General Discussion

General DiscussionThinking to try a invoker dps build, but I'm too lazy to do the math

Thinking to try a invoker dps build, but I'm too lazy to do the math in General Discussion

    I just want to know what build would give the highest dps early-mid game between balancing Wex and exort with Alacrity, phase/treads, a possible medallion, and other dps items. Even if the build is not viable I'm just curious what would the best combination for the highest dps, thanks.


      I believe the hero you are looking for is Windranger ;)

      maelstrom windranger masterrace.


        MOM QW invoker seems pretty nice I think but I haven't tried it


          mask of madness QW invoker? i believe the hero you are looking for is Troll warlord


            Think Null, Phase Boots, Medallion, MoM, max out exort, and maybe a Quas value point seems to be the best here.