you to farm faster and deal more dps too, which will be upgraded later on to mjolnir.
For late game:
skadi = one of the best choice, should be online before 35 mins, best before 30 mins.
mkb = to counter heroes with evasion
hex = you can get hex after you get 2-3 core items
satanic = just get it if you have damage items already, useless if you doesnt have enough dps.
rapier = this item can turn the tide of the game IF PURCHASED IN THE RIGHT TIME AND USED WISELY
butterfly = same as skadi, one of the best choice. Just get one if you think you need it.
Tips on playing medusa:
1. Stack neutrals/ancients whenever you can, or ask your ally to stack it for you if they are kind enuff.
2. Use your phase boots wisely, it helps you to farm and travel faster!
3. DONT PANIC ULTI, your ulti is important and use it when you really need it. Good players would try to bait your ulti and force you into a bad fight, and then you died because you use your ulti too early.
4. Time = money, farm effectively, so you can get your core items and join teamfights.
Enjoy playing dusa.
Which makes their already pathetic damage even more miserable. Great.
PS Manta is a good item, but not for offensive purposes.
Ok, you can buy Dagon, like I do when I play Medusa. Ez -25 MMR, but at least that Spirit Breaker will notice some damage. =)
You guys are acting like manta doesn't have stats on it. I think the question isn't whether manta is worth it but whether I want s&y instead. I feel either s&y or manta cus yasha is nearly core on her. So do I want the dispel and illusions and 10 more agi for 850g or do I want s&y with 6 more str/int, 6% more move speed and a maim proc?
I feel like one of those has to be core just for the stats unless you really want to go scythe right after skadi, but going mom/maelstrom, yasha, skadi is usually a better build order.
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I've played a couple medusa games lately and have been doing ok. My main problem is I'm awful in lane with her, can't hit the snake right and still suck at last hitting, but going mask of madness I've found it's pretty easy to make up loss of farm in the mid game with good woods/lane rotations.
I'm not sure how to build her though. I've been going aquila, treads, mom every game. I'm really not sure of treads vs phase. Certainly phase would help me last hit in lane a lot more but I like treads for farming. However phase will help me move through my rotations quicker. Really not sure what to pick.
Mom seems a no brainer at this point and I wouldn't give it up. I used to always go maelstrom for farming but mom is cheaper and seems to provide more for dusa when combined with split shot. I don't go maelstrom at all anymore. I finish off with manta, skadi and then usually butterfly. This build kind of lacks in dmg though. Not sure if I should go for a straight dmg item like mkb, daedulus or abyssal. Or stack more stats items like scythe. Every item ends up being so good on her! I'm also afraid to drop the lifesteal.
I mean dusa games almost always go long so what's a better 6 slot, boots, butter, manta, skadi, satanic, daedulus? Swap daedulus for scythe? Drop satanic for scythe?
For skills I don't know what to do either. Mana shield is so weak early with your limited pool and not needed for farming with mask. Snake is super strong early but hard to hit vs typical offlaners, or at least I suck at landing it with jumps. You only need a couple points in split shot to farm well, 2 is usually enough to start rotating jungle. So should I go stats early? Would it be crazy to go split shot, stats, split shot, stats, stats, ult by 6? Then max snake and shield at like 16? Dusa has pretty crappy early stats and not the greatest growth so those points can really help, but then again snake becomes extremely powerful if you max it early, but then again my playstyle is usually to avoid fights and farm for ~20 mins til I get at least mom and manta.
Also for shits n giggles, gotta love 3k, where enemy team hasn't even heard of diffusal blade