General Discussion

General Discussionmad sad brah

mad sad brah in General Discussion

    Most of y'all players are some uptight royal candy asses of the human race.

    Every one of you thinks you're god damn royalty. That you're owed some kind of special treatment. That treating you like anything less than a special little snowflake is deserving of punishment.

    So if you're the kind of person who feels righteous when you throw a report at someone for daring to speak their mind about the game, and you, and how you're affecting the game negatively. When you need to get Daddy-Valve to come slap me on the wrist because I wasn't nice to your disposition of coping an attitude when I dare tell you that you're wrong. That's okay.

    Because I know you're just deluding yourself into the belief that your rudeness, ugliness, and judgmental tendencies are somehow different from my own and thus justified. That your need to feel superior by delivering a punishment upon me is nothing but a childish concept of justice for the crime of not living in supplication to your ego.

    It's okay. You'll always be safe from me. Because I won't fall to the petty depths of your vindictiveness.

    You just a mad sad bruh
    mad sad as fuck


      u sound mad bro


        if u want to self-approve, then u probably chose kinda wrong place to do it, buddy.


          "Dear Diary - today I posted on Dotabuff instead of writing a diary entry in my tween notebook. I made a mistake, but I refuse to delete it"

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            you sound like those guys who suck dick in game, flame/complain about everyone, and then get mad when they have to play low prio.

            no offense brah


              You guys sound like illiterate inbred trolls. Learn to read and then try again.

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                trolls always get the last word


                  U STILL ON FAIR BRAH?


                    Im not human.


                      best part about this is that you sound exactly like the kind of people you're complaining about

                      10/10 would laugh at again