General Discussion

General DiscussionYear Beast Match Tactics!

Year Beast Match Tactics! in General Discussion

    From what I've seen/heard from my friends with this new event, it's been referred to as Marmite - you either love it or hate it. I've won eight so far (TWO MORE TO GOLD) and lost about 5, with Axe and Zeus starting to pop up more and more.

    Common tactics I've seen are:
    -> When the year beast spawns, rush to make 5-Man mid and desperately r*** the Middle Barracks
    -> Rush Ags Scepter and Refresher with Zeus to make Triple Thunder with the Year Beast
    -> Distract your enemies with the Beast while accumulating Quill Attacks with Bristle
    -> Use heroes like Legion Commander or Beastmaster to Steroid the Beast's attack speed
    -> Put all your points into Combat in an attempt to Finish the game fast - you'll either f*** up easily or win straight away
    -> Use Troll Warlord.
    -> Use Axe.
    -> Heroes with Stuns seem to be very useful such as Earth Shaker and Witch Doctor
    -> Use a healing build for your beast and stack that with Witch Doctor's Voodoo Restoration etc...
    -> Use a minion team such as Brood and NP + Necronomicon to build up a massive Lane Army (Watch out for Earthshaker though)

    Anyway, that's enough of my babbling. Good Luck on your Battles. What have you seen so far?

    bum farto

      Never lost to an Axe, never lost to a troll (except one fluke), never won with an Axe, never won with a troll. Never lost to a push, never won with a push.

      Key things.

      > Play it like a normal match using the beast as a buffer, don't play around the beast play with it.
      > Don't upgrade the beast, a lot of times spending points on the spells is better than getting worthless auras for 5000 (5 zeus ults)
      > Key thing in the game is levels and farm, fight with year beast then farm and level when beast is dead.
      > Create space with your beast and use it to bolster your team fight as they will focus it rather than you.
      > Warlock is garbage as well as others with sniper with a diffusal
      > Lich is good cause of the team fights and also to help increase exp throughout the game, armor for the beast etc.
      > Omni works with heals and spell resist and ult.

      Pick heroes you know how to play, people will pick the "good" heroes and lose cause they think that they can free win without knowledge of how to play the hero. Undying is by far the strongest in the game.


        Dont believe havocs theory shitposts. This is cookie cutter strat. In reality he would lose and come back blogging here like the wimp he is.

        bum farto

          Glad you're still so butthurt I removed you for being high skill 3k garbage. Happy you finally found an abuse you could use after months of looking for it.


            Bedjer y u heff 2 be mad


              cen i hev pusi


                > pick carry or stronk mid
                >farm the fuck out of everything including beast lasthits and kills
                >get more items than anyone else in the game
                >carry the shit out of retards in ur team

                won everysingle game so far doing this


                  I did everything u said and I still lost

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    pick tiny and beast master get bird on clive and throw all dragons on cliff they tp throw them again ezy pzy

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      also u can pick best hero in the game that has awesome aue stun best farming cleave huge nuke as ultimate and FUCKING 8000 DMG NUKE WELCOME TO SAND KING


                        Picked sniper mid 3 times, won all three games.

                        Aquilla, Wand, Phase, MoM, SnY, Mjollnir, Monkey

                        Max shrapnel first, then max range.

                        Beast takes a lot of attention away from you, just shoot from behind. :D


                          I FINALLY GOT THE GOLDEN COURIER!!

                          Optimus Drip

                            axe, kotl,cm,lich or veno, and warlock or undying is my 5 stacks hero choices. we have lost like 2 out of 15

                            Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                              legion seems to do wonders here


                                i dont agree with warlock being garbage, imo warlock is one of the strongest heroes in this mode

                                all of his spells are stupid strong and provide so much control it's not even funny, one full duration upheaval basically ruins every fight and the cast range on it is so fucking far; get a fatal bonds on the yearbeast + heroes and watch as they melt - the ulti and heal are just icing on the cake

                                the strongest heroes for this mode are probably warlock/undying followed by sniper/zeus

                                common tactics are:
                                >win every lane since warlock and undying are fucking strong laners
                                >win every fight because rock, bonds, upheaval and tombstone
                                >push if yb is alive, farm if yb is down

                                this strat takes advantage of the yearbeast allowing you to force team fights, since it pushes towers fast enough for the enemy team to be forced to group up and react (whereas this strat would be countered in normal games by dumping one wave clear hero while splitting farm over the map).

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                                  What I have been doing is: pick 3 stupid teamfight heroes such as witch doctor (maledict on beast OP + death ward and heal), undying, phoenix, then pick troll + sniper, troll is a good frontliner cause he's beefy and has blind (useful against beast), can ult to quickly burst it down, and sniper kills everything from behind with 3 maelstroms


                                    I think my stack is like 7-1 with this strat (no bra71l jokes pls)


                                      Warlock's Golems can be easily countered by using RIKI and PHANTOM LANCER who are heroes who usually use Diffusal Blades, which can be used to kill the Golems in one go.

                                      Omniknight is a Great counter for most Meta-Heroes in the game mode. His ult stops all physical damage (from Troll etc.)

                                      Death Prophet seems to be a good accompaniment for the beast as the beast can serve as a damage wall while Death Prophet uses her Ult and Silence. Bristle works similarly but you would be focused on stalking Quills and using the beast as an attention seeker

                                      Troll Warlord I have seen far too many times!

                                      The people that have messed up the most are people using JUNGLERS such as NP and LATE GAME CARRIES. Most games last about 30 minutes and this mode is all about pushing constantly using the beast as your initiator.

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                                        ^ if you think warlock is about the golems you are sorely mistaken, when I play corelock the enemy team could go five diffusals for all I care and I wouldn't give a shit, also PL is a joke in this game mode.

                                        People need to understand that bonds and upheaval are fucking ridiculous spells in their own right, individually capable of swinging an entire teamfight. sometimes its worth dropping rock simply to land a five man bonds - it literally doubles the damage of spells like wrath

                                        Also, nothing puts a damper on a high ground push like a maxed upheaval - creeps can barely transverse half of the AoE over the entire channel duration... yesterday my team got a five man wipe without rock by simply combining upheaval with death ward

                                        Be ahead and you can out damage even zeus


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                                        bum farto

                                          If you have the cash to pay to win you can go with a max speed 50% chance to refresh beast and then just pound them with warlock ults.


                                            Warlock's OPness comes from the insane range that Bonds work with, usually connecting enemy Beast with a few heroes. Then throw a Zeus ulti on top of that.

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