General Discussion

General DiscussionExplain me that update

Explain me that update in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    - Alt-Right Click move commands now stop on a collision.
    - Added an experimental feature, dota_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse which will quickly repeat right clicks so long as the button is held.


      Just tested it in a bot match:
      Click and hold the right mouse button to repeatedly (maybe 5 times per second, I don't know the rate, but it is fast) cast/issue a right mouse button action, like a move, or attack command, where the cursor lies.
      This is update is awesome since I had to use an alias to my 'f' and my 'a' keys to move and to attack (when I press those buttons it issues the command without me needing to click were I want, it always clicks were the mouse is pointing) because the mouse clicking noise was ubearable.


        so if i press on map and hold it i will continue walking to where i hold my mouse at?


          Forgot to mention, use the comand 'dota_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse 1' to enable auto repeat right mouse click.


            doesn't seem to work on the minimap, only the first click is issued.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              u like right click ranged heroes?


                I prefer them but I like the tankiness of melee heroes too.
                The problem is that I just love sniper all the way back from dota 1, I know he's the worst, but I can't help to attack noobs from a mile away and look at their sorry faces.
                But there are other heroes I like: WK(former SK), Necro, CM, Weaver (it's a beast), Huskar (weak against organized teams, I know), Silencer, Luna, and the list goes on...
                And you buddy?

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I just looke at ur top played and it was sniper wever huskar thats y.
                  I like to play tiny as he can snowball hard core, squishy skillshot positioning heroes like aa mirana enigma, and tanky heroes that just do what ever they want like centaur axe.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    i played sniper when i first started to play but then realized my wr with him not too good, so i stopped


                      omg ynit name bla bla bla :D

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        WHAT ABOUT IT?


                          He's hard to master but eventually you'll get better.
                          I always tought of sniper as a super late game carry but nowadays I try to use him on a semi carry role.
                          I used to level up 'headshot' over 'take aim' then I would get 'stats' and leave 'shrapnel' for last, but now i always max shrapnel at lvl 7, it`s incredible what this skill can bring to the game.
                          In terms of itemization I often get basilius treads wand mjollnir butterfly (put other items as needed), if game doesnt go ez I can get drums and/or force staff for more survivability and to help my teamates (people are going to yell at you first, but when you start saving them and escaping from dire situations they will see that it`s ok) .
                          Positioning and Map awareness are the fundamentals to this hero: where are my teamates, where are my enemies, should I push or should I leave the lane? are a few of the questions you have to be asking frequently...

                          The most important thing to remember is that you`re no good to the team when you`re dead, so focus on staying alive and keep doing dmg, there`s no point in a sniper that always runs from teamfights.

                          btw I had 45% Wining Rate before (when I tried to do the late carry builds). Now I`m at 51% with 36 wins of 62 games in the last 3 months (58% wining rate)

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